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My Headaches Are Always In The Same Location


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Does anyone else have this correlation where your headaches always seem to develop in the same spot? It doesn't seem like it is always the same reason for the headaches but they always develope on the back left side of my head and sometimes the left side over my ear.

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Does anyone else have this correlation where your headaches always seem to develop in the same spot? It doesn't seem like it is always the same reason for the headaches but they always develope on the back left side of my head and sometimes the left side over my ear.

ALWAYS, never changes place, just intensity. Left side, back of skull, up and over the ear to behind the eye and deep inside the ear. I think it is the trimengial nerve or the occipital nerve or both.

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Does anyone else have this correlation where your headaches always seem to develop in the same spot? It doesn't seem like it is always the same reason for the headaches but they always develope on the back left side of my head and sometimes the left side over my ear.

ALWAYS, never changes place, just intensity. Left side, back of skull, up and over the ear to behind the eye and deep inside the ear. I think it is the trimengial nerve or the occipital nerve or both.

lol thats funny we have it in the same spot! Does your ear ever feel wierd on the inside? Like clogged or something?

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Yes, I get headaches/migraines in the same spot. Mine are located at the base of my brain, my cerebellum, and into my upper spinal area. That area is also painful to the touch. When I get these headaches, only prescription pain killers will help, and they can last for weeks. Hope yours aren't as long-lasting!


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Yes, I get headaches/migraines in the same spot. Mine are located at the base of my brain, my cerebellum, and into my upper spinal area. That area is also painful to the touch. When I get these headaches, only prescription pain killers will help, and they can last for weeks. Hope yours aren't as long-lasting!


I've had mine every day for over 3 years.

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another strange thing id like to add too this pretty much all my pain is on one side. I get back pain burning type pain as if acid reflux or something on the back left side of my chest, soemtimes chest pain on left side, also sometimes abdominal pain on left side, like i feel my digestion make sounds on my left side too. Anyone else like this? Except my throat pain is usually both sides.

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I've been getting headaches in the same location as well. Usually too, the vein/artery that runs near the temple is completely indented. I've found that taking a sudafed calms it down. Aspirin, advil nor darvocet get rid of it.

I've wondered about the sudafed and it's effects on the adrenaline. I'm still waiting to get more testing to find out what variant I have. The salt loading didn't help me much and the beta's were making the hypertension worse. I'm taking 5 mg inderal only to keep the heart rate down.

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I get a few different types - ear pain and back of head pain are prettymuch daily issues.

I also get migraines which are always one-sided and based on my left side - but I pray for the pain to start because my auras are truly hellish... I also get daily optical migraine aural things - flashing lights, tunnel vision, visual snow constantly for like years...

Betas making the hypertension worse? You have postural hypertension?

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I get a few different types - ear pain and back of head pain are prettymuch daily issues.

I also get migraines which are always one-sided and based on my left side - but I pray for the pain to start because my auras are truly hellish... I also get daily optical migraine aural things - flashing lights, tunnel vision, visual snow constantly for like years...

Betas making the hypertension worse? You have postural hypertension?

yeah doc said my postural was hyper

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I get a few different types - ear pain and back of head pain are prettymuch daily issues.

I also get migraines which are always one-sided and based on my left side - but I pray for the pain to start because my auras are truly hellish... I also get daily optical migraine aural things - flashing lights, tunnel vision, visual snow constantly for like years...

Betas making the hypertension worse? You have postural hypertension?

Yes rama, after 4 beta's I realized they lowered heart rate but made my hypertension worse. Also relaxer's like flexeril and tizindine gave me rebound hypertension the next day. My BP is really high again today without anything yet. I know real low dose inderal does bring my heart rate down.

I'm wondering if the headaches are being caused by the orthostatic hypertension. Until I get more tests done I'm at a loss on how to treat the hypertension. Of course lying down always works.

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That is so strange! My headaches are always on the back left at the base of my skull too. They start there then the pain can shoot through my head and over my left eye. If I let it go too long with no painkillers I can get nauseous.

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  • 2 months later...
That is so strange! My headaches are always on the back left at the base of my skull too. They start there then the pain can shoot through my head and over my left eye. If I let it go too long with no painkillers I can get nauseous.

This must be more than coincidence, but since my POTS really hit hard last year I've been getting stabbing headaches going from my left eye and temple down to my ear. My ear canal gets swollen too. I also get left upper quadrant abdominal pain which gets worse an hour or two after I eat. Whenever I get this headache, I always get this abdominal pain. I have orthostatic hypertension too.

My last episode of abdominal pain lasted over 3 weeks (I needed to lose a few pounds anyway :lol: ). But I had the bad headache for 2 weeks when it usually lasts less than a week. My PCP said I've been having abdominal migraines, but I read that those are mostly in kids and have a poorly localized presentation. My pain is always left upper quadrant in my abdomen. I have diagnosed small bowel dysmotility... maybe the stress of the migraine make my GI tract less functional.

Like traditional migraines movement, light, and sound aggravate my headache. But I get a worse headache when lying down too (maybe from the orthostatic hypertension? and too much blood flow?). Just grabbing for straws here. But standing doesn't help either... makes it worse too. :blink:

Sorry, I know this is an old thread, but I just think my sudden onset of migraines when POTS kicked in with pain in my left temple was more than a coincidence after reading everyone's posts.

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  • 8 years later...

I think it is fine to bring up an old thread:) Interesting to read others often get headache pain on the left side, which is where mine starts. It usually starts behind my left eye and hurts so bad I cannot keep it open, then often gets behind both eyes. I read some place that behind the eyes is a common place for migraine pain. I had not known that before.

I am curious to know what you guys take for your migraines. I used to take Cataflam, but then it stopped working, and the doctor ordered Hydrocodone/APAP, which always works. It sometimes will come back if I get out of bed to do something simple, like brush my teeth or get ready for bed, or think I am feeling good enough to go to the kitchen to eat supper, and then have to lay back down.

My doctor just retired, and knew it may become an issue that another doctor may not feel comfortable ordering the Hydrocodone/APAP, which is exactly what has happened. He was not even nice about it. Anyhow, my nephew has used Imitrix, not sure of the spelling, but it is for migraines. Has anyone used that? Has anyone else run into the problem I am having now with a doctor not wanting to order a narcotic pain med for migraines? I have been on it as needed for 2 years, so I am not abusing them, but I hear on the news all the time about the pain med addiction problem, which is making it difficult for those who are using it appropriately. I do understand the doctor's view point, I just do not agree with it.

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Behind my left ear.  The two dysautonomia neurologist specialists I’ve seen have told me explicitly not to take any opioids so the most I can take is Fioricet and not more than three times a week and preferably not on consecutive days to avoid rebound headaches.  One suggested increasing my beta blocker or trying topiramate as preventative.  I’m trying the increased beta blocker which is helping somewhat.  I also have a product called an IceKap which is a baseball type hat with pockets to put in ice packs.  It works pretty well but I still need a dark quiet room for the bad ones.

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Guest KiminOrlando

I take topirimate. I didn't think it really worked until I had to go off of it for a month so that it didn't interact with another short term med I needed. After that experience, I will need a very compelling reason to stop topirimate again. It doesn't stop the headaches, but it lessens the frequency and intensity for me. I can still get a migraine, but not 3 or 4 times a week like I used to.

Just be aware that topirimate is a med that does not mix well with several other meds, so all of your doctors need to know you are on it. They also need to do a complete med check, including herbals, supplements and the 'as needed' meds we take before prescribing this drug.

It may not work for everyone, but might be worth asking your physician. It is an anti-seizure med, so your insurance may consider it an off lable use.

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