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Stomach Problems


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I'm not sure what is going on but for the last month my stomach is just not working! I always feel slightly nauseas at somettime(s) throughout the day, I've been that way for years. I had an Upper GI and they found that my stomach digests extremely slow but for the last month I feel like I'm on the verge of vomiting all the time. It seems to be worse if I eat "heavier" carbs (ex: potatoes, rice, pasta, etc). I basically eat rice cakes throughout the day and a little oats in the morning but I have times where I have to be near the bathroom because I feel like I can vomit at any second the the reflex feels like if I burp my throat is going to come out of my mouth (sorry TMI). I eat gluten free which helped for a little while and I eat 5-6 small meals a day and now I feel like I'm going to have to break those up into like 10 meals so that way I don't have so much food in my stomach. Oh and I'm really bloated. Does anyone experience this and if so do you have any suggestions. Now if I drink anything the reflex gets much worse (no matter what I drink, water, Gatorade, soda, etc.). Help please, I feel awful!

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I've been that way for 4 years. I basically live on a handful of cheerios a day or I feel horrible. That's actually how I got diagnosed with pots. Have you had any other tests done? If you've been diagnosed with gastroparesis, maybe you can ask for a motility med. I've tried Reglan but had the side effects so I switched to Domperidone which helps sometimes. But now I can't find a pharmacy to order it from. This is my main and worse symptom. :(

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I was diagnosed with IBS (basically they didn't know what else was causing it so they just said it was IBS), I had an Upper GI and drank the barium and they said it goes through my stomach until 1 certain spot and then it just stops so they had me drink another barium drink (not the smartest decision on their part) and the same thing happened. I have chronic constipation anyway so the thick barium made things HORRIBLE so I had to spend the next two weeks trying different laxatives which did nothing and then drinking Go-Lytle (the jug you drink before a colonoscopy) for two days which helped a little bit. All I was told is that my stomach digests really slowly and that was it. I wasn't given any meds or diet changes or anything.

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I'm sorry to hear that you are having all of those awful gastro issues :( Since you mentioned that you eat rice and rice cakes - just wanted to make sure that you are aware of the recent issues with rice and arsenic levels - someone posted about it awhile back ( http://forums.dinet.org/index.php?/topic/21450-rice-contains-worrisome-arsenic-levels-says-consumer-reports/page__hl__%2Barsenic+%2Brice__fromsearch__1 ) .

I'm not thinking that this is causing your problems, but if you are consuming alot of rice products on top of your existing gastro issues, it may be something to consider.

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I had the barium test and it showed that my stomach digested normally, weird because I can taste what I ate hours later. I've had intestinal issues since birth. I had to take stimulant laxatives for 22 years before I got a colostomy 6 years ago. But even when I didn't have a bm for months, I never felt nauseous. My intestines have no nerves and is basically dead. When I did the barium tests, it didn't come out until almost 3 weeks later (tmi). I swear it's like drinking cement. I'm surprised they didn't suggest a diet or meds. From my experience and reading a ton of forums, small meals, liquid or soft foods are easy to digest. For me that's a difficult diet. I can't have dairy which leaves out yogurt, pudding, milk, etc. No starches so noodles, mashed potatoes, rice. Fruits and veggies are out of the question. That's leaves a diet of.....nothing? It's horribly frustrating. I've called my GI mad and in tears so many times. He thinks it's a nerve problem. I have no idea how something like that is treated. Sorry I can't give more direction.

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JennaC - that is great, can you provide me with some examples of things you eat? I"m a health nut so I tend to eat as healthy as possible so I don't eat junk food often at all and I eat gluten free which now I'm wondering why since my stomach is at the worst it's ever been.

I've been splitting up all my meals today if I normally eat something at 9am I am eating 1/2 of that and then at 10:am I eat the other half and that is helping a bit but my reflex is still bad and my chest really burns.

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My son was diagnosed with gastropareisis in 2009. He was prescribed erythromycin(sp?). I've read others on here that also took that for it. Some said the liquid form worked better for them. That might be something else you might want to check into.

He is also severely constipated and is supposed to take a capful of Miralax daily to keep him regular. He doesn't take it as he is supposed to because it can make him cramp.


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Thank you Christy, I'm desperate enough to try liquid forms!!

