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Ssdi Hearing Soon

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I think my hearing is next month(waiting for a confirmation).

I have no idea what to expect. Do you just answer questions,or can you say what you want? How long will the hearing be?Can someone come in with me? Do you get your decision then and there?

I would appreciate anything anyone would like to share with me. You can reply here or feel free I M me.

Thanks Pat

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Have you joined the dissinissues egroup?

They are VERY SAVVY about such things. They have hundreds of folks in the biz of dealing with STD LTD and SSDI. Please sign up for their site...it's one of THE BEST for disability info.

GOOD LUCK and I am rooting for you.

You can read NOTHING on their site but sign up for emails...they are very private and for obvious reasons.

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Do you have an attorney? My attorney advised me on what to do or say.

The judge asked me questions in the beginning, then my attorney took it from there.

I didn't have to say much, as the medical expert was very good and happened to know about my conditions. I was very fortunate that he validated how disabling and serious my illnesses are. Kind of scared me in fact, as some of the other doctors have dismissed the seriousness of this for so long it was kind of shocking hearing about these conditions from the ME.

After asking my attorney and I questions, and the ME testified, apparently it was enough evidence for the judge, because the hearing was over. In several weeks I found that the decision was fully favorable.

I know how terribly hard it is----all the waiting. You have all my support, prayers----and lots of hugs.

Just be yourself, and go to the dissinissues web site as they know a lot about this. They helped me a lot.

Thanks Sophia for telling ME about them--- :o

Maxine :0)

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I was pretty nervous about my hearing but it really went well and it was MUCH less intimidating than I thought it would be. I also had a lawyer which helped because she did most of the talking. If you don't have a lawyer I would just try and expound on each question talking about your symptoms - describing how they affect you to the best of your ability...just be honest and specific.

For me there was a judge, a transcriptionist, an occupational specialist and then myself and my lawyer. They also let my husband come in -- as long as he didn't say anything.

If you have any other questions feel free to send me a message.

I'm sure everything will go well. ;)

Take care,


p.s. I forgot one more thing...did you have any dr's fill out forms towards the end of the process that talked about your limitations? I think they're called "Residual Functional Capacity Forms" --- they were the most important part of getting a favorable decision for myself.

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  • 1 year later...

I though I'd revive this thread as I'm approaching my SSDI hearing. I have an attorney, supplied to me by my LTD insurer. Initially I received LTD benefits because of a car accident that required 2 hip surgeries and over 100 PT visits. So when they applied for SSDI benefits on my behalf, I was denied because you have to have at least 2 of your limbs inoperable in order to be disabled. And, they said that as an RN I could find something to accomodate my disability.

Now, the State Board of Nursing has revoked my ability to practice because of POTS. I'm confident that I could present my case clearly, if needed. Although I'm not sure how my body will react during the hearing. Maybe if they see me popping nitroglycerin tablets while I'm being questioned, it will strengthen my case? :rolleyes: My attorney should have supplied the SSDI people with notes from the dozen physicians over the past 2 years who all verify my POTS or its symptoms, including Mayo doctors. I think I should have disability because, really, who could work and have so many doctor's appointments?!

Question: I haven't been told to have any type of IME (Independent Medical Examiner) exam. Is this normal?

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My experience was very similar to Lalalisa's. My lawyer was wonderful and filed all of my doctor's notes and assessments/test results, including the very important "residual functional capacity" form. I answered about 5-10 questions, and then my lawyer took over. At the end of my hearing, the judge declared that I had won my case. I really think the lawyer was very helpful.

If it's just you, make sure you're describing your disability at it's worst. Don't lie, but make sure the message gets across how much you are unable to perform daily functional duties and that you cannot work in any capacity at any "full-time job" (you need a doctor's statement stating this to get approval), and that you know you are unable to work at all.

Let us know how it goes and good luck!



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  • 2 weeks later...
I never had an Independent Medical exam. Luckily my disability was approved the 1st try. I think a little lawyer advice may have helped!!


I talked with my attorney yesterday, and she said that my condition was so complex that they probably figured no IME would fully be able to comprehend it or evaluate it. She also did not have a high opinion of the IMEs, saying they usually found some way to state the person should be able to work :) . I'm thankful I didn't have to go through that. <_<

Two more days til the hearing. The attorney said that my medical records, board of nursing retired status, symptoms journal (written over the course of a year), the several medical journal articles regarding POTS and disability, and my records of how I function while volunteering at my husband's school were so comprehensive. She said I couldn't have done any better preparing for the hearing. Thanks to DINET and all those who posted their experiences with SSDI, including how to prepare for proving our disability!

Two days til the hearing. I'll let you know how it goes!

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