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Hi all,

I've been lurking for awhile and decided to take the leap and join you.

My name is Lisa, I am from Columbus, Ohio, 37 years old and a mom of 3.

I am a patient of Dr Grubb, as is my sister, 2 cousins and a nephew. I became ill suddenly in January 2003. It was pretty much like running into a brick wall. I went from being a go-go-go person to being unable to crawl to the bathroom.

After bouncing around from doctor to doctor and then to cardiologist to cardiologist, I was eventually dx'd with NCS, POTS and CFS. The cardiologist originally prescribed florinef, atenolol, potassium, and a variety of SRI's. I am extremely sensitive to meds and wound up in the hospital barely able to speak, unable to write my name etc. I was finally able to get in to see Dr Grubb in Oct of 2003. He changed the meds to Adderall, Florinef and Potassium. What a miraculous combination that was! I was able to get off disability and back to work for six months or so. But eventually those meds quit working. So now I am struggling to work 3 days a week and am basically in bed the rest of the time. I'm getting really frustrated and just want my life back. My next appointment with Dr Grubb isn't until January and I can't find a doctor in the Columbus area that has a clue about how to treat any of this stuff. So that's my story, I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and learn from you as well.


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;) Hi Lisa, Welcome to the website. I am pretty new to joining in also. I hope you start to feel better soon again. I have mvp, POTS and EB- Atleast you have a doctor like Dr. Grubb, I wish I had as good as a doctor here in NJ that knows as much as Dr.Grubb does about POTS. I have heard alot about him on this discussion board.I am on lots of meds, have some good days and some bad, but am happy to be here after spending lots of time in the hospital back in 2002. Anyway, hope you have a good night and I'm glad you took the plunge to finally join in to the forum!!!!!!!!!!! Beth
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Hi Lisa and welcome. Before long you will come to know everyone and the give and take of information is so incredibly helpful. And, on those days where you feel bad and just need to vent, it is always safe here, as we do understand. DINET is a great support and you meet a lot of nice people from around the world.

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Hello and welcome! My family is from Columbus so I am familiar with that area :o I hope that we see you here often posting and sharing stories- its such a wonderful place to come for support.

It's great that you've already been to Dr. Grubb- I have never seen him personally but have heard that paying him a visit is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Good luck in finding a regular doc in your area...I just moved and had to do the same thing myself :)

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Guest veryblue

hi lisa...I became ill all in one day in Jan 03 one night after basketball practice...but I never got bad and stil play sports...and I'm younger 20...21 tomorrow! Happy B-day to me! I'm going to get so wasted so I figured I'd ask you today vuz I'll be too drunk tomorrow...do your sisters, niece and cousin see Dr. grubb because of autonomic problems as well?

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Welcome Lisa!

My name is Lisa also. I live in Louisville, KY. I got POTS and CFS after a horrible mono infection. I've been sick now for 2 years. Time flies when your sick and having fun! OK that sounded weird but I do live a meaningful life. I definitely have days/weeks where I'm discouraged but the Lord has blessed me with a wonderful husband and family.

How are you hanging in there at work? It must be really difficult to give so much of your energy to work and then have to sleep the rest of the week! I can't imagine how frustrating that would be!

Welcome again! Have a great day!


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hi lisa...I became ill all in one day in Jan 03 one night after basketball practice...but I never got bad and stil play sports...and I'm younger 20...21 tomorrow!  Happy B-day to me!  I'm going to get so wasted so I figured I'd ask you today vuz I'll be too drunk tomorrow...do your sisters, niece and cousin see Dr. grubb because of autonomic problems as well?

Yes they are all being seen by Dr Grubb for autonomic issues. It seems to run rampant in our family. My mom and grandmother both have autonomic problems as well, even though they don't see Dr Grubb. I am hoping my kids don't have these issues but unfortunately my 13 year old is already exhibiting signs.

Happy Birthday to you! And thanks all for the warm welcome


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Hi Lisa,

Welcome. I am posting on this forum for my daughter who is 28 until she is well enough to sit at the computer and post for herself. (She is finally starting to come along from her recent relapse). I (we) joined 3-4 weeks ago. This is the greatest place to come. There are a lot of really, really nice people here. You will find that there is incredible support and a great deal of information.

Take care,


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