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2 Hour Glucose Results


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Just got my results back from my 2 hour GTT, and not sure I am making sense of the results. I am more than a little freaked out as my grandfather died due to complications from diabetes. Insight, anyone?

Time Glucose Insulin

fasting 79 <2

30 min 178 did not compute

60 min 152 73

120 min 148 65

My GP said she is actually more concerned about the insulin response than the glucose, but I don't like either!


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I have a family history of diabetes too. I did a 3 hour GTT and had similar glucose levels to yours at the 1 and 2 hour mark, but dropped to 37 at the 3 hour mark. Unfortunately they didn't do insulin levels on me at the time. I heard the same thing about it being "pre-diabetes" and they did send me to an endocrinologist. My PCP gave me a monitor to use while waiting to see the endo. When the endo saw my record of my sugars he was not worried at all and didn't even want to do a A1C because he seemed so confident it wasn't pre-diabetes.

He did order another glucose and insulin and said a low insulin with a low fasting glucose is good. He would be concerned if there was a high insulin level with a low fasting glucose level.

Do you have reactive hypoglycemia? I know we've discussed that topic on this forum and it seems many of us do. Maybe just another facet of this lovely ANS dysfunction we all enjoy so much. ;)

Of course everyone is different, but for me anyway, I've dodged that bullet for now.

Good luck. Let us know what you find out.

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I don't understand this whole pre-diabetes thing too well myself. What got me started on that path -- was a med I was on once is known to cause diabetes....because of that the doctor did a hba1c 5 years ago and it was 6.0

I was put on Metformin and it never changed the hba1c....it remained 6.0

So they took me off the Metformin -

Then out of the blue I get small fiber neuropathy causing painful feet....began about two years ago. Now just this year it's getting pretty bad and moving up my legs and my hands hurt too - same kind of pain....


I just did a 2 hr. GTT --- my fasting was 118 I believe and my 2 hour was 118. Diabetes means the fasting is over 126. No one did an insulin test on me yet. I wonder if I need one?

Maybe my neuropathy has nothing to do with my sugars. I have no idea. But wow if it is from my sugars....poor little nerves are really angry from sugars rather mildly elevated for a few years.

Anyway the doc said to lose weight and to exercise...latest research shows this to be more effective than Metformin for those that are overweight such as I am... and exercise is good if you are any weight at all for blood sugar control.

Not much help - but this prediabetes thing may not be as harmless as it sounds -- if SFN is from that. Ouch.

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I have similar results in the first two hours, but between the 3rd and 4th hour, I slip down into the 40s. You said your doctor said he was more concerned with your insulin levels--what exactly was he concerned with?

I have lost 26 lbs. since January by giving up almost all sugar. It is a new way of eating for life for me. It keeps me from the wide swing rollercoaster, but it hasn't completely gotten rid of my lows in the morning. I eat every two hours to keep me from dropping.

My feet used to "burn" while in bed, with them propped up while reading. I don't know if this was neuropathy or what, but I can say I don't have it anymore since last year!

I'd still like to know what concerned your doctor regarding the insulin.

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On the natural websites I've seen, they say you should never go above 140 any time after eating or drinking that solution for the test. That's what I personally aim for. I find that natural websites are more about preventing disease and diabetes from even starting, rather than reacting after the fact which is what mainstream medicine does in this country.

Without ranges on those insulin results, I have no idea if those are bad or not. If the doctor is concerned because they are high that means your pancreas is putting out insulin, but your body isn't sensitive enough to get the blood sugar levels down. That's insulin resistance and your test is proof that even if your fasting numbers look good, everyone should be getting at least a 3 hour GTT done to see what their levels are postprandial.

This can all be controlled with a good diet. I'd buy a monitor and see what foods give you the most BS spikes and avoid them. Good luck.

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I'm having the same problems with small fiber neuropathy that started out of the blue 6 months ago and is in my feet and hands. If you want to, we could PM or email. It would be nice to have someone to relate to.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments, have been having soooo many complicating issues that I have been too sick to be on for a while. My PCP is more concerned about the insulin levels because at 2 hours it was above normal range (max is 55 at 2 hours), which indicates that my body is not metabolizing insulin the way it needs to. She was less concerned about the blood sugar because she said there are any number of things that can elevate sugars, but the insulin level indicates a serious issue. She is reluctant to put me on metaforin, because I tend not to tolerate a lot of medications well. So she is recommending that I try to manage it with diet and exercise.

Interestingly, this came about after I mysteriously dropped close to 20 pounds, and I was on the low side of normal weight range to begin with. I have also developed some really nasty GI issues in the last two months, and I'm seeing a GI specialist at the Cleveland clinic tomorrow. My neuro at the Cleveland clinic is also evaluating me for porphyria, as if I didn't have enough trouble! The bloodwork came back negative, but apparently the urinalysis is more precise, so I am turning in my 24 hour urine sample tomorrow. Have been having HORRIFIC abdominal pain, along with alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation. My nausea is so bad I am having considerable trouble eating. I am just a hot mess at the moment!


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Thanks for the comments, have been having soooo many complicating issues that I have been too sick to be on for a while. My PCP is more concerned about the insulin levels because at 2 hours it was above normal range (max is 55 at 2 hours), which indicates that my body is not metabolizing insulin the way it needs to. She was less concerned about the blood sugar because she said there are any number of things that can elevate sugars, but the insulin level indicates a serious issue. She is reluctant to put me on metaforin, because I tend not to tolerate a lot of medications well. So she is recommending that I try to manage it with diet and exercise.

Interestingly, this came about after I mysteriously dropped close to 20 pounds, and I was on the low side of normal weight range to begin with. I have also developed some really nasty GI issues in the last two months, and I'm seeing a GI specialist at the Cleveland clinic tomorrow. My neuro at the Cleveland clinic is also evaluating me for porphyria, as if I didn't have enough trouble! The bloodwork came back negative, but apparently the urinalysis is more precise, so I am turning in my 24 hour urine sample tomorrow. Have been having HORRIFIC abdominal pain, along with alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation. My nausea is so bad I am having considerable trouble eating. I am just a hot mess at the moment!


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Sandy, the reason I initially asked why your doctor was concerned with your insulin level was mine was more than double yours! I can't remember the exact number, but my insulin was around 160 at the two hour mark, along with a glucose of 180.

Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble. I hope your new doctor can do something!

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Thanks all! The trip to the Cleveland Clinic was somewhat disheartening. The doc kept focusing on my emotional mental state, and ascribed my pain to being neuropathic/abdominal wall pain. Sigh. Part of me wants him to be right, because I would love to have an easy solution for once. But my labs have been so funky I can't write everything off to being all in my head. He did order some testing, we'll see how it goes.


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Just got my results back from my 2 hour GTT, and not sure I am making sense of the results. I am more than a little freaked out as my grandfather died due to complications from diabetes. Insight, anyone?

Time Glucose Insulin

fasting 79 <2

30 min 178 did not compute

60 min 152 73

120 min 148 65

My GP said she is actually more concerned about the insulin response than the glucose, but I don't like either!


I had a 2 hr glucose tolerance test as well, but then they found out that I had gastroparesis (slow stomach emptying) and that explains the blood sugars. My 1 hr blood sugars were 214. But my A1C is 5.1 which is really good. So it would depend on your A1C levels. Otherwise, I'd look into gastroparesis.

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