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Weird Rash


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I was hoping someone out there might have some ideas for me. I have had this weird rash for about a month now. The bumps are red and round and eventually they sort of look like the center blisters. It itches horribly. And it is totally symetrical. I have it behind both of my knees, on my inner thighs, on the tops of both arms by my elbows, on both shoulders and a few on both sides of my torso, and now I'm starting to get them around my cuticles and I think I'm getting them on my tongue, too. At first, the dermatologist thought it could be a gluten allergy and she did a biopsy, but the biopsy didn't really work because I was on prednisone. Then she did a blood test for gluten allergy, but that came back normal. I've been on prednisone, zyrtec, atarax, benedryal and a topical ointment (all at the same time) and I keep getting new spots. She's having me go off every thing and then she's going to do another biopsy. I can't identify a trigger and it is driving me crazy. I can't sleep because I itch so bad and then I'm even more tired than I normally am during the day (not to mention that when I do sleep I sometimes scratch my skin raw, sorry for the details). Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.



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Just a few other allergens to consider, especially if you've recently changed something in your routine (you've probably thought of most or all of these):


supplements or medicines

lotion, soap, shampoo or conditioner

pesticides/insect repellents being used in your home, yard or neighborhood

acidic foods such as citrus

A friend just went thru a similar situation and she found that if she ONLY ate fish and raw veggies she didn't get the rash. Yeast seems to be the biggest food culprit to trigger her symptoms.

She also found that if she followed her regular shower with a cold shower starting with her feet, then legs, then hands, arms, shoulders, back, face and head (yes, in that order - said she read about that order being important) it also helped tremendously. Something about the warmth of the shower bringing the acid to the skin and the cold water restoring the alkalinity to balance it out.

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Hi Seaboard,

I am sure your doc already thought of this, but the only thing I can think of besides allergies is possibly a body lice. They like all of those places you mentioned and around the finger nails. And it itches like crazy. I know it is gross, but since it is spreading, it is something to consider. The treatment is a lotion (like Nix) that you apply all over the body and leave on for a few minutes, then repeat in about 7 days. I had a friend with this and the derm did not catch it as lice. I know it sounds gross, but anybody can get it. Good luck.


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A doctor once told me that any symmetrical rash is usually a food allergen rather than atopic dermatitis -- i.e., something your skin comes into contact with, like soap. So I would definitely start leaving different things out of your diet for a week at a time, or maybe start from scratch by going to just veggies and protein, then adding rice, oats, wheat, etc. Or maybe it is a vegetable or fruit. Are you eating anything seasonal right now that you don't usually have?


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She did check for all types of insects, just to be sure. Everything came back negative. She said that it is some type of reaction that comes from something internal, because the rash is symetrical. Now they are doing blood work for a lot of different autoimmune diseases.

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I have been trying to think of something different in my diet, but I can't come up with anything. The doctor did say that you can develope any allergy at any time. Thanks for your suggestion. I think that I'll try it.


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I work at a hospital as a diet tech (basically a dietician, but I don't have my degree or registration yet, so I can't call myself that). The GI docs and allergists say that you cannot tell if a person has a gluten allergy by doing a blood test. You have to take a biopsy of the small intestine (I think that is it??) and that that is the only true way to tell if someone has an allergy to gluten. However, you can get allergy tests (again, not blood tests, but skin tests I think) to see if you are allergic/intolerant to any foods. You may consider seeing a GI doc or an allergist if they believe the rash to be an allergy. Good luck, I just had the chicken pox so I feel for you!


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When I was in college my best friend broke out in a rash all over her body. She had these big red spots about the size of a nickel all over. She went to multiple doctors and they finally figured out that her body was reacting to a yeast infection. I never would have guessed that was the cause, but treatment cleared it right up.

Hope it gets better soon.

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When I was pregnant with my daughter, I developed a strange rash which itched worse at night. After she was born, she too broke out with it. Since she couldn't scratch herself, she would kick her feet against her legs and that would cause the rash to turn into scabs. Her pediatrician asked me how I didn't know that she had chicken pox. Then, we took her to a hospital emergency room one night because she was beside herself, and they said it was flea bites! We "bombed" the entire house the next day with a flea "bomb", but she and I continued to have this rash. Finally, we went to an allergist (at this point, I was too embarrassed to say it itched worse at night), and he immediately knew what it was. I was so relieved because all he had to do was a tiny skin scrape, and then he looked at it under the microscope. We had scabies. They are microscopic and burrow under the skin. I know this sounds disgusting, it is not something that "dirty" people get, it is simply something that anyone can catch by coming in contact with someone who has it.

We had to wash everything in the house, i.e. stuffed animals, clothing, bedding, etc..., and everyone had to put a special lotion on for a few days in a row. It went away immediately. THANK GOD! I can't tell you how many months it went on before we knew what it was. I don't know if this could be what you have, but regardless, the moral of the story is - don't give up on finding an answer! There is one out there, and like many of us know, it will take perseverence to find it. I pray that you find out quickly since this is obviously one more thing on your plate, so to speak. God bless,


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I wouldn't be surprized by a rash like that. I've been thru two so far. 1 was a yeast infection.I soon't mean to pry, but do you have any sore red areas under your breasts or in your groin. I started with that years ago, I now regularly use Desenex powder under both breasts and in my groin area.

The other was an allergic reaction to dairy products. It took about 30 minutes in a allergists office to get the answer.

I would reconmend a medicated powder to help with the itching, if your sores aren't open.

Good luck and I hope you get the help you need.


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I was feeling so sorry for myself when I posted my message that I forgot to add a reply to you. What you have- that weird rash- sounds something like what I had a couple of years ago. My rash wasn't as spread as yours but the description sounds similar. My rash was diagnosed as Shingles which is in the Chicken Pox family. I don't know if that's what it is but if it is Shingles it will reach a peak and then start to go away. A skin doctor gave me the diagnosis whereas my PCP was baffled.

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