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I know there are other posts about this... I've looked. But I'm not getting the answers I'm really looking for. I guess... I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. I guess, more than anything, some reassurance that it's not just me being a complete witch... that there is an explanation behind it. I guess I just need to rant a little too...

I've been having EXTREME irritability when I'm having really bad POTS symptoms (which is about 15-20 times a day). It's been getting worse and worse. Now, I snap at the drop of a hat. I see myself yelling almost nonstop at my girls and I HATE myself for it! My mom even said to me today, "I've seen you say things to your kids that I NEVER would have thought you would EVER say to them. I've seen you yell at them like I never thought you would either." I've tried to catch myself, to calm myself, etc. But most of the time, I snap before I even realize I'm doing it.

I'm on a couple meds that the side effects are irritability, but should it be this bad? Should my kids and husband suffer? I don't think so. I would rather feel physically bad than emotionally bad! I would rather lay in bed, unable to do anything, but be nice than be halfway functional but be a complete witch!!

I'm not sure if it's me... if it's the drugs... if it's the POTS.... if it's hormonal imbalance... a hundred other possabilities... AAAHHH!!

Anyone else go throught this? I'm seeing my dr next week and I'm going to address it with him. I just am wanting to know if I'm alone on this. I'm not talking about being a little crabby... I'm talkng Incredable Hulk!! :):lol::)

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Sweetie, I've been there! My Mom said the same thing to me about my yelling at my kids. Honestly it did not get any better until I went on replacement estrogen. I am sooooo much happier now, it is bizarre. You are NOT alone! Try the 10 second rule: turn away and count to ten before you snap off something you will regret. It is frightening what this can do to us!

Kids can also push our buttons like NOTHING else can! If your Mom is available, have her take the kids and get out for yourself, or stay in and take a nap! Sleep deprivation will make you insane (really, no kidding!) It is not a sin to rent a movie for the kids and go lay down.

Come here and hit the CAPS LOCK. Yell here, not at home.

One of many and right along with you!


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Before the doctors had figured out what was going on I was in hospital a week and a half waiting for a diagnosis and treatment and I was so irritable and angry!! There were times when I really just wanted to slap the nurse, or just yell at her. I felt really out of control and didnt know what was going on with me. It was like this anger and irritability would just well up inside me. And I also hated everyone - for no reason I really hated my friends! Fortunantly my POTS seems to be getting better, and I found the better it got, the less irritable and angry I felt. I havent felt that way in a few months now, but I do find that if I dont sleep well and I start feeling tired that I can get a little snappy and short, but nothing like how I felt before.

I know how you feel - I was so frightened that I was calling my Dad at work all the time telling him that this has got to be more than POTS and that I was sure that I had some sort of psychological problem! I also think that you become so anxious about how you are feeling that the anxiety on top of it all makes it worse. Hopefully you will start having less POTS episodes and the irritability will lessen too.

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You are NOT alone...I get so irritable sometimes that I don't even like being with myself. Unfortunately, our immediate family is usually the ones that get the brunt end. They still love us and understand that we are not ourselves and the kids are more resilient and understanding than we give them credit for.

Try to stop yourself before you go on an all out yelling rant, but forgive yourself when you are a bit snappy. Do address this with your doctor and see if they offer you advice. I started taking Zoloft and it did help me. I think I was more depressed about having a chronic illness than I realized.

The main thing is try to get enough sleep, do some experimenting to find what helps you most to feel the best you can and always forgive yourself...you are working through alot right now. Good luck!!! (Hugs)

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When Im bad im often quite irritable - the longer i stand or exercise the worse it gets. But if I lie down for a few minutes it subsides. Its made me realise how far back I may have had slight POTS cause when i used to mow the law on a hot day at my place i used to get very impatient and grumpy as a teenager.

The longer we stand the more overactive our sympathetic nervous systems get - when i get irritable im usually already trembling which is a sign im overdoing things.

When POTS is really bad some people also shoot of adrenaline to stabilise blood pressure and that can make you feel anxious or irritable.

I think i prefer being grumpy to being jittery and anxious.

it can be a vicious cycle - you start feeling anxious because your sympathetic nervous system is wired, you start getting anxious about that, and it makes it worse. Similar to losing your temper - it makes it worse so i just go lie down if I start feeling that way which isnt that often nowdays thankfully.