I'm supposed to take miralax to but it does nothing for me. I remember a nurse prescribing me a laxative and she said "when you take this, you will not want to leave your house it's pretty strong" and I took it and called her the next day and said "It did nothing for me, I didn't go even once!!" She couldn't believe it. I have weeks of constipation, it's frustrating!!

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I suspect i have gastroparesis an am waiting for the omnipotent powers that be to get around to scheduling a GI series... in the mean time, i am taking Digest Gold from Enzymedica and it definitely helps. I also have not been able to eat carbs except at night for years, and even with the enzymes, i still feel better only eating them when i dont have to do anything for hours. i dont get gi symptoms per se from it-what happens to me is shortness of breath, pounding heart, and what feels like a cramping diaphram.

as for what i eat that helps. fish, lots of fish, greens, orange squashes seem ok carb wise during the day, no protein shakes, bars, etc, nothing pre prepared except the rare DD coissant, and that is much better with an enzyme tab. basically during the day, fish for protein, leafy veggies, avocados, really anything green seems to bee ok, no gluten, no dairy, then at night all bets are off and i can eat what i please as long as i can stay plastered to the couch all night. though i must say, if you find limiting carbs during the day, then dont over do them or anything else you find causes symptoms, because if you do, you will wake up feeling like crap and no matter how well you eat the next day it will be a bust -well everyone is different so maybe not, but ust in case...

millet bread, red rice bread, steevia extract instead of sugar, always mix kefir and probiotics with any milk yogurt i have-which is rare, and only when i forget coconut milk yogurt which is much better, and snag my kids yogurt for a fix. veggie wraps with boston lettuce instead of bread and thai peanut sauce is a great luch... sauteed and then steamed greens of any sort, bitter is better, stimulates digestion, and lots of onions and garlic with them... salmon, lots of salmon... and sushi, i should eat more of it too... it always seems to get my belly moving.

If i can find out which of my latest tcm herbs is helping with motility, ill post it here also. i wont be specific here, pm me if you like, but it has really worked wonders.

edit: have you had your adrenals checked or tweaked with accupuncture/pressure, herbs? i regularly went weekly before steroids and after needed the enzymes, accupunctuer and herbs to straighten me out again...

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Guest mattgreen

Leydengs: I also have gastroparesis as diagnosed by gastric emptying study. It is not nice. Cutting out fiber has helped some. How long have you suffered constipation?

Micheller: Have you had intestinal nerve biopsies? Do you have hypoganglionosis? I also have significant dysmotility -- but full thickness nerve biopsy of my colon came back normal. The nerves are there, they just aren't doing much (perhaps they are not receiving signals?).

Also, arsenic is a common contaminant - the levels found in American rice were below what could possibly be perceived as harmful (and comparable to those found in seafood and poultry). But if you're worried, eat Asian rice.

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Matt, I haven't had much testing regarding my intestines. After my colostomy surgery I just wrote it off and one thing fixed, on to the other. I do know that when I was born I was diagnosed with rectal strictures and I was to get dialated every few years. My mother never took me back in, just had me load up on laxatives, which I think led to the stomach problems I have now. I have asked if a reversal would be an option for me and my surgeon said he could but I'd have the same problem I was having pre-op. So I just left it as is. My new GI has suspected that my reflux is related to slow intestines. Everything just keeps backing up until it has nowhere to go but up. How do they perform those types of tests?

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JennaC - that is great, can you provide me with some examples of things you eat? I"m a health nut so I tend to eat as healthy as possible so I don't eat junk food often at all and I eat gluten free which now I'm wondering why since my stomach is at the worst it's ever been.

I've been splitting up all my meals today if I normally eat something at 9am I am eating 1/2 of that and then at 10:am I eat the other half and that is helping a bit but my reflex is still bad and my chest really burns.

I used to eat oatmeal for breakfast. My GI motility Dr. said that is the worst thing for someone with gastroparesis. Also, I am vegan so I took the gastroparesis diet and modified to suit my habits.

My typical diet now includes:

Breakfast smoothie: banana, protein powder, greens, soy milk and maybe some blueberries (but not when I still has chest pain)

Lunch: stew or soup (when I was very sick, I made sure to do blended, but now I usually eat more stews that are heavier in lentils, quinoa, beans, etc...)

Snack: Apple (apple sauce when I was starting out or soy yogurt,).

Dinner: I eat salads now, but before it was soup/stew again and maybe a tortilla or piece of toast.

