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Sudden Weight Loss?

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I have been battling some kind of viral thing for the last couple of weeks. I have had sore throat, coughing, runny nose. My BP has been really low throughout, and my HR has been unusually low (for me anyway) too. BP has been 90/60 or so, and my hr has been in the 70-80 range. (My usual ranges are 110/80 for bp and 100 or so for hr.) I have also dropped about 14 pounds. I have been very thin most of my life, but shortly after my POTS dx i started gaining weight, eventually adding 35 pounds. So while my vanity is delighted to be dropping these pounds, my doc is very concerned. Any thoughts?


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It could be a change in your diet. Maybe you're just not eating the same as you were before your virus. I've lost about 10 lbs. the last few months but I'm attributing that to my divorce, clipping coupons to save on groceries, being depressed and just trying to save money on groceries and only buy what's really necessary. I have to cut back somewhere so it's groceries. It's hard not knowing if you're going to have enough money to pay your bills every month and I worry about that so that doesn't help. And the depression comes from seeing that my x-husband has just easily gone on with his life while I barely get by.

So, if you're not eating the way you usually eat and if you have some depression, that might be a reason for your weight loss.

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I'm guessing the virus along with everything else could be causing the weight loss. I know with POTS, when I'm going through a really rough time I always seem to lose a few pounds. Since being diagnosed I lost 11 or 12. In my case though, I'm dizzy all the time so I feel sick in my stomach more..and I don't really want to eat. Plus, everything I do is so difficult, my body just feels like it's doing a workout when I'm trying to do everyday things lol.

I have no idea though..it's just my guess!

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My appetite isn't too bad, but it is not great either. But the combination of the weight loss and my low BP has my doc really concerned. I have called Dr. Grubb's office a couple of times now and have yet to get a response. Which is kind of par for the course. I ADORE Dr. Grubb, but his office his not always great about answering questions in a timely fashion when my primary care doc is trying to figure out what the heck to do with me. I am seeing my primary for the fifth time in two weeks tomorrow, am getting kind of desperate, afraid I am going to land in the hospital again. And Marni, divorce is really tough to get through, but I promise it is much easier than trying to battle your husband and your illness. At least now the only person's needs you have to concern yourself with are your own. Hang in there!


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