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Sweating & Super Sensitive To Odors


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I've always been sensitive to odors such as perfumes & chemicals, etc. but it's gotten so bad I can't tolerate my home or anyone in it. I can actually smell my sofa & chairs which have been outgassed for a long time. I have my furn covered but I can still smell it. My DH showers & changes clothes when he comes into the house after being outside. He gets very irritated with me & I understand why. No one can understand how miserable this is unless they experience it.

I sweat profusely. It seems the more I try to eat healthy, no wheat, sugar, the worse I feel. I've been trying greek yogurt because it supposed to be so good for us but it is making my throat & mouth burn.

Yogurt is the only thing that has helped my IBS constipation but I feel it may be the problem with my sweating. At times my throat, nose, tongue & legs burn so bad I take Neurontin at night to try & get some sleep but the sweating continues. Anyone else experience this & have any suggestions that might give me some relief.

I'm stopping yogurt but I don't have many different foods I can eat so can't afford to give up much. Dr is no help. Thanks.

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Hey Alicia,

I can relate to the issues with odors.

I purchased a rabbit air filter and it helps me tremendously.

It was expensive but to me to be able to feel comfortable with the air I'm breathing was important.

The food sensitivity is something I have big issues with too so I think you'll have to really figure out what works for you.

I would be afraid to take it but I'm wondering if a probiotic or acidophalus tablets would work just as well as the yogart for your gut.

I am intolerant to milk myself. I have tried obviously cows but also soy and goat and I react in a respiratory type way.

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Have you tried coconut milk or coconut water. Both are rich in nutrients. Just wondering if your diet is too low in fat. I also use coconut oil in my cooking. My son has a difficulty with constipation, magnesium citrate is the only thing that helps him. Could the Neurontin be causing problems? My son was put on this and it made his symptoms worse. He does not have any food allergies but he eats small meals throughout the day. He is also sensitive to perfume and chemical odors. His vocal tic will start when the odors become overwhelming.

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I am supersensitive to perfumes, hairspray smell, and incense. Incense will trigger a migraine within just a few minutes of exposure. If somebody is jogging across the street and wearing perfume, I can smell it and start to feel nauseous. I avoid the entire floor of any department store that has a perfume counter. I have to toss the "Ulta" catalog as soon as it arrives, before the little scented perfume cards fall out onto the floor. I am okay with most scented candles, however. As for sweating, I sweat inappropriately. I can exercise and hardly break a sweat. Then I can be sitting or sleeping in a room that is like 65 degrees fahrenheit and break out into a sweat for no apparent reason. Other times I am freezing cold, particularly my hands and feet.

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I can't tolerate the dog food aisle or the detergent aisle in the grocery store and I never could. In the heart of my flare i couldn't even tolerate my own shampoo or deodorant. If my kids tried to open their container of Abercrombie and Fitch perfume I could smell it across the house and it would spin me out of control. Smells are huge for me. I used to love to burn candles but I totally gave that up along with any body or bath products. When I'm between flares I use a sulfate free body wash and lotion. I found that eliminating everything totally seemed to increase my sensitivity so as I got a little better I re-added a few little things so my nose would stay conditioned (??). Who knows!!!! This condition always keeps me guessing.

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Thanks everyone for your help. I have an IQ air cleaner now & have had a number of different air cleaners in the past & those don't or didn't help. Things such as coconut oil triggers migraines. I can't figure that one out since I use organic. I must be allergic to the world. Everything that would help the most is something I react to the worst.

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I have really bad outdoor allergies. I tried the shots to desensitize my body, but it made me worse. My family and I live in the country. I do use an air purifier in the living room and this help quit a bit. However, we also have local honey. My husband loves the outdoors and decided a few years ago to put out a couple of bee hives on our place. I have always like honey. It has made a huge difference. However, I started by licking off 1/8 of teaspoon. I built up gradually and my outdoor allergies have improved so much. I am able to go outside more often.

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Thanks looneymom, My DH says honey works for him also. He eats it almost every day. I hate sounding negative all the

time, but I have had bad reactions to honey. After researching as to why, it seems most bee keepers use chemicals to keep things clean & kill mites & the bees are also exposed to pesticides & that would get in the honey. I'm not sure they could guarantee a honey to be organic since they don't know for sure where the bees go.

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When I am in a relapse I also become very sensitive to odors. I always wear perfume, but during a flare I can only wear it on good days as it will make me feel sick and bring on a migraine. Even the tiniest drop of floor cleaner on the mop will make me feel ill.

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Just a thought. Fermented foods can cause mouth and tongue burning (they do to me) so perhaps look for another form of dairy that soothes the gut. There are some on the market here (Australia) that really aren't yoghurts but go by the name of Activia (there's another sort too but I can't recall it's name) and contains the acidophalis (sp?) that helps with gut pain. Not sure if you have the equivalent in the U.S. but my guess is you do.

I sweat a lot but definitely sweat more when I eat foods to which I'm intolerant.

Just a thought,


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Have you had a standing catecholamine test done?

Your symptoms go with both MCAS as well as as a hyperadrenergic state.

Often hyperadrenergic pots and MCAS go together. Hand in hand, particularly with a high NE you'll have a MCAS disorder.

Worth having catecholamine testing done to start. If your NE (norepinephrine) is high, I'd recommend MCAS testing.



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