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Your Blood Pressure During Anxiety/vasovagal Presyncope?


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My doctor didn't ever check my standing norepinephrine levels. I've tested my BP sitting and standing they're about the same +/- 5 mm Hg.

But one thing that worries me is that over the past 6 years I've gone to thousands of classes. Each class I would get really hot, really lightheaded, really powerful panic attacks that would last hours. Now I read that things like MCAD and associated panic attacks like these might have high blood pressure. Well I never took my blood pressure during these events but it kind of worries me to think that I might have had years of hypertension that I didn't even know?

So I was wondering if anyone has had some similar experience to me, where they get intense anxiety/lightheadedness associated with certain events - if you've ever taken your blood pressure.


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I've had panic attacks for years. My heart rate gets up to 170 and my BP up to 150/105. Pretty **** high. Doctors never seemed worried about it. The high blood pressure usually comes with the first part of the anxoety and the build up to the panic attack. I wouldn't worry too much. As long as your BP is normal when youre not anxious its not that bad. It's scary of course. But the body can handle a lot. Just keep track of it. Its a scary thought though so I know how you feel.

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Yes. Every day before/ during school I would get stressed and extremely light headed and nauseous panic attack feeling etc. I checked my blood pressure during a few of these episodes and it was normally in the 130s- 150s over 90s.

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This kinda seems dangerous? Like maybe doctors should address this?

I mean I guess POTS people have typical lifespans so maybe transient hypertension <1 hr doesn't dramatically raise cardiovascular risk? I mean in some ways analogous to weight lifters, that during maximal weight lifting their blood pressures go up to 360/300 mm Hg yet they don't seem to die due to cardiovascular events more than the general population.

I don't know. My TTT said I had BP around 140 and that somewhat mimicked how I was feeling, but I had vasovagal stuff going on with my HR dropping by 50 bpm and my BP rising by 30 mm Hg for a few seconds.

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When someone has a heart attack what actually happens? Sorry if that's a dumb question but I really don't know. :) Could blood pressure spikes like the ones we have been talking about really cause a heart attack?

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Yes and no. The heart can beat irregularly to the point where its so irregular and fast that its not even pumping properly and sometimes the heart can just stop. It really depends. I'd Google heart attack to fully understand what happens but any doctor I've gone to says the chances are beyond low and no one has had a heart attack from a panic attack. they're just scary. Not deadly.

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Heart attack means one of the four coronary arteries (blood vessels that supply blood to the heart) becomes blocked so the heart tissue begins to die. This is usually due to atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries caused by high cholesterol, inflammation, high blood pressure, or diabetes.

Cardiac arrest is what happens when your heart goes into ventricular fibrillation. It flutters such that it isn't pumping blood anymore.

Pots heart is a fast heart beat not related to ventricular fibrillation. The heart rate can go above 300 bpm and maintain blood supply but it gets dangerous there. Most pots patients are under 200 bpm

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I believe that is true julie. I've had my optic fundi checked and there isn't any evidence of hypertensive retinopathy which I believe correlates to normal cerebral vascular system since your retina is under the same autoregulation as the rest of your central nervous system.

Still it is odd. My bp sitting is like 115/70. Odd to think I can be hypertensive.

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My son has NMH/NCS. During his TTT, his BP increased little (if at all) while he was experiencing acute anxiety prior to his faint. He reported many symptoms- very anxious, nauseous, lightheaded throughout the test- yet his BP and HR remained stable. At 35 mins. his HR did climb to 140BPM immediately prior to a precipitious BP drop (to an immeasurable level) and he fainted and barfed simultaneously :blink: .

According to his ANS doc at Hopkins, the patient intuitively knows an episode of syncope is imminent (massive adrenaline release), despite the fact that vitals often remain stable. You may not be experiencing hours of unstable BP.

"Now I read that things like MCAD and associated panic attacks like these might have high blood pressure." I'm a little confused, MCAD is not associated with panic attacks, nor do I think you are experiencing them. I suspect that you are experiencing cardiovascular collapse that can give you a panicky feeling prior to syncope. This is different from a panic attack. In some with MCAD, the BP temporarily rises to compensate for the drop in BP. If you are hypertensive, which you may not be, it's probably a temporary compensatory mechanism.

