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Dr. Goodkin

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So, I just recieved a message from Dr. Goodkin that he can no longer see me because the practice he works for won't let him treat patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. They told him that it is too risky as far as medical malpractice lawsuits go. Did anyone else who sees him get this message??

I don't even know what I'm going to do now. Dr. Goodkin was the ONLY person who gave me any kind of hope as far as my condition goes. He was caring, considerate, and compassionate about treating those with this debilitating illness and he made me feel like I wasn't alone. He had such a passion for what he does. I just can't believe it.

I've been doing horrible lately and I'm not sure who now I can go see in my area. Do any of you know of a good POTS doctor near PA??

Ahh, I'm so sorry for my venting it has just been a rough past few months & this news could not have come at a worse time.

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WOW, sorry for the situation you are in . "Medical malpractice" for treating POTS?=LAME.

More likely there is not a lot of money in it and takes a lot of the doctor's time with pts :angry:

so the rest of the group was not happy.

STINKS for you....hope you can get somebody else to help you out.

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I'm so sorry this happen to you. ~(((((((((((I'm sending you a great big hug)))))))))))~ With this new health care it worries me what will happen to me and my doctors. I should say any of us who are declared disabled and put on medicare after working our butts off for most of our lives. I'm afraid more and more docs are going to stop taking different insurances now and our care will change. Last month my son got dropped from his primary care.


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I suspect it is a money issue, meaning, "not cost effective" to treat patients with POTS. It's not a money maker:it's a money drainer. That's my uneducated guess.

I suspect many of us might wind up in the same boat. I'm sorry to hear about this. I'm bracing for a change in the quality of my healthcare as well.

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I'm not so sure about POTS being a money drainer for the doc. He still gets his co-pay and insurance payouts if you have insurance. If you don't have insurance, then he'll still get paid soon:

From NY Times summary of Health reform plan:

If you are refused coverage because of your health, you can get insurance from a new high-risk pool.

The pool will be established within six months and will operate until 2014, when insurance companies can no longer refuse applicants with pre-existing health problems. Annual out-of-pocket medical costs will be capped at $5,950 for individuals and $11,900 for families.

What we don't know is if there is a "high-risk pool spending limit." AKA healthcare rationing for those who cannot be "cured." I know it has been discussed. I think that lean times make lawyers hungry and more eager to sue. I really don't think that we aren't profitable, we are just difficult...so why bother?

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So sorry to hear this news. It's hard when you lose a caring doctor because they are such a rare find.

I don't think it's a lack of profit thing either. We could generate lots of revenue with all the testing we go through, pace makers, loop recorders, high priced prescriptions. Other problems many of us have that POTs is secondary to generate a lot of profit also-----orthopedic surgeries, neurosurgery, physical therapy, more high priced prescriptions ect.

I just think the cascade of problems that can come from POTS, EDS, and related issues chase doctors away who aren't really in it for the passion for helping patients, but rather the "title" or the money. One resident doc that works at a local hospital near me said doctors don't want to work with dysautonomia because there's no money in it. Obviously he has no idea about all the cascading problems from ANS dysfunction, and can't relate on how much revenue can be generated by us.

I hope you can find someone who is just as nice as this doctor you're losing.

Big Hug to you.

Maxine :0)

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  • 2 weeks later...
:rolleyes: Oh goodness, I hope not!! I just started seeing Dr. Goodkin about 6 months ago because I was looking for a POTS doctor in PA. I didn't get any kind of message about him not seeing POTS patients anymore. I have an appt scheduled on May 28th. I really hope he's still seeing POTS patients because it's so difficult to find a caring, knowledgeable doctor. Thanks for the update. Good luck!!
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I also see Dr. Goodkin and my next appt is scheduled for July. At this point I have not received any phone call or letter letting me know this information. What kind of notice did you receive? I go to PA from VA and cannot make the drive myself so my family has been taking me. I saw him for the first time last Oct. then again in Jan. and since it is such a distance for me to come, we decided to go 6 mos. having me return in July. I do really hope for all of us it is not so because he has helped me more than any doc I have seen.

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How awful. I'm so sorry to hear this. One of my POTS drs did tell me a few months ago that a lot of hospitals don't want to treat POTS because "it's not a money-maker". Majorly ***** to hear that from our end!!

I live in Wilmington DE - 20 mins south of Dr Goodkin and am happy to chat about who I see. I have an EP in DE & POTS neuro in Baltimore. I haven't been able to find another POTS dr in Philly, but in a town with so many good hospitals there must be someone! Can Goodkin reccomend someone new? I'd think he'd have to at least have in idea for all of his patients - he doesn't sound like the kind of Dr to leave people high & dry. Pm me if you want to know who I see.

best of luck to you. (((hug)))


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