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Amalgam Fillings In Teeth

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Hello everybody,

Just wondering how many of us have amalgam fillings in their teeth.

The symptoms of amalgam toxication are matching many of the ANS / POTS symptoms.

I wonder because it was always very common in Germany to use amalgam as a filling and

i still have a few. I also remember a man in my village being very sick about 15 years ago.

He had so many neurological symptoms and had to use a wheelchar. After he took the fillings

out he recovered very quick and is a healthy man today.

I just searched the internet and found out that there is a test where you have to chew

chewing gum for about 5 minutes to find out how high the toxins are that are released

by the amalgam fillings.

Do any of you have amalgam fillings as well??? What do you think?

Thanks a lot


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i had a bad episode of what i now know is pots when i was sixteen. a year later i had to have a filling, and i opted for a white one due to the amount of sore throats i was getting at the time.

thats the only filling i have and i experience a bads pots crash last year, they finally diagnosed pots.

i think they do metal fillings do affect some people, like peanuts do to allergy sufferers.


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Hi Carinara,

I wondered about this too and decided to have my fillings replaced in the hope that my symptoms might improve or go away. Unfortunately, it didn't change my symptoms at all. I'm still POTSy....Wish I had something different to share with you about it.


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Only have 1 filing-- a white one. Never had any sort of metal filing.

Everyone reacts differently to metals and toxins in their body. Like with anything some people can tolerate exposure, or more exposure to different things. I know someone that was soaked in a mining substance but walked out of the ER the same day but one of the people that only had brief contact with the substance on his clothes and person when they were decontaminating him almost died of organ failure the next day with poisoning from chemicals/metals in the substance-- the government is still failing to regulate this supposedly "safe" substance.

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I have 5/6 large amalgam fillings that I have had for years.A while before my POTS diagnosis my mum persuaded me to order a urine test that she has read could diagnose CFS.It measures some kind of process going on and my results were a strong positive for this.

I called the lab to ask advice on what I should do next and was very surprised to be told by a Doctor there that I should first have all my amalgam fillings removed as they could be causing this neuro toxic process.

I have consulted a dentist regarding this, but then read that there are some implications with local anasthetic and POTS so have put it off until I see my POTS specialist.

I would be interested to try the gum test in the meantime if you could provide the details.

I wonder if it could be a factor and will of course post if I get any improvement once I've had it done.


PS. The removal has to be done under a special process to prevent any further mercury getting into your body.

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article on amalgam fillings from Quack Watch


the above article also cross links to many other scientifically valid articles verifying the safety of the fillings.

Personally, I have a few amalgam fillings--and they are not the cause of my health concerns; my genetics did that for me.

My stepfather is a dentist, and if anyone is exposed to the amalgam dangers it would be him, but he's perfectly healthy and in his late 50's now, so he's certainly had a lifetime of exposure without a single problem.


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Guest tearose

Although the literature was saying "not to worry" I had some serious trigeminal pain, started having extremely sensitive and painful teeth and had many filiings from cavities filled over 40 years ago. I did have my mercury laden fillings all taken out. All of them! I had an amazing find. Under many of them, I had a cavity. I do think that it was a good thing for me to do and I am sure no one has studies the effect of decaying teeth under the old mercury fillings.

Unfortunately I also needed root canal but I am not having the pain I use to get. It may not have healed my POTS but I know it won't contribute to making it worse at least.

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I've had a lot of exposure to amalgam fillings and it does seem to correlate with times where I was getting progressively worse and worse. Now I have other health problems (adrenal insufficiency), so I can't say that all of my problems are strictly POTS. I finally decided to have all 8 amalgams removed about 2 years ago and started detoxing. The detoxing program was too hard on my body because I was yet undiagnosed with adrenal insufficiency. I really think heavy metals play a role into all of my illnesses and not just POTS.

Quackwatch is known to just deny anything that might be remotely hazardous to your health. I have a hard time taking anything from that site. I always ask myself these questions when I look at a website like that. Who stands to gain most from this info/cover-up of info? Who are funding these studies? etc etc

Nowadays children and pregnant women aren't supposed to get amalgam fillings. I believe that went into effect last year some time. Well I had a ton of amalgam fillings as a child, but since that recommendation wasn't put into place until recently, does that mean it was safe back then? Obviously not.

Everyone is different with how much exposure they can take before it causes problems.

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I had so many fillings in my teeth since I was 7 years old. Over the years, they have needed to be replaced as they have been cracking. I really think that with so many people having amalgam fillings, and are healthy, it's probably not connected for most of us. But it doesn't hurt to have them slowly as fillings do get old and when they crack, it can expose you to a small amount of toxin.

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