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Inconsiderate Co-worker


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I have started working 1/2 days while on FMLA leave and today was tough due to a co-worker. We work in a small unventilated area for a portion of the day and she kept spraying air freshener every few minutes. I calmly told her it was bothering me and she said she just had to use it because the room was stale smelling.

I tried to ignore it, but I started coughing and getting dizzy and felt nauseated. I went outside to get some fresh air and that might have helped except that it is 23 degrees outside and that set my other symptoms into overdrive.

Another co-worker realized what I was going through and tried to explain to the other that certain smells set off my POTS...well, she shrugged her shoulders and said she didn't think a smell could bother anyone. She returned to her desk and put the can away...we thought that was that and then she pulled a perfume bottle out of her purse.

She sprayed it all over her and then a spray or two into the air...it was a very dry, flowery scent and I thought I was going to die on the spot. I finally just gathered my belongings and left the area. I told the boss why I wasn't at my assigned spot and she told me to go on home.

I still have a headache and can't believe that anyone would be that inconsiderate. I doubt the boss did anything and I don't know what tomorrow will be like. I don't know what to do if this happens again. I am both mad and hurt that she did this. I really don't want a battle, but I do want to be able to breath and not have to feel sick at work when it is preventable.

How would you handle this? Thanks for listening.

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When I was able to work we maintained a "fragrance free" office. Everyone was on board and this really helped -- though we occasionally had problems when folks used the microwave to cook up FISH! But all in all I was really fortunate that my co-workers (many of whom also suffered migraines from chemical sensitivity) were very supportive. Now the bathrooms were another story! The cleaning agents used had me ill each time I needed to go to the loo.

I found two interesting articles that may help give you some tips on who, what, and how to talk to people at work about these issues:

Running up against people who seem utterly thoughtless is frustrating (and I must say I LOVE the previous suggestions! :( ) ... But for people who have never walked in our shoes, and may have come from an upbringing where no one had the time to help them learn to appreciate and love, it may be beyond their ability to show compassion. And in those circumstances when we ourselves can have grace and as much patience as we can muster in the moment we can walk away knowing we did our best and in their own (pathetic woefully inadequate) way they did as well. Some version of ... "Forgive them for they know not what they do".

I hope tomorrow everyone has a better day.

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some doctor's offices have "no perfume please" as well as no cell phone signs in the waiting rooms.

HR should be made aware of the situation as that could be seen as harrassment and smells can induce asthma. So perfumes, smelly soaps, air fresheners or those super smelly dryer sheets stuff can all be guilty of polluting an office.

You could say upper airway problems (Instead of asthma, trouble getting air OUT of lungs, you can have trouble getting air IN the lungs) are made worse by the smells as well.

Most doctors will provide notes about this if needed due to rude co-workers. Good luck.

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I would bring to your manager's attention that the employee is creating not only a hostile work environment but also one of harassment. Managers are required to take action; otherwise, they might be subject to a formal grievance.

It is terrible when there are office bullies!

Take action. You have to look after yourself not only healthwise but also workwise.

Let us know what happens.


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http://www.ada.gov/ heres the Americans with Disabilities Act home page...Maybe something there will help. Safe work environments should be available for all! Love the first 2 posts by the way!


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I have a little fan thats works via USB Stick blucked into my computer at work. And i also have a little fan that works with batteries.

Whenever i am confronted with strong smells (for example my boss smokes like a chimney at times) or parfumes or other things.

I turn one of my fans on and put it right in front of my face. That does help me a lot.


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I'm so sorry about your inconsiderate co-worker. Strong smells have set off anaphylaxis for me. I'm really surprised that they bother so many here, I didn't realize that was a POTS smptom as opposed to a mast cell issue. Hmmm. I love everyone's suggestions :-)


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I wanted to let everyone know how this situation played out...I went into work today and the lady who had tried to explain to the other how certain scents affect me met me at the front door. When she realized the boss sent me home she was furious!! She talked to the boss about it and told her that it was bothering everyone but it was a matter of health for me...she said if something wasn't done, she would take it further herself.

She said the boss called the air freshener queen into her office and wrote her up for the way she handled herself. At first, she refused to sign the write up, but decided to sign it finally to keep from having it go further. She was warned that she was no longer allowed to spray anything in the work area that is unventilated. There was a sign on the door of the work area that stated absolutely NO sprays allowed!!!

Needless to say, I got icy glares from her all day. I didn't mind because I made a new friend out of all of this. The lady who took it upon herself to handle this for me had never really been close to anyone before. She usually keeps to herself.

I felt so good that someone actually went to bat for me. I bought my new found friend lunch today and we sat and talked and she asked lots of questions about POTS. She was so kind and told me she had not really understood until she saw my reaction yesterday to the spray. She admitted it scared her and something just grabbed hold of her and told her she needed to do something to stop this idiot from abusing me.

It really renewed my faith in people...sometimes we feel so alone and then out of the blue, someone comes into your life who surprises you.

By the way, I love all the ideas...especially the beans and cabbage!!!! If it had not been resolved today, you know what I would have been eating for supper tonight...lol

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What we have is a recognized disability, so for sure you have the right to make a formal complaint to your boss and have the accommodation of a scent-free environment. Breathing is very important! State and federal laws recognize this =p

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  • 2 weeks later...

I LOVE smack-a-hoe!!! That made me laugh so hard! I need to add that to my own workplace arsonal.

Also therapeutic, if you have I-Tunes is to buy the Britney Spears Video "Piece of Me" or watch it on youtube. I imagine dancing it out on the table in the middle of the boardroom. Sometimes I sing it in my head at meetings. You could imagine dancing on the desk of the FAT (Fragrance Assault Troll).

Pure Therapy.

I am so glad you made a new friend. It seems that she, too, is glad to have made a friend. Situations at work bring out the worst in some people and the best in some people.


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