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Worried-- Almost Complete Lack Of Thirst


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So lately I've been noticing I haven't been drinking as much, even though I am very cognizant of the fact that I need to be guzzling the fluids. The problem is, I'll look over and see my SmartWater bottle hasn't depleted much over the day and realize it's because I haven't felt thirsty at all. Over the summer I felt thirsty, particularly since it was so hot and humid but I defintiely noticed a drop in my thirst level in September and it's kind of getting lower and lower. I am still using the bathroom pretty frequently but I've been noticing things have been more concentrated lately (every since I was very little I have gotten pain during urination when the urine was too concentrated, pretty much alerting me to dehydration.)

My neurologist wants me to be drinking 80-100 ounces of water a day...a task I have found to be literally impossible, so I try to just drink as much as I can in a day. Lately it hasn't been that much and even the water I'm drinking I feel like I'm having to force myself to take in. This worries me a lot. The only time I really feel thirst is during lunchtime to wash down food, and that's comepletely it.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I'm getting nervous :unsure:

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I hadn't really thought about this until you posted it but unless I am hot I dont crave liquids or water but if I drink something like gatorade (something with flavor) I will keep wanting more after I drink a little. I now drink about 80 oz of gatorade a day. So maybe if you tried drinking something besides the smart water and see if your body craves it more? Just a thought. I hope you find something, you certainly dont need to get dehydrated. Take care of yourself.

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I've definitely experienced this. A lot of the time I don't really get thirsty at all. Sometimes it's okay and I can make myself drink as much as I'm meant to, but a lot of the time I feel like I'm having to force it down my throat because I'm just really not thirsty. I now try to have set times when I will drink a certain amount, to make sure I don't get dehydrated and I'm doing better than I have been previously. I also find it easier if I have a cold drink and then a hot drink to kind of vary it! :)

I hope you find something that helps soon,


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I have thought it strange that I don't feel thirsy. I too can just sort of force it down. Once in a great while when I have had a fair day and stay up a bit late, I will get really thirsty before bed..almost like something has kicked back in and working..then by morning back to the same old.

I don't drink other liquids much due to migraine triggers..artificial sweetners, flavors etc.. but if you can I think it would help you to mix it up!

Even squeeze a little lemon in your water..sometimes I do 1/3 cup pear juice with water. Good luck!

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I get in the same rut sometimes, and it's literally just because I'm tired of swallowing. I also feel I sometimes fill up on liquids, then I'm not hungry, so trying to walk that fine balance has been really hard for me. I was never given an ounce number to aim for with my fluid intake, so that also makes it hard for me.

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I do not experience the characteristic thirst that I'm told most people get from POTS. I have to remind myself to drink, and although it makes me feel better when I do, I don't ever feel extremely thirsty.

There are a lot of times where I don't realize I have not had enough to drink until I'm dehydrated.

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I also had no interest in drinking and could go a whole day without anything. In fact, unless I am thirsty...which is rare, I absolutely dislike drinking water. So now I buy a low calorie fruit drink, and add half water, and then I can tollerate drinking. I also have a very rare episode in the evening, in which I become raviously thirsty, and drink so much it makes me feel sick. Weird.

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I fit this mold as well! I hate plain water and with out MIO I would take in next to nothing. I do get thirsty in the summer but by the time I do I am usually on my way to being dehydrated. Winter is actually harder for me, I have ended up in the ER for being dehydrated while working outdoors in heavy clothes and sweating profusely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I drink about a gallon of spring water a day and I'm never thirsty throughout that time. From the articles I've read, if you're thirsty, you're not drinking enough water (they're suggesting if you stay hydrated you should never really get thirsty).

Before POTS I never drank much water so it was a big change. It's hard to get used to it but if you force yourself to just drink a bunch of water regularly through out the day, it becomes habit and pretty easy. Now I just keep my gallon jug by me and probably every 20 - 45 minutes I'll just take a few big chugs and that's it. Usually if I start feeling icky I'll realize I haven't drank much water and do it right away, feeling better shortly after.

Now, I only drink spring water and nothing else. I used to think water tastes yuck but now I think it tastes incredible and every other liquid is disgusting lol.

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