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Is Anybody Worse This Week?

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Naomi I can totally relate to you.....not sure where you live but here in Ontario we are having one of the worst heat waves ever and it is wreaking havoc on my POTS. Like you my head pressure and dizziness is brutal!!! I have actually stopped my Florinef because I find it is making things way worse with this heat....retaining way too much fluid. I havent taken any the last 2 days and feel much better...will start again when heat settles down...Do you find in the heat you retain more fluid? are you taking florinef also?? staying extra hydrated of course helps....like we dont suffer enough without the heat lol



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I seem to have picked up some type if respiratory infection and just out of the blue I get real short of breath these past couple days...it also made me feverish and went to my head and I was in a real fog...had some sort of mental lag yesterday when I moved my head it just felt like all brain activity was coming to a stop along with a pressure feeling and a fog all at once...it was a bit scary...

I don't know where in the world I picked up a respiratory infection in the middle of summer...I don't remember that ever happening before.

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I cannot handle being outside. It is 117 right now (heat index). The air is so heavy.

Actually I notice that any temp over 90 I feel like I cannot breathe well--get a heavy, glue-like feeling in my chest often. It is scary b/c I don't remember feeling this way when I was younger. I chalk it up to POTS and hope it is not bc of something else...

Hope everyone is able to be indoors and with A/C. In some parts of the country the heat and ozone is really quite dangerous for many people.

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I live in Pennsylvania (Bucks county) and have also been feeling much worse this week. I am short of breath even without a respiratory infection. I feel more tired and more achy even when I am in the house which is most of the time. I attribute it to the weather. There was a feature on the news last night saying that everyone's heart rate gets elevated by the heat, so that is not good news for us who already have elevated heart rates. I have difficulty recovering from short trips outside.

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Living in the deep South, this is exactly why I stay home most of the time from June through September. The heat and humidity are awful! Because of POTS, I don't sweat anymore, and it really worries me that if I get caught outside(like our car's a/c going out), I honestly think I may not make it. I believe it would be a true life-and-death situation for me. So I stay home, with my two central a/c s, a back-up generator for my handy window unit.

The last hurricane I stayed home for, the humidity was more than your average hot, humid day. In fact, it was so humid in the house, our wallpaper was curling! When I walked out of my a/c bedroom(run by a generator because of the electricity being out), I had a very hard time breathing. I kept asking my family if anyone else noticed it was hard to breathe and they all said no. So, that part has to be due to POTS.

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Yes! This week has been horrible! My allergies have been horrible, so I've had tons of the head pressure and dizziness. I was so worried last night that I would have too much vertigo to get up this morning, but after a cocktail of allergy meds and vicks vaporub, I was able to get up this morning :) I just ordered an air purifier for my room and am hoping that will help. I agree that the heat makes this way worse too but as long as I'm inside it's not horrible.

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just wanted to let you all know i'm thinking of you. here in the netherlands (and norhtern europe) we have lots of rain and low temperatures. i think you'd like to change places! hope everyone will make it through the heat wave and become nice and cool real soon!

take care,

corina :)

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HA ~:P I feel like a prisoner and they say the heat has broken here I'm drinking Healthy Shakes Margarettaville style in bed ~ I need some excitement here ~ I go back and forth from here to facebook, watch hulu, I think I'm going C R A Z Y in all this Heat ~ I had a doc appointment last week when it was 102 out they picked me up 3 hours early then I had to transfer to another cab and then the doc took me early and I had to still wait 3 more hours for the cab to come back. It was about 1 hour each way. Crazy!!!!! :blink: That was a wasted trip.. doc didn't even look at the chart my doc sent ~ How do you read when you flip pages ????? :lol: Oh yeah I would really trust him !

I was told it's going to get worse so I can't even go anywhere. I feel so trapped ! Family is away on vacation, by the way, What is a Vacation????????????

OK, I feel better now ~

love you all ~

BellaMia ~*

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