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Symptoms Changing Over Time?


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Has anyone else experienced a complete shift in their symptoms over time? It seems like 4-5 years ago my major symptoms were tachycardia, palpitations, low blood pressure, and lightheadedness.

Now, I am dealing with high blood pressure, visual problems, headaches, and nausea in addition to dizziness/wooziness (which I would classify as different than lightheadedness).

I guess I'm just wondering if this is common, for the symptoms to change and vary so much over time?

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My son's symptoms have changed since the beginning of all of this, with the exception of the nausea(has been there since day one). He, too, had low blood pressure, low bp at the beginning and now both are on the high side. He no longer gets migraines that would send him to the ER to get rid of, no longer has 'licorice' legs or 'heavy head'. His dizziness is almost non-existant. So I think for some people the symptoms cycle through. If we could only decrease the severity of his nausea he could be a functioning person.

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I'm starting to go high too. I'm not sure if its ALL the meds I'm on to raise it or if its happening on its own? My dr said "you're trading one disease for another." That's a frustrating thing, I couldn't function well with meds now we have to figure out why this has changed and I'll function even less wihtou them :(

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When my son was first diagnosed, I thought no big deal. But playing with medication changes the whole big picture. If you have an underlying condition thats unknown and mixed up with POTS this could be one reason why your symptoms have changed.

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I too have had changes over the years. I began with high blood pressure, now it is on the lower side. I have other changes too, but the list is too long. Mine are kind of like yours although I started out with high bp. Don't know if the changes are from meds or I'm just getting used to them and don't notice that much anymore. I also have some new symptoms like, rushes in the early morning, pains out of nowhere, more chest pain, vision issues, night sweats and more. Still, I don't know if these are due to meds or what.

I created a table on my computer listing all of my symptoms and catagorized them by frequency ie: always (daily), frequently (5-6x/week), sometimes (2-3x/week), rarely (1-2x/month) and never/don't know. My goal is to review this list each month and make changes as necessary although keeping original copy so as to compare. My hope is to be able to take this into the dr. for some type of evaluation or at the very least he can see progression/regression.

From what I've read here and elsewhere, symptoms seem to wax and wane. Hope you get some answers soon.


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I created a table on my computer listing all of my symptoms and catagorized them by frequency ie: always (daily), frequently (5-6x/week), sometimes (2-3x/week), rarely (1-2x/month) and never/don't know. My goal is to review this list each month and make changes as necessary although keeping original copy so as to compare. My hope is to be able to take this into the dr. for some type of evaluation or at the very least he can see progression/regression.

Ooooh, this is a fantastic idea!!! I have realized that I definitely need to get more organized about putting together my own "medical chart" to keep and share with doctors. This is a great way to start! Thanks for sharing, I think I'll try something similar :)

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My symptoms started as very low BP, very low pulse and lightheadedness/fatigue. That's since been replaced with a normal supine HR/BP and fluctuating BP upon standing with some tachycardia. It's a welcome change because it feels like my body learned how to compensate for whatever's wrong compared to making me feel like I was about to die 24/7.

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