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Legs And Arms Falling Asllep

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I have heard this is a symptom of dysautonomia but its now happening to me several times a day, so annoying and makes getting around that much more of a pain! I know many people use compression wear but geesh I am mid 30s and would like to maintain some kind of style not to mention its over 100 degrees in the mid west right now!

So to my more experienced forum friends, whats a gal to do? Cute compression wear?? Where can I get it? Are there other option besides compression wear?

** Sorry for the typo, the edit won't allow me to fix it

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I understand how you feel! I'm 35, have a pacemaker, and have to wear compression stockings too! I feel twice my age! I even get emails for assisted living, AARP, etc! ;)

I have a Rx for Mediven Medisilk compression stockings 20-30mmHg, knee high, closed & open toe (I have about 7 pairs now! Insurance will cover w/ Rx if you go to home med supply store-they should file it for you). I usually wear capris & Birkenstocks so it doesn't look so obvious, but I know what you mean, wearing them in the hot weather makes you feel worse.

I hope this helps!

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The way my doc explained it to me is our bodies work opposite of normal people-in that instead of our nerves sending the signal to our muscles to contract & raise our our bp's, it actually relaxes the muscles resulting in the low bp. This is why they suggest us wearing the compression stockings to keep our muscles compressed & blood flowing upward.

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ugh, i know what you mean about compression stockings, they definitely need to be more fashionable :) Some sports stores sell sports compression stalkings that are breathable and look a little more athletic like soccer socks. They are quite a bit cooler than the run of the mill ones. Also, if i am trying to wear a dress, i will sometimes switch to abdominal compression instead of leg compression and it helps quite a bit. I just went to JCpenney's and got a little corset/girdle that has a bunch of clasps on it and i made sure it was tight. I have to make sure if i am using abdominal compression though that it doesn't cover my lungs, though because that just makes breathing more difficult and doesn't help the symptoms much. Let me know if you find any other options! Also i am a tingler too. If i try to move around or lower the body part that is tingling below my waist it usually goes away.

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Double ugh. This happens to me all the time (my leg/s - three times in the last hour. ridiculous). I don't mind my arms as much. The dead weight is a bit unnerving, but they never seem to hurt. My legs, on the other hand. OW. owowowowow. Even the slightest movement while they're 'waking up' is excruciating.

I'd never really associated it with POTS, but it makes sense. Unfortunately, I haven't come up with any solutions - compression stockings tend to make it worse for me, especially after I've worn them for a few hours - but I do have some links to the few relatively cute stockings I've come across.

http://www.rejuvahealth.com/ and Juzo colored stockings

Hope that helps!

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Be careful you aren't getting garments/stockings that are too tight.

I've heard both theories-compressing vessels in legs & thighs, and I tried both. I noticed better luck wearing knee high compression stockings, but I know everyone is different.

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