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I am sorry I've been complaining a lot lately about bitter taste in mouth & nausea, strep throat, sinus inf etc. I've had a temp for a couple days & still haven't eaten much the last 7 days & with hypoglycemia that can be dangerous. I got up this a.m. & tried to fix me some toast & coffee & blacked out the 3rd time. First 2 times I made it to the table but last time I woke up on the floor now I have a headache. I must have sweated a lot because my table had wet spots on it & the kitchen looked like a war zone. I had turned the syrup over & it run all over the cabinet, my french toast was burned to a crisp & I'm about to pass out again. I guess this is gross but I knew I had to have food so I run my finger thru the syrup on the cabinet as I started going down again. I happened to see a slice of pear left from last night & grabbed it. This was like a horror movie as I was going thru it. I don't know how much of that was dysautonomia added to a temp. I couldn't call 911 because I couldn't get to the phone & if I had they couldn't have gotten in the house. The worst part is I finally found what might be causing the bitter taste. Someone told me that is asymptom of a stroke. So here I sit no neurologist, don't feel like driving & if I did wouldn't know where to go & everyone out of town at work. Do you all have MRI's after you pass out & hit your head? This just gets better & better. Thanks again.

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I am sorry I've been complaining a lot lately about bitter taste in mouth & nausea, strep throat, sinus inf etc. I've had a temp for a couple days & still haven't eaten much the last 7 days & with hypoglycemia that can be dangerous. I got up this a.m. & tried to fix me some toast & coffee & blacked out the 3rd time. First 2 times I made it to the table but last time I woke up on the floor now I have a headache. I must have sweated a lot because my table had wet spots on it & the kitchen looked like a war zone. I had turned the syrup over & it run all over the cabinet, my french toast was burned to a crisp & I'm about to pass out again. I guess this is gross but I knew I had to have food so I run my finger thru the syrup on the cabinet as I started going down again. I happened to see a slice of pear left from last night & grabbed it. This was like a horror movie as I was going thru it. I don't know how much of that was dysautonomia added to a temp. I couldn't call 911 because I couldn't get to the phone & if I had they couldn't have gotten in the house. The worst part is I finally found what might be causing the bitter taste. Someone told me that is asymptom of a stroke. So here I sit no neurologist, don't feel like driving & if I did wouldn't know where to go & everyone out of town at work. Do you all have MRI's after you pass out & hit your head? This just gets better & better. Thanks again.

Sorry about what your going through...the taste can be from infection also medication depending on what they put you on. Fortunately I'm not the completely passing out potisy so I'm not sure about the MRI thing. I'd call your doctor and if you can if your very worried just go to the ER and they'll give a MRI probally, especially if your suspecting a stroke it matters how long you wait call ambulance if you can't drive. But call your doc 1st, because I don't know how many signs you even have for a stroke. Hope u have some answers and relief soon.


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Do you have any doctor that you can call? I know how horrible it is to go to the ER, but do you have a neighbor or someone who can drive you to urgent care? It sounds like you might need some IV fluids if nothing else. And yes, it's a good idea to get your head scanned if you've had a bad fall.

Last week, I started having worsening chest pain and other new symptoms. It's always good to get any new symptom checked out asap if it could be indicative of a more serious problem. It was a good thing I went to the hospital because I had apparently suffered some heart muscle damage, and I found a good cardiologist as a result of my hospital stay.

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Thanks for your support. My PCP is out of town & our ER is a joke. The ER is full of people with non emergencies. That's why I have a hard time making a decision to go to a dr, there's not one that understands my problems. My throat is getting some better & I am drinking more liquids & will have to force myself to eat b/4 this happens again.

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You are one stubborn gal :) . I can relate and sympathize with the bad ER, BUT that's exactly where you need to be. You probably should have someone look at your head because of the fall. All of your other symptoms should buy you an admittance so they can run tests. Fainting 3 times over a short period of time, not being able to eat, etc. all need to be evaluated. I've been as sick and felt exactly the same way....The problem is if you decide to wait for your PCP to come back, you may have to wait weeks or months to get in with a neurologist, etc. You get admitted and you get the neuro on duty. Voila!

Don't freak out too much about the bitter taste being a symptom of stroke- could be many things. look in the mirror and smile :P if both sides go up, it's not a stroke. That being said, you are having an emergency. GO TO THE ER. Either get a neighbor to drop you by or call 911. I've even taken a taxi :( that's another story...

I'm sending lots of good wishes, hugs, and prayers. Post when you can!


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Get yourself into the ER as soon as possible. What you're experiencing is nothing to mess around with. If it turns out to be nothing - great - but you must get yourself checked out! Please let us know how you are...

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I finally got my hypoglycemia under control but talked myself out of the ER. My reasoning for not going was, if I can't take the med's they give me why bother. I was better by the time DH got home. He brought me a bag of candy in case this happens again. I can not go without eating & not expect to faint. I've still got strep to deal with so I'm attempting the antibiotic again today knowing whatever side effect it causes there's nothing I can do about it until it wears off. Thanks for your help.

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Aside from meds, they might help with hydration, electrolytes, etc. Maybe some modest glucose IV if measured to be hypoglycemic or even some vitamins if they are going low from nutrition challenges. Those things can help your body battle the illness itself... and screening for serious stuff can be wise. If you can manage it safely, an urgent care clinic is a good idea. Places always give me a couple bags of saline IV, even if everything tests normal since I tend to have O.H. to some extent at most times. Even just some saline could give you a boost for a while. If you are having serious challenges, then even a horrible cold or flu can merit a hospital stay to keep in a safe environment while recuperating. It seems like overkill but it is not and is understandable when conditions merit it.

Have you managed to get some nutrients lately?

Is there a chance that I.V. antibiotics would avoid the bad response?

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Thanks everyone! I know I must be better today because I noticed what a mess my house is. I've managed to change the bed & get a few things done & didn't pass out yet. I can tell my throat is some better & my fever has gone down. It is a shame I don't trust our ER here but they don't know what to do with a patient that is not normal. I mentioned to my PCP about taking IV antibiotics if I needed them & he shrugged me off & said, "oh, we'll find something you can take" without going that route. Hope everybody has a good weekend.

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It might be wise at some point to get he MRI of your Brain. I'm glad your feeling better, and hope you continue the antibiotics. With strep throat it's especially important as Strep can damage your heart if left untreated. Usually with a stroke you feel weakness on one side, have slurred speech, ect.

Having that fall could have caused an injury....


I had it last Christmas. I couldn't believe it, as I haven't had it sine I was 12 or 13 years old-------37 years ago. B) I was so sick I felt like my body was splitting, but this last time my throat wasn't as sore, so that's why I wasn't sure I had it. I thought I had a flu of some kind becuase I had a high fever. On Christmas morning when I had orange juice it felt like I was swallowing razor blades. We went to ER on Christmas as that was the only place open. I had a positive culture for strep.

I hope you get the MRI.

In the meantime-------------BIG HUG.

Maxine :0)

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