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What Was Your Health Like Before Pots?

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For me, I did have some symptoms that add to my POTS now. I had frequent urination at night (like 4-10 times!) I had very low blood pressure (it never bothered me though and certainly not as low as I sometimes get now). I would try to never take naps during the day because when I'd wake up I'd feel really, really bad (like the way i feel now with POTS!!!)

When I would wake up in the morning it was nearly impossible for me to go back to sleep. (adrenals?, I dunno)

Insomnia, horrible insomnia.

What about you?

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I was always tired, just assumed I was anemic. Could not tolerate the heat in the summer (im in arizona). Insomnia also, but I was normal besides that. I could tolerate alchohol, went out with friends, worked, went to school. Then I hit 18 and compltely crashed and was bed bound. It was really fast.

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I had several of the ones you mentioned pre-POTS. Frequent urination at night, very low blood pressure, weird/bad feeling after naps, always tired/low energy, couldn't tolerate the heat, sensitive to the cold. Then in highschool started getting weird dizzy/surreal feelings, had a hard time focusing my eyes (to read for example). Then in 1997 was hit with a barrage of neurologic symptoms - thought it was protracted withdrawal from benzodiazepines (maybe it was). Then in 2006 hit with the adrenaline/rapid heartrate/chest pain/breathing symptoms - I think this was the start of POTS for me. I don't know if all the other symptoms were pre-POTS (dysautonomia symptoms) or totally unrelated.

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I had insomnia for four years prior to the dysautonomia. I used sleep medication(Lunesta)which worked for two years and when it didn't work anymore I was switched to Ambien and that worked for two years. Then after that it didn't work as well and I started waking up every hour or two. Then came the tachycardia, no appetite, dry eyes and fatigue followed by noise and light sensitivity and exercise intolerance.

As a child and in my forties I had asthma and frequent urinary tract infections through my adulthood.I also had uterine fibroids and had a hysterectomy when I was 52. No other health problems. I'm 62 now.

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I was "normal" until 28. I began having anxiety/panic attacks and at the same time, developed a white streak in my hair. I now look back and know that I spent the following 18 years with bouts of low blood sugar that would cause the anxiety/panic. I took tricyclic antidepressants for about 10 years to control the panic. It helped me sleep. In the daytime, I could take a short nap, but would wake up in a panic, literally shaking, and would gravitate to the kitchen and eat something sugary. It would get rid of that awful feeling(still no clue I had low blood sugar!). I had never known a diabetic, so had no clue what low blood sugar was like. Anyway, eating like that, I put on 40 lbs. over the years.

At 40, I was beginning to read up on thyroid issues, as I had lost alot of energy. I had an average blood pressure my whole adult life of 90/60, but I had plenty of energy to do whatever I cared to do. With the losing energy, I spent years having my thyroid checked, found Hashimoto's. My levels were near hypo levels, but never could tolerate ANY thyroid meds. They would make my heart race and I would get sooo hot. I finally had the thyroid removed due to compression, and am now stuck on the bare minimum dose of thyroid meds, because a good dose still makes me have tachycardia and MORE heat intolerance.

I have not slept well for probably 15 years. Initially, the antidepressants helped me sleep, but then got off of them. Then, ended up on Xanax for sleep, and I still use that.

I quit driving before POTS, as my eyes just seem to act like a drunk person. They won't stay focused on what is in front of me.

Then POTS hit. I am still a fatigued-but-alert(or, wired but tired) person, I still get low blood sugar, but now I can't stand up for long, absolutely no heat tolerance, and I can't handle alot of excitement.

Both before and after POTS, I really am healthy, with an excellent immune system. I don't ever get sick.

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Looking back had symptoms since high school--maybe even earlier? Always had some level of exercise intolerance, although mild, in elementary through high school. Just chalked it up to not being an athletic type. Had fainting or near fainting episodes as a teen through early 20's and episodes of feeling "weird". While in Africa in early 20's started noting more marked exercise intolerance and palpitations. This mild level of symptoms continued until late 20's when developed more significant symptoms and was diagnosed with Hashimoto's. I thought it was Hashimoto's causing the symptoms b/c once my thyroid levels normalized I felt a good deal better. POTS became full blown at age 33 with my pregnancy. Never went back totally to my mild level of symptoms since then, although definitely highly functional most of the time.

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My health was pretty good until all of this started. I mean, I couldn't complain. I have had GI issues since the birth of my children (I started young at 18). Always chalked it up to a bad belly ;o) Tried to fix it myself. Stopped eating dairy & it helped tremendously for a while; then stopped eating any kind of meat or fried food except fish. Seemed to help again for a while.

I have ALWAYS been excercise intolerant.... people thought I was a complete wimp. My own children make fun of me :P

I was diagnosed with Cervical/Uterine Cancer at 35 and had to have a hysterectomy. The weird thing was prior to being diagnosed I had this Fever that would not go away. I had it for 7 months. Sometimes it would get a little better but sometimes it was over 102. On the day of my surgery 99.2. My temp always runs low but the surgery was necessary obviously. Low Grade Fever continued after surgery until 6 weeks after ended up in the ER with temp of 103.6. I had an abcess inside on my New Cervical Cuff. (sp) Anyhow, 7 days of intense antibiotics and a 7 day stay in the hospital and finally things were a little better. Still had the low grade fever and sometimes it rears it's head to this day. Over the next 1-2 years my GI issues intensified. It was found that my Gall Bladder was bad. During one of the Gall Bladder testings they gave me morphine which we now know I am severely allergic to. Throat started to close, HR went through the roof, couldn't breath, hives all over my body and huge ones at the IV site. They had to bring in the crash cart because my heart stopped. Don't remember much of it...but the symptoms to a lesser degree w/o the hives are what I get now. The Gall Bladder came out a few weeks later. And then the POTS symptoms seemed to start and progressively get worse. And here I am at 39 :P

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I've always had low pressure, but my father did as well so I attributed the low BP to hereditary factors. Whenever I would take a hot bath, I always began dizzy and my heart would race, but, once again, I just thought it was due to my low pressure. Of course for years prior to POTS and Chronic Fatigue, I was always fatigued and never felt well.

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