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Valium Or Ativan


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I have never been able to take drugs in my life & now I'm desperately trying to find something I can take to calm my nerves & still function. I have been able to a small dose of Ativan but I always end up with a headache. Because of Meniere's, Dys, seizures, allergies, I have a dental phobia that is paralyzing me with fear. I need root canals & I don't know how I can sit through it. Being put to sleep is out of the question for me. Would you share with me what you find works best for you in these situations. I can't tell you how great is to have this forum. Thanks.

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Hi Alicia!

Sorry to hear about your upcoming root canal! I had 4 wisdoms pulled last year and that was horrid!! Personally I would be lost without my ativan 0.75mg daily and 500 mg of magnesium......magnesium has great calming effects....was suggested by my neurologist for migraines.....helps my nerves more than the headaches lol!


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The last two root canals I had they offered me music. I had actually brought my ipod and noise reducing earbuds, and I had copied a meditation CD that I own onto the ipod. They also gave me a blanket for my legs (it was a bit chilly). Between those two solutions I was pretty good, but I always have been for dental stuff. Still, if you can't tolerate the meds, or even if you can (I use Ativan from time to time myself), it's worth a shot just to calm you down. The noise reducing earbuds or noise cancelling headset are great because they help tune out some of the sounds of the drill.

Best of luck!

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How about a little nitrous oxide? I got it all the time when I was a kid. I don't know if it applies to your procedure (or even if it's used anymore) but it made the whole world look rosy to me for awhile :P Your dentist would probably have great options. I mean, practically everybody who comes in there is scared to death! They're used to it.

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I understand that Alicia.

I was asking the nurse therapist I went to which benzo was best and she had a cow all over the place and got so uncomfortable as if I was a drug seeker. She started saying I needed to stay away from controlled substances.

Well it sounds as if many people here with problems with regulating the chemicals in their body just with activity do well with a tiny dose of benzo daily. I don't find that so odd or horrible.

So depending on the health care provider it can trigger them either way-we can't take certain things due to chemical sensitivity but because of the way our bodies behave to have a benzo can actually increase ability to function normally.

I'm a bit surprised that the two people I have seen who say they have other POTS patients aren't more aware if that.

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Thanks lieze, I am so sick of myself because I can't take med's. Most of the dr's I have had in the past hated to see me

coming because they knew whatever treatment they tried on me ended up being a disaster. Once I over heard my fav

dr. say to her nurse "here comes the woman that is allergic to everything". I never went back to that dr.

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How horrible!

I have had the same problem with my weight loss. I was desperate and seeking help and so scared because I've gotten so thin.

They shake their head as if to scold me as if I did it on purpose.

Hello? I'm so scared and here for help.

I got totally the opposite reaction as what I needed at the time.

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Hey guys: I've had experience with xanax (alprazolam), ativan (lorazepam), valium (diazepam) and klonopin (clonazepam) Also, i was studying pharmacy, and worked in one for 4 years too. In my personal experience, i have listed these in order of the least impact/effectiveness for me to the best effectiveness for me (as listed above in my first sentence)

Leize is correct.... docs go freaking crazy if you ask for one of these meds, as they are benzos and can be addictive. Xanax didn't do it for me... made me dizzy and didn't even seem to touch my anxiety, phobias, panic. Ativan for me, was like taking water... i literally could take 10 and get nothing. Valium and Klonopin worked best for me as anxiety, panic, etc are waaaaaay out of hand for me since I was very little. If you need something short term and can handle a valium or half of one (for the dentist procedure), valium is what I would choose. As valium was always quick to calm me, but if i took a whole 10mg, id be a tad sleepy, but not bad. So, i personally would take a 10 mg tab 30 mins prior to a dentist appt and then i would be fine.

However, since feb this year, I've been back on Klonopin twice daily, as it is the mega of the benzos. One of them is like comparing a few valiums to it (id have to look it up to correctly compare it). It works a little slower, so, for short term dentist visit, it prob wouldn't be the best..... but it stays in the body much much longer than the others, as it has a long half life, therefore delivering the med all day long.... so to speak. It has been a life saver for me.

Each of our bodies work differently, some of us don't tolerate the klonopin like i do, but instead stick with xanax, or valium or ativan. If you are looking for something just for the dentist appts, my suggestion would be to see if your doc or dentist would prescribe 1-3 valiums, for procedures, start with half of one and see how it makes you feel and maybe take the other half with you to the dentist appt, and take it if you feel you needed the other half. If you are looking for something long term, then a honest heart to heart talk with your doc is needed (hoping he/she has an open mind and isn't a turd about things.... lol) as, depending on how long term you need it, then a more potent benzo like valium or klonopin, might be ideal. Keep in mind, klonopin is very hard to wean off of, if one decided they needed to. I, personally, am ok with having to take it forever, as i do not have addictive type tendencies and can skip a few doses, in order to not develop a tolerance, so that I am not increased in dosage. Smarter doctors, will wean klonopin users off with valium and taper down, which makes the weaning off a safer and more controlled process.

Im rambling on now...... hope this gives you some insight??? In all honesty.... i would describe my anxiety, phobias and panic as in an 'intense 24/7' catagory since childhood (i used to chew my fingers till they bleed due to worry/anxiety/panic, and more...) ...... and due to that intensity all day and all night long for all my life, valium and klonopin have worked the best for me. Valium for dentist procedures or short term..... but klonopin i found was exactly what i needed as a part of my daily meds..... as it has tremendously calmed down my fears, irrational worrying, anxiety, panic and phobias. I do still have panic modes and some anxiety, but no where near as much as before.... and since feb..... i feel as if i can breath again, in a literal sense and in a 'mental/psychological" sense. I am by far not perfect, but have made improvement in that one area, which had made dealing with this disease so much better.

much luck to you!!!!


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Thanks tennille, That a lot of good info. I've only taken Ativan when I'm really stressed. I may ask the dr about

Valium again. I tried it once & it also gave me a bad headache. If I took 10 mg of Valium I would never wake up.

I take 1/2 of a .50 Ativan so far. I'm not sure there is enough of any sedative that will calm my anxiety about the dentist.

Thank you very much.

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