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Your situation sounds familiar. I was diagnosed as bipolar based on the reaction I had withdrawing from cymbalta. Even with a mood stabalizer I still get my bad times. My wife noticed my irritability would begin a week before my testosterone injections and end a little over 24 hours after the shots. My psychiatrist says he is starting to believe that I do not have bipolar but a neuro endocrine problem. My norepinephrine levels were measured at Vanderbilt and found to be above 2100 when standing. This is about 4 to 5 times the level of normal non pots people. I also believe that my problem is due at least in part to these levels. I do not know the biochemistry of how testosterone affects norepinephrine but my mood is more stable now that the frequency of the shots have been increased.

Of course you do not want to take testosterone but my daughter also suffers from pots and anxiety. She was put on yaz which evened her out her moods. We are thinking about going to a geneticist since this seems like a genetic problem (my mother remembered that her grandfather had to wear rubber stockings.

You also might ask to have your catecholamines checked.

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When I saw your post, the first thing I was going to ask was about your meds! I know that I am EXTREMELY sensitive to medication, so I often have stronger side effects than what is expected. If more than one med is causing irritability, it could be adding up. Is there anything you could take that would do the same job without the side effect?

Also, have you had your thyroid checked? My mom and sister both have hypothyroidism and oh my goodness...it was horrible before they figured it out and got on meds. Neither one of them has POTS, but a lot of people have both autoimmune disorders and POTS, so it might be something to look into.

I think a couple of people mentioned antidepressants. Even if just temporarily, it might be something to look into with your doctor.

You're not alone in this. I've been a lot better lately, but some days I do just hate the world and say/do things I wouldn't normally dream of. Hang in there, and come back and rant as often as you need to do so!


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When Im bad im often quite irritable - the longer i stand or exercise the worse it gets. But if I lie down for a few minutes it subsides. Its made me realise how far back I may have had slight POTS cause when i used to mow the law on a hot day at my place i used to get very impatient and grumpy as a teenager.

The longer we stand the more overactive our sympathetic nervous systems get - when i get irritable im usually already trembling which is a sign im overdoing things.

When POTS is really bad some people also shoot of adrenaline to stabilise blood pressure and that can make you feel anxious or irritable.

I think i prefer being grumpy to being jittery and anxious.

it can be a vicious cycle - you start feeling anxious because your sympathetic nervous system is wired, you start getting anxious about that, and it makes it worse. Similar to losing your temper - it makes it worse so i just go lie down if I start feeling that way which isnt that often nowdays thankfully.

This sounds like me ... knowing where this is coming from has made me less anxious about it ... too bad we can't just lie down whenever we need to ... :angry:

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Thanks everyone for your thoughts! It has made me feel better! :huh: I'm glad I'm not alone! I was begining to question if it IS all in my head. I know it's not, but when my whole body has fallen apart in the last month (more than ever), I begin to wonder if I'm crazy!! I begin to wonder if it will ever get better!! I'm actually in a study at Mayo that tracks POTS patients throughout a few years. My one year "testing" is coming up in about a month and I can't wait! I know that sounds stupid! I have to do a TTT, a sweat test and a handful (or more) of other tests. It kills me for about 3 days, but it will give me a sence of where I am with this whole thing. The dr I'm seeing is great with heart stuff and he's been more helpful than any other I've seen, but I haven't really had any testing done for a year. And since I've been getting worse, not better, I think I need to change something - I'm just not sure what or how!!

I'm sure you all have been in the same boat at one time or another. I'm just SO thankful for this site and all of you in it! It has gotten me through some rough times, and I have been blessed to help some of you too!! I had a really rough day yesterday and waking up to some kind words is just what I needed!!


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  • 2 months later...

I feel the same way, and have the same situation with my poor son! I am always tired, I can't stand the hot weather (I live in Guadalajara!!) and my mom always tell me about my bad mood, or I have no patience with my boy, I have no interest in anything or anybody.... I am taking 1/4 of effexor, but just for the dizzy simptoms, anyway I used to take 1 capsule but it didn't worked for my mood anyway.....

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