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Need Advice - Continuous Breathing Issues For Over A Week

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So I have been having breathing difficulties for over a week now and am getting concerned. As usual, my lungs feel like they're made of steel and can't inflate to their fullest to relieve me from this air hunger. This doesn't resolve whilst lying down, and actually was far worse when recumbent this past Saturday. I entertained the idea of going in to get checked out, but didn't since my ER experiences were always disastrous (lack of knowledge of physicians and being labeled 'anxious'). Has anyone suffered from this for this long? Has anyone been plagued by this from the moment they wake up until they go to bed? I am having an echocardiogram this Wednesday and it couldn't be any sooner! In the interim, what should I do My GP is on maternity leave and my cardiologist isn't helpful. Thanks!

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That sounds like a scary place to be. Sorry to hear about the past week. I have experienced this but only during bad episodes, a few hours max, not all day. Lying supine doesn't always help me either - sometimes side lying does.I can't imagine feeling out of breath for that long. The ER decision is always a hard one... is there any other place you could go for help? How are your vitals? 02 saturation? Hope you get some help and relief very soon.

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Thanks Tobiano for your kind words. My vitals are as usual wacky, my BP mostly (super low or super high). My HR is also pretty stable in a POTS fashion of course. I really don't know what to do. This is unbearable at times, but what's disconcerting is the fact that it is not relieved when I lie down. It always did in the past, so I can't help but wonder if it is something other than POTS.

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I used to suffer from that same air hunger in the beginning also. Always felt like I had an elephant permanently sitting on my chest. I did find that Florinef eventually helped alot with the sensation.....sometimes when I am blood pooling really bad in my legs I get that tight chest feeling still. Are you currently taking any meds? Do you know if you have pooling issues?


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Have had same issue on and off for years,got rid of it with regular physio session for my neck,and at home i do some light yoga/esgoscue/ or tai chi exercises before bed,and wake up feeling much better,...things get worse when i neglet my routine,but I have to say that physio on my neck/spine works wonders the day after a session,why? ...no idea!

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Thanks everyone for your replies. My dysautonomia onset was nearly two years ago and I used to have it a lot a the beginning, but then it went away... I do have pooling issues but wear an abdominal binder and waist high compression stockings. Bren, as you mentioned, it is more of a tightness/wringing sensation that comes with blood pooling. I am on Metoprolol and Ativan and have been since November 2011. it doesn't seem to get more intense with activity or positions. I really don't know... It is always with me. Soooooo annoying.

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It might be helpful for you to purchase one of those finger pulse oximeters just to see what your oxygen levels are.

I know it helped me to know that even though I felt short of breath, my oxygen level was ok.

I don't have those feelings all day long though, just for a few minutes per time (but several times per day).

Sorry you're feeling so bad :(

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Not sure if this is the case, but sometimes metoprolol can be responsible for breathing issues - even if you've been on it for a long time and never experienced something similar before. See if your dr agrees to prescribe you another beta (not sure if the breathing problems are the same with all betas?!) or try to go on a lower dose of metoprolol for one day (if possible, but only if you don't risk an increase in your other POTS symptoms) and monitor your breathing. While on betas I did notice some breathing issues, nothing major though - they are all gone since I discontinued them...

I know the ER is not the best place to go to, but if things get worse, you might want to consider visiting them - maybe they can send you for some tests...what about a walk in clinic, if your family dr is on vacation? (this is me thinking 'out loud').



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I am one of the people Alex was referring. To. :-) I did have the tight chest feeling as one of my first POTS symptoms. It continued to get worse over time. When I found out I had mcas, I questioned my use of metoprolol with my immunologist. He took me off of it immediately. My breathing/airhunger/chest tightness improved by 50%. I just started Xolair shots and I can already feel my breathing is a little bit better again even though I don't have asthma. So, I would say evaluate your meds (I also had severe breathing problems when we tried topomax for my migraines.) I find that putting an ice pack either on the back of my neck or in the middle of my back when I'm sitting up sometimes eases my breathing.

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I had a hard time with this last spring. I had allergy testing and they gave me an inhaler and meds for the nebulizer, but neither worked. What helped the most is heating a rice pack and putting it on the lung area alternating front and back, warm tea, and a warm bath. I also make sure I take my vitamin C in the morning and at night ( I had read that somewhere taking vitamin C before exercising can help with breathing issues, so I tried it since my everyday activities are like exercising to me!), and at one point I had gone to my primary doctor and he gave me an antibiotic and told me I could have a sinus infection. I guess the bacteria can give the lining of your lungs inflammation. I would not have connected the two because I didn't feel like I had a sinus infection, although I was having a lot of drainage. That helped with a tough bout of the struggle to breath. Not sure if that helps at all, but that's been my experience. I wish you well!

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