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Weak Neck??

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Has anyone experienced this strange sensation? I have a headache but also have this weak feeling neck on and off. It kind feels like you have weak neck muscles supporting the weight of your head. Like for example if i look up nad tilt my head backwards it feels like my head falls backwards without as much muscular support or effort. Feels almost like i am a boble head.

Has anyone experienced this , just really wierd. Sometimes i also get a "freeze" feeling in my neck for a split second.

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Yes I experience this also. Just recently I went for a ride with my wife and I could barely hold my head up. Same thing happens with my arms if I hold them up too long. I think it is a blood flow issue and the muscles aren't getting enough blood.

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Yes, I also know what you mean. My problem is partly that I have poor muscle tone in the neck and shoulders (and everywhere else if it comes to that!)

Years ago, someone recommended using a simple theraband to improve muscle tone. So a lateral pull down-type exercise and then with the arms in front at shoulder height (palms up), moving the arms out to the side which stretches the band. It really helps me. I think it's a classic recommendation for office workers who complain of the same sort of weakness, though on a milder scale/aren't also dealing with dizziness.

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