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Opionions On Mayo Clinic In Az And Dr. G


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A wonderful person on this forum gave me the name of Dr. G at Mayo clinic in Scottsdale and I was able to get an appt for January 3rd! I am so thankful as I have gone 2 years without a diagnosis and told i can't get into vanderbilt till May. I was hoping others who have been diagnosed there and maybe by him could share with me their experiences? How long was your visit and did they do testing right away? i'm nervous because i'm coming from across the country so I would need to get everything done in one visit. Thank you!!!

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I just got back from Mayo Scottsdale because I've been having seizures due to my very low BP. They ran all of the autonomic tests again, because it had been a year. I've been to both Rochester and Scottsdale, because I like my doctor so much. Since I live in Tucson, when he moved back to AZ from MN, I was very happy. Truly a special doctor who cares and listens. Rochester is good too, but Scottsdale was 80 degrees today. : )

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