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Dawg Tired

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Posts posted by Dawg Tired

  1. Well... when I was first sick my doctor told me the problem was I was "43". He told me this happens to ALL women when they are "43". :ph34r:

    I told him my mom and sisters had all passed "43" without all these problems.... He was not convinced. I even asked him if it ws going to go away when I turned 44 - It didn't.

    He then decided I was depressed so he harassed me and yelled until I started crying, then it was "AHA!!! I TOLD you it was just depression! THIS is proof!"

    I wasn't tall or skinny.

    I want some magic weeds....

  2. Sleep study #1 = Sleep apnea and I was not sleeping enough but I couldn't tolerate a c-pap so surgery was done AND a follow-up study that concluded I was not sleeping enough. They told me since I was not sleeping enough I needed to sleep 10 hours a night

    Uhm.... I'm not sleeping so I need to sleep (??) more?? Yeah....

    Sleep study# 2 = I cannot tolerate a c-pap and I have severe OSA... (duh!)

    But their DME provider called a week later wanting to come set up my c-pap. Hmmm....

    Sleep study # 3 = I cannot tolerate a c-pap and I have severe OSA....

    Okay. On this one I was instructed NOT to take any sedating drugs (Xanax) or pain meds that might have a sedative effect - like my vicodin. So during the night I never got to sleep! At 3am the tech came in and told me that even if I got to sleep b then there would not be enough time to test me.

    But again, a week later their DME provider called wanting to come set up a c-pap.

    I'm pretty convinced, by now - sleep studies are a scam!

  3. Hey! We will have to get together for coffee in Branson sometime! <_< We love to go spend a day or two. I sleep and hubby wanders around. We get season passes to SDC every year - they have LOTS of good benches!

    I quit driving pretty much after the second time I was driving home from work and suddenly realized I had no idea where I was.

  4. They tried cpap because I have what they term "severe sleep apnea"... it gave me a severe, unremitting headache.

    About a year later I decided to try it again. Same results.... so the ENT decided to try surgery. Problem was, I need to have some extensive dental work done by an oral surgeon while I was out in the OR and Medicare will not cover it so the surgery never happened.

    Plus we had to pay $390 out of pocket for the sleep study!

  5. Same here, Morgan. But I do pilot studies for Western Schools. When a new CEU is written they send me a draft and I do the course then send in a critique.

    When the course is "officially" released they send it to me and I take it. This way I keep up my CEU's free of charge and keep up with new things.

    I'm like you - I see great jobs and I'm just dying to apply - but of course, I can't even stand up long enough to fill out the app!

    I guess it gives me hope. My licenses are all on retirement status but I can re-activate them at any time as long as my CEU's are up-to-date. Now if I can just "get well"!! :P

  6. Of course the babies are adorable - when they came to "visit" they followed me all over the house - like a row of baby ducklings - but going "maaaahhh" instead of "quack quack".

    They have bigger "cousins" who were born the day after Christmas. We still have them and they are doing great! We are keeping both of them - they are named Buddy and Holly! There is an earlier post with their baby pictures...

    Thanks, all of you for the kind words - and I am glad you enjoy the pictures!

  7. Are you getting tired of me yet??

    New baby goat - the Momma had triplets and wouldn't take care of them so I gave them (and the bad momma!) to the neighbor but she bings them to me to "kid-sit" for a couple of hours once in a great while.



    The first picture is when they are a day old - second picture is about day 4 or so.

    Then.... (oh - don't we get excited over small things??) A lady from church came over, spackled and painted our entryway. So I decided I was tired of the dinky little "expanding" rack hubby had put up for coats. I got on E-bay and bought some substantial cast iron coat hooks. He got a nice rustic board out of the garage and we gave it several coats of polyurethane. When the coat hooks came in I spray painted them flat black and we now have a very substantial coat/hat rack in our entryway!


    Close-up detail of the hooks...


  8. Literally - a page (okay - 2 pages!) out of my book!!

    Dr A had said to come back in two weeks and here I was. He came through the door, sat at the small table and started flipping through my file. ?Well, Gayla, all of your tests seem to be normal, and I find that very reassuring.? There was that word again. ?And I think that we need to consider that your entire problem is depression or perhaps anxiety, those are common problems with women your age.?

    Women MY age? Exactly what does that mean? He?s telling me this is all in my head!

    I started crying. Here I was, nauseated, I would get short of breath turning over in bed, so exhausted I couldn?t sit upright and the dizziness had me staggering and falling all over the place like a drunk. Then there was the night thing; I would wake up clutching the edges of the mattress because I seemed to have ?bed spin?; the kind of bed spin you get when you are drunk, and here is a doctor telling me that these things happened at my age. I tried to think of all the women I had known that had passed the age of 43 and had these same problems. Hmm, nope, I couldn?t recall my mom or sisters, or aunts, or friends doing this. Not one.

    He continued. ?I believe this outburst is just further proof that there really isn?t any physical problem. We can start some antidepressants for you and I?m sure that you will feel better very soon.?

    I choked, ?I AM FRUSTRATED!!! NOT DEPRESSED!!!? I drew a deep breath and exhaled as slowly as possible. I closed my eyes and tried my best to settle down; obviously I wouldn?t get anywhere by poking the bear. ?Okay, if you aren?t finding anything, and you are so reassured, can you give me a referral to Mayo??

    ?Now, now, Mrs. Peterson, do you really think they are going to find anything? I don?t think your insurance company would appreciate us doing that. Even if they would consider covering such a thing.?

    ?Oh really? Well, I work for my insurance company and right now my case manager, who happens to be my boss, is wondering why YOU aren?t sending me to Mayo if YOU can?t help me.? It was true; Anna Sue and I had been discussing the fact that I needed to go to a larger facility.

    Dr A seemed quite taken aback. I suppose no one had ever had an insurance company that really wanted things to work out. ?Come back and see me in about 10 days?. With that he turned to leave the room but I stopped him. ?Uh, Dr. A, does that mean when I?m 44 I will be over this?? He turned and looked at me for a few seconds then continued out the door.

    We left the office and got in the car. I was still crying. Rick was at a loss. I told him to go to McDonalds and get me a cup of coffee. He parked and went in to get my coffee, bringing it back with 3 creams. I was still crying.

    Yep... been there, done that, wrote a book.

    I have concluded that some doctors think SO highly of themselves they don't want to admit when they don't know - so they manufacture something.

  9. Hey Dizz, so sorry to hear about your appointment. I had a similar experience last Summer with a genetics specialist. Some doctors are such dorks. I've now decided not to use any doctor who doesn't come my way via a recommendation from someone I personally trust.


    Echoing MM here.... Been around THAT block too many times already!

  10. I take lisinopril at night - a short-acting ace inhibitor because when I lie down my pressure goes up. I take atenolol also - a long-acting beta blocker to keep my hr down. Then I have to make sure I spend most of the day sitting at least semi-upright.

    My numbers have been scary high... 210/120 - but I have to do a balancing act because they will hit 80/40 in nothing flat.

  11. Well... If I had a "thumbing my nose" smilie for him - I would use it!

    (Can we get something like "life experience" credits for own M.D. degrees?!?!?)

    I can't use a c-pap myself - gives me an intractable headache - but at least OSA is documented for me. I HOPE and pray they can find something that will help you!

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