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Terrible Morning


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Yet another symptom thread from me, but my body is going weird at the moment. Woke up, felt awful while lying there (eyes couldn't stand the light, head was already starting to thump, really wanted to go back to sleep) HAD to get up and started very slowly trying to get to my feet, got the usual crazy head, heart thumping, POTsy feelings then suddenly stomach cramps and soiled myself right there and then. I ran to the toilet and cleaned myself and felt like I really needed to lie down. I went back to bed and lay there for ten minutes, deep breathing, felt fine again. Decided to try to get up again, went through the entire process again, soiled myself AGAIN, but now have just stayed standing up. I feel terrible. Is this sympathetic nervous system/POTS? It is only upon standing up that this happens!

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I went through a 2-3 month period where I would have incontinence with my bowels like that. I would always be standing, and then I'd suddenly have to go - and it was too late to get to the restroom. How embarrassing! My neuro thought it was related to my POTS, and thankfully, after about 5 or 6 episodes it hasn't happened again. It can signal some other CNS difficulties/diseases, though, and like sue 1234 said, perhaps Addison's. If it keeps up, I would definitely check into it.

Good luck,


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Thanks for your replies guys.. I've always felt I had an affinity with the symptoms of Addisons but doubted it when I got diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos (as EDS became the "cause" of everything) rather than anything else.

Jeez, I am so fed up of feeling like this... nausea...pressure behind eyes...stomach ache... dizziness.. blegh.

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I have had this happen and it is scary and horrifically embarrassing. I don't have any good insight, my doc says I do not have addison's. But I commiserate with you!

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I never had this type of accident until I had POTS. I've had it once (in the car! it was awful!)...just wouldn't hold.

I think it was a combination of my eating habits of the week (not as good), some extra stress, and just the whole digestive issues we sometimes have.


No fun. I didn't think I'd have to deal with that type of thing for oh, 40 more years?

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Guest tearose

I get this horrible reaction at times. It comes mostly when I am exposed to wide changes in physical activity or changes in temperature. It happened just three weeks ago in a supermarket...I never thought I would share this...

Well, as it happened, I had to help take one of our cars to the repair shop. On the way home I decided to stop into the supermarket and get a few items. I don't usually have this brisk activity this early in the morning. The activity and the abrupt change of my body going from the warm outside to the cold supermarket was all it took to send me into an abrupt and irreversible process where just as I sensed the need to use the restroom...oh no, I lost it all in my pants. I was mortified. I had to flee to the restroom and find a way to clean myself up real well. Not one of my better mornings I have to say. I was ever so glad to get home to do my laundry and take a bath.

Now, if I think I will be exposed to these changes, I am more inclined to wear protective panties. I also have a change of clothing in my car trunk.

It is amazing that some people just never have to think about the things we are always managing. Digestion, elimination, walking, standing, temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, hydration, sleeping, activity, rest, cognition...

best regards,


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I'm so glad some people get it. I feel more "in control" of this whole illness if I feel I've got symptoms in common with people. Somehow it makes them more normal for me and I don't feel as sorry for myself as I would if I thought I was the only one!

Thanks for replying.


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