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Despite all the struggles with our health I'm sure we all have lots of things to be thankful for. Please list a few things you are thankful for. Please join in too, Aussies and Britts!

1. Dancing makes my symptoms go away.

2. I have an awesome job with amazing coworkers and friends.

3. This year I discovered an incredible neurologist and this forum.

4. I have an appetite at Thanksgiving time this year and I intend to use it!!!!

5. There is a holiday centered around gratitude and food.

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What a terrific idea. I am grateful for:

1. Friends and family

2. Good books

3. Warm socks and bathrobes

4. Soft sheets and fuzzy blankets

5. Having a sense of humor!


Happy Thanksgiving, all!



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Thankful for a place to come and feel "normal" because we all experience and understand life with POTS. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't know anyone else who had this illness. I think of all the people who had this illness before doctors knew what it was and before computers, etc. People who lives in times when there wasn't power, who didn't have heaters or airconditioners, and so many things that aid in helping us cope with our symptoms. So I'm thankful for all the advances in technology and in the medical field and for all the people who made these advances possible.

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I am thankful for my family and friends,for the good days where i can stand up and feel well,for the fact that God is always there for me in times of need,and this year i am thankful for having met so many wonderful people in this forum.I wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving.Thank you all for your support and invaluable advice.It means the world to me!God bless you all.


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Thankful for:

1. 4 beautiful, healthy, energetic kids.

2. Great family and friends who help me keep up with my babes!!

3. Each day I have to enjoy my life!

4. DINET support!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!


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Keratosis pilaris.

For years, I thought I was so unique and special (champion heart racer and all) and through this forum, have come to the dismal realization that everything I do from how much I sit, stand, and the type of exercise I do and the food I can eat is shared by a few people or everyone on here.

Keratosis pilaris (not terribly severe) is the only thing about my body that seems unique to me on this board. :)

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I missed this post as my friend's son Anthony was laying in icu on Thanksgiving and is still needing special prayers~

Thankful for finally getting a dx. and while on this medical journey understanding I must let go and let God as only he knows what the future holds~

Happy to have found each and everyone of you. There is a reason we are all here together~

A sweet loving dog, a camera and laptop~

Nature, nice people, neighbors who care~

Kids, mine, grand babies, all the little kids I have had the pleasure to teach, learn, and hopefully given a more enriched time while in my programs~

So many wonderful care takers, doctors, nurses, friends, and family who all care for me~

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Sorry I'm so late! But I'm SO VERY THANKFUL for

- all the help and strength I've received from all of you on the forum!

- the new dvd to help POTS awareness,

- my mom and friends who have helped me so much,

- my three beautiful adult children!

- a diagnosis so I can stop thinking I'm going crazy,

- hope for better days ahead,

- strength and love from God!

To a better year for all of us!


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