Other snacks: juice (Trader Joe's has an awesome green juice), cream of wheat, rice pudding, peaches, pears, nuts in limited quantity

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Thanks micheller - it is like cement and it took me weeks and I would call the doctor in tears because I was so uncomfortable and they would just call in another stronger laxative which still did nothing.

mattgreen - I have always been very constipated, even as a little girl. Thanks for the info, I might try asian rice to see if that helps

micheller - I do know that if you do too many laxatives/suppositories you can get Lazy Bowels which is why I only use suppositories if I have to.

JennaC - that's interesting, I eat my protein pancakes every morning for years (egg whites and GF oats). But if it might help to cut it out I'm willing to try it!! Thanks for the info!!

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Guest mattgreen

Micheller: Tissue biopsies are taken while under general anesthetic, they are used to look for nerve volume and function. If you already know you have autonomic neuropathy then it's probably not worth the trouble.

Leydengs: I also have had constipation from childhood. Which diagnoses have you definitively ruled out? (Great avatar by the way, do you get to the gym much? I miss it.)

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Mattgreen - The only thing I was told was that I have IBS which is just a generic diagnosis for "We have no clue!". Plus anyone I know that has IBS is running to the bathroom, me I just hope to run there at least once during the month!! ** warning TMI - I always can go during my period (the day I start) so that tells me it's hormonal. I have wondered if I have Chron's or Celiac but I'm not a big fan of getting tests done since they are ALWAYS normal so I haven't been tested for it it.

issie - no I haven't tried magnesium, I have really low bp anyway so I'm not sure that will work

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With you saying Crohn's - you reminded me of something else. I have a friend that has Crohn's and he completely has that in check by using Symbiotic Colostrum and Glutathione. Colostrum is known to help with autoimmune issues. When my intestinal issues were so bad ---I think this is the one thing that helped me get back in balance. Also using probiotics--which has already been mentioned. Humm, need to go get some of that Colostrum - there is one that is a autoimmune formula and that's the one I used. (Oh my friend that has Crohn's before he started on the Colostrum had to have some of his intestines removed. He has to watch his diet closely. And the other thing he uses is coconut oil to cook with. He swears by that.)


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Guest mattgreen

Leydengs, yes most who suffer 'IBS' have the either diarrhea or alternating diarrhea and constipation along with abdominal distress. A colonoscopy will rule out Chron's, IBD etc. may be worth it. Pretty simple procedure. Going gluten-free is a very good idea. However I'd think your constipation, like mine is linked to your POTS. It's common enough.

I think in general most IBS cases are FODMAP related (fermentable carbohydrate intolerance more or less).

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I had digestive problems (diagnosed with gastroparesis, gerd, diverticuli, etc via multiple tests including EGD and colonoscopy) all the time until I changed my diet to eliminate my food intolerances and started taking digestive enzymes and probiotics.

I'm currently on a version of the Wahls diet. I'm just not eating as many veggies and fruits as she recommends. I'm not as regimented about my diet as she recommends either. I still eat 98% Paleo tho.

FWIW. Most of the celiacs, definitely gluten intolerant, I know can't handle oats. Either they're cross contaminated or we just can't digest them. Even Bob's Red Mill gf oats are out for many of us.

Currently I'm taking Solgar Pancreatin but Creon seems to work the best for me. Occasionally I'll need a stronger enzyme and will take Candidase or Virastop. Both are stronger than typical digestive enzymes.

Homemade coconut kefir helps too. Most of the time this works better than taking a probiotic capsule.

Ginger tea made by heating real ginger in water can help too.

If I've tried all the above and my stomach still hurts, I can take a charcoal capsule. I avoid these since they pull good nutrients too.

I obviously need a variety of digestive treatments depending on what I've eaten or missing at the time. Over eating will cause symptoms everytime but I just get carried away sometimes. I only need small meals but sometimes, I forget.

Fwiw, I wouldn't take colostrum. It contains lactoferrin and we only need lactoferrin as children. It increases bone growth but I can't think of how to explain it right now. I know because I have Paget's of the skull and all lactoferrin makes it grow. Anyone with Paget's is told not to take this ...

tc .. d

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I would get in to see a motilty dr. I have gastropareis and colonic inerita. Sounds like your digestion is very slow. I take 3-4 doses of miralax a day, dr.'s orders. it is a rough life, hope you can get some answers. A gastric emptying test is what you need and a sitz marker test.

Hope you get the help you need, I know how you feel, it;s awful.

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