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Super Sensitive Carotid Baroreflex

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Does anyone else have this? Mine is so sensitive that anytime I turn my head my Bp drops and I feel like I'm gonna pass out for a few seconds. It also gets stimulated when I do things like take a big drink of water, or take a deep breath. Each time I will get an intense pressure in my head, my hearing goes out for a few seconds, this is followed by pre-syncope type feelings for a few seconds and then it stops. It makes it really hard to turn around and look at my toddlers in the car. Oh, it also happens if I lean forward, bend over, or look up at the sky. Basically any time I stretch those carotid receptors. I wonder why they are so sensitive?

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I get that, too. I hate the full-head feeling.

Speaking of looking into the backseat in the car, I had to quit turning my head that far because years ago when I would look at my kids in the car, when I would turn my head back to the windshield, I would see a burst of stars(just like in the cartoons!). I do not feel lightheaded at that time, just worried that my vision is going to go.

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yes! I totally get that...in fact I go through these episode where I get severe pain that pulses through my carotids especially the right side....its really painful and scary and makes me feel like I am stroking out....I have noticed though when these episodes happen my BP is swinging really erratically and I am having bursts of adrenaline...but like you I also feel faint with the slightest pressure on them.....very strange...


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Wow Thanks for the post about this, I am bedridden and and I can only lay on my back with my head forward, I have tried laying on my side I am fine if my body is turned sideways but as soon as I turn my head I am dizzy and sick, some days I can't turn my head without getting dizzy and I wondered what it was now I know, because my doctor sure didn't have a clue. I also get the head pressure. I hope these symptoms go away so I can get out of bed!!

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Me too. I read on here once about someone's corotid artery spasming. Mine does the same and the rythym of the spasm is different then my pulse. You are right though, why does looking up do this?

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I just tried something - another experiment. I have this with turning my head too and have lots of issues with my neck. I always blame it on EDS. But, I took my bp sitting and got a reading with my neck straight, sitting still with no movement and did it a couple of times. Then turned my head each direction - left and right - and took bp readings. With my head turned either direction my bp went up considerably - not as bad on the right as the left. Wonder if there is some significance in this?


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That is totally what mine is like! Carotid spasms is exactly what it feels like and it doesnt coincide with my pulse.....it can actually cause tachycardia for me. I plan to talk to my specialist about it as its starting to happen more often and it freaks me out... :(


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My sensations like these are back more towards the back of my neck. Is that what you are talking about or are you talking in the front of the neck?

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