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Can Heart Attack Symptoms Come And Go?

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My mom this morning had severe chest pain to the point she was moaning and it was unbearable. she also had nausea and abdominal pain. she was sweating and clammy. She is 42. The weird thing is after a while of having those symptoms they finally stopped out of know where. she still went to the hospital and is there now and had a nother spell of that on the way to the hospital and then it stopped when she got there. she thinks it could have been a heart attack and the hospital is going to do tests on her and a stressed test tomorrow. I am worried though. Do you think she was having a heart attack? and why did it come and go like that?

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Sadly, from a distance, no one here can have an answer for you... however, if she did have a heart attack, they'll be able to tell via blood work and ECG readings. I hope she is feeling well soon!

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Not an expert here but I do believe symptoms can come and go. Good for her that she went to the hospital! Many people tend to minimize their symptoms and not get them checked out. Women also may get different symptoms from the more well known symptoms of heart issues. God Bless and let us know how she is doing. Always better to be safe. I'm sure they will be watching her closely to make sure she is ok.

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