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Beta Blocker Fatigue


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I've been on Bisoprolol for almost a week and the fatigue is unreal! I've doubled the amount I sleep, struggle to get up for work and just have no energy.

Anyone else find they were more fatigued with beta blockers?

How did you cope? Any hints and tips, lifestyle changes etc?

I'm guessing this is just a side effect from starting the med and will subside with time.

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I was on coreg before I was switched to to propranolol. And I had the same issue, I was so unbelievably sleepy. I was probably only awake a few hours a day, and was constantly napping throughout. My doctor kept me on the medicine for a month because it is certainly one of those side effects of bb's, but can also decrease with time. For me it didn't decrease and in fact made me worse and I was switched to propranolol. I had some of that with the propranolol and it went away relatively quickly after my body adjusted to the medicine.

Hope for the best,

Fainting Goat

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I tried three different ones before I found one that didn't have me nodding off all the time. My doc told me he had a long list of betas that we'd just go through til we found the one that worked best for me. So, maybe give your doc a call and explain that you're really tired, he might switch you to another one. Is your blood pressure low while taking it? That was my problem. BP was in the 90s/50s range. I took it for about a week before I called, the second one I took for a couple of weeks, then changed again. I don't remember having extreme fatigue with the one that I take now. My bp reads around 109/65ish on my current med. Good luck!

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Hi LittleOne,

I'm also on bisoprolol. It took me months to get used to it. I wanted to go off it after a week. The fatigue was unbelievable at first - although I was also extremely fatigued before so it was hard to tell how much was the BB vs. the dysautonomia. However, I'm glad I stuck with the med for a few months. It ended up being very helpful to reduce my tachycardia. My fingers are crossed for you :)

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Thank you Tobiano. How long for the fatigue to improve for you?

It's dropped my resting heart reat by about 15 and my bp. My tachycardia seems to have lessened but I still get quite a jump in hr on standing etc so the same is still happening just the numbers have changed. Stil symptomatic etc. But not even a week on it yet so I need to be patient!

I've changed it from morning to evening so will see if that helps.

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Such good advice here about patience and timing of the dose. For the first week I had leaden feet (meaning it felt like I had 30 lb weights attached to my feet and I could barely lift them off the ground)! But it got much better over time. If fatigue is your worst side effect, that isn't so bad, lol!

You should also pay attention to your BP, b/c if the beta is lowering it too much that will make you extra tired.

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BP checked at work today 116/64 (normal for me) so happy with that.

I know, I'm usually a very patient person (I'm a midwife so have to be!) but i've been signed off non clinical at work since October (again I know, lucky to be working etc) and I just want to do my job! But I think part of this is the harsh reality that I may not be able to practice to my full capacity and that's killing me, so I'm desperate for these tablets to work and not make me feel worse!. I've always said if I couldn't be a midwife I don't know what I'd do. Just internal head struggles that I'm sure we all have for our own reasons. Sorry I'm venting.

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I'm on 100 mg of extended release metoprolol. It's awful. My doc wants me to take 50 in the am and 50 at night and so that pretty much makes me a total zombie from 3-6. I stand all day which is why he wanted me to split the dose, so I have some relief during working hours. He says to exercise, and that will make me more energetic, but I don't have the energy to go do it after standing 8-12 hrs. We are discussing a med change at my next appt.

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