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Posts posted by Jacquie802

  1. Hi B,

    I wish I had some ideas, etc. to offer you, but unfortunately I don't have any at the moment. I have been wondering how you have been doing lately. Hmm, I just thought of one :) , have you had a sleep study?? My neuro wanted to do one but my cardio wasn't too sure if it would really help anything, and also to be honest, I can't deal with doing another test unless it's going to come up with some other ideas to treating the POTS. Lately my nausea has been horrible as well as severe nausea...I hope some other members have something to offer you. Please know that you are in my thoughts...


  2. Hi guys,

    I started taking Zoloft in July/August and wonder whether it could be causing me to sweat alot. When I stand for more than 10 minutes I start pouring sweat and get lightheaded. Once I sit down I get a bad dizzy spell then I feel fine. Do you think this is the POTS acting up or maybe a side effect of the Zoloft. I see my EP/cardio Oct. 11th, but I am curious to see if anyone here has the same problems. Thanks!


  3. Hi guys,

    My stomach aches/nausea has gotten pretty bad. I went to see my GI doc and he prescribed Levbid/Hyoscyamine. Just wondering if anyone else takes this and if they have had any luck with it?! I've had an abdominal ultrasound and CT scan which I'm thinking were normal...



  4. Hi,

    I go from one extreme to another. There are days where I can't stop using the bathroom and then there are days where I can't go. The other day I had no control over my bowels and didn't make it to the toilet. It's pretty embarressing as you can imagine, expecailly because I was at my boyfriend's family cookout! :angry:


  5. Hi,

    I think with having POTS we have to take each day one at a time. Some days are awesome where I feel great, yet the next day I'll feel pretty bad. I think one of the most important things is to have doctors who are knowledgable about POTS. I live in Boston so I have some great docs around here, but I understand that not everyone has access to that.


  6. Hi,

    Just wanted to let those who saw Dr. Novac @ Boston Medical Center know that he has left. He's a great doctor so as many of you can imagine it's hard to find another doctor out there who is knowledgable about POTS. Anyhow, I am waiting 6 months to see Dr. Freeman @ BIDMC. From what I know he's a great doc too. My cardio is trying to get me in sooner, because lately I have not been doing too great. I am on 50mg of Zoloft but I haven't seen any effects from it either.

    Lately everything has been crazy for me. I went for an ultrasound and the docs found a hematoma on my spleen, no idea how it got there! I got a CT Scan done and I missed my docs call about the results. I have been in the hospital twice in the past few weeks for horrible tachy and stomache pains. I guess I am tired of dealing with all the health issues, which I know everyone here is. Thanks for listening to me vent. I hope everyone is doing okay.


  7. Hi,

    My heartrates went into the 200's and I was diagnosed as having SVT/Sinus node reentry tachy and POTS. I do poorly on the TTT. I think I have mentioned from day 1 that in my opinion it'd be good for you to see an EP/Cardio in Boston they def. do know what they are doing. Good Luck!!


  8. Hi,

    After having an upper endoscopy as well as a gastric emptying study my GI doc diagnosed