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I was labeled exercise intolerant due to my POTS but I've learned if I do things slowly I can usually condition my body to handle it. I work very hard to stay conditioned. Tilt tables are no longer my worst nightmare - although it still shows that I definitely have POTS - I have somehow got used to it having POTS. Anyone else experience this?

I would like to exercise and shed a few pounds. What do you guys do for a form of exercise? I can swim and bike without too many symptoms unless I get hot and then I'm done. I'm looking for some new ideas.. any suggestions would be appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I have exercise intolerance from POTS too. I get dizzy after a few minutes of riding a bike. Dr. Low suggested resistance training on weight machines for about 3 months before trying aerobic exercises. Building muscles in the legs helps the blood vessels to pump more blood back to the heart. Weight training for the arms may make you feel worse though per Dr. Low.

Good luck


sister through POTS

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I'm the weenie of the universe. I just started p.t. and it's very discouraging to see how weak I've gotten. I couldn't swim if my life depended on it, hot or cold. I can't even do the yaz exercises on this site. So guess i can't help, but can't keep my nose out of things either, :( morgan

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I've been strength training for 8 years, and am so happy I have kept up with it.

I have a Total Gym I work out on it about 3 times a week... I have a rebounder that I use every other day.... I also do daily Push ups and abdominal work... I just recently added Qui Gong to my excersie routine and I love it! 10 minutes a day and I feel so much more relaxed.

Keep up with whatever feels best for you, and do it in moderation.... I think the key is to not push so far that you end up overdoing and in bed afterwards..... I usually stop when I still have energy and feel good.....

Good Luck :(

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Hi Gena - I subscribe to Body and soul too!! Love the magazine...yes I saw that article as well! I used some if it along with a CD I bought...It really makes me feel better afterwards. :)

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I am one of the lucky ones who can exercise on most days. I can't do jogging or high-impact stuff, but I do a brisk walk (up and down hills and such) for about a half hour five or six days a week, plus yoga once or twice a week for a half hour, daily stretching, and some light weights once or twice a week.

I like to swim but hate the germs in the pools and all the chemicals. I will go swimming in my sister's pool or in the ocean; that's about it.

Tai chi is a good form of gentle exercise, but if you're looking for a cardiovascular workout, you'll probably have to walk fast or do the bike. You have to do something that elevates your heart rate.

Good for you for trying to get fit!


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