When that happens in class, try shifting around, crossing your legs, squeezing your thigh muscles, etc. Sometimes counter-manuevers like these can help.


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It's definitely anxiety attacks. Or maybe perhaps vasovagal attacks without the syncope. (I do sigh A LOT) I don't get flushing which I think is preeminent in MCAD, also my excerbations occur during anxiety provoking situations like being forced to sit down in a classroom where I can't easily leave. I think with MCAD they're just random attacks. It has a lot of of the same feelings of an anxiety attack. I don't actually pass out and I've tried all sorts of things like the counter maneuvers or what not. Nothing really seems to help. Xanax helped a little bit (very little) actually it really didn't help at all, probably was just placebo effect.

It's not much of an issue now since I graduated. Hopefully with exercise I'll get better in this department.

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Sighing can be indicative of improper PH in the body. Maybe check that out. There are foods you can eat that will change your bodies PH and that in itself can make a difference in how you feel.

I have really high bp's at times - 168/117 and my eyes hurt really bad when that happens. I've had them checked out and there doesn't appear to be any damage to them. The blood pressure rises give you a sense of anxiety. So, which came first - the anxiety or the bp rise. I think allot of it is interwoven and connected.

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Yay- graduation! There's so much overlap in symptoms. I still think what you are experiencing is physiological as opposed to psychological. For whatever reason, autonomic stuff DOES worsen in stressful situations; still not a panic attack. http://helpguide.org/mental/anxiety_types_symptoms_treatment.htm

Many with NMH, NCS, vasovagal syncope- NEVER pass out. My son never truly had a complete faint, just repeated multiple daily attacks of pre-syncope that always began with that anxious feeling you are describing. Dr. Peter Rowe, at Hopkins, made it very clear that Mack's symptoms were physiological in nature (caused by the massive adrenaline release that preludes the pre-syncope) as opposed to psychological weakness of some sort.

I read about your exercise program. Very cool. :D I have had a similar improvement. I run 4-5 miles every other day. IF I am having a bad day, I still complete my mileage- just go slower. Like you, I lose my improvement if I miss a run. Fast walking on a bad day definitely helps maintain my progress.

I suspect you are right & that the exercise will further stabilize you.

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Yay- graduation! There's so much overlap in symptoms. I still think what you are experiencing is physiological as opposed to psychological. For whatever reason, autonomic stuff DOES worsen in stressful situations; still not a panic attack. http://helpguide.org...s_treatment.htm

Many with NMH, NCS, vasovagal syncope- NEVER pass out. My son never truly had a complete faint, just repeated multiple daily attacks of pre-syncope that always began with that anxious feeling you are describing. Dr. Peter Rowe, at Hopkins, made it very clear that Mack's symptoms were physiological in nature (caused by the massive adrenaline release that preludes the pre-syncope) as opposed to psychological weakness of some sort.

I read about your exercise program. Very cool. :D I have had a similar improvement. I run 4-5 miles every other day. IF I am having a bad day, I still complete my mileage- just go slower. Like you, I lose my improvement if I miss a run. Fast walking on a bad day definitely helps maintain my progress.

I suspect you are right & that the exercise will further stabilize you.

Haha, ya I think we're going to have to run for the rest of our lives. Burn off the norepinephrine and other instigating hormones.

Beats taking a pill though.

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I would not say that anxiety is psychological weakness. I've had it for years and I actually feel quite strong psychologically, because I have put up with more stressors then the average for my age. Also, anxiety doesn't have to have a psychological only cause. Over activation of the SNS causes anxiety that is both mental and physiological and that is a fact.

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The surges I experience are an uncomfortable arousal without the mind anxiety. They are not psychological. I have measured my bp a few times during these events and during one of the worse surges bp was unreadable - the cardio acknowledged this would be the case. Wish i had pressed for more info. I had a nose bleed last week and after sitting for 10 mins bp was 174/102far too high but gp said it was okay so long as it was not sustained.

Jangle i also think it's best to keep an eye on it. The Florinef has probably pushed my average up but at least i don't get the spikes and I think it is during these that it happens.

I used to run and swim not sure how anyone on this site manages it - the chest pain stops me and still trying to get answers for that.

Best thing probably to keep eating garlic, beetroot etc for bp and keeping blood thin with bromeliad/pineapple etc

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