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Very Bad Eyes

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i am sorry if this has been boughten up before.. but i have horrible vision problems..

i am not just talking about floaters or colors when i stand, but really foggy eyes. Sometimes they are extremely dry and other times it feels like someone smeared vasoline on them. I have gotten my eyes checked many times and the doctor says that my prescription has not changed. Its very frustrating because i nevered had this problem before i had POTS. If anybody else has this problem i would love to hear :blink:

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Hi Dani,

I have a lot of visual symptoms. they were worse when I was on xanax. For me everything looks dark, and on occasion very bright. It's like I am looking through sunglasses most of the time. I like your description of the vasaline on the eyes. I see like that too. Everything will look like it is leaning, and just not right. I also can't tell very well how close or far something is. But like with all my symptoms it gets worse on some times then others. Yet my vision tests always come back just fine. :blink: I hope you get some relief from this soon. I know how frusterating it can be.


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My vision comes and go ? sometimes I can see clearly and sometimes my vision get out of vision and back for a period of time of a minute or so. It happens at least once a day if not more and I also have some lost of my peripheral vision.

I just seen a neuropthamologist and I hope that I will know what is going on soon.

It seems to me like there is a connection between vision problems and pots ? whet ever is the vision problem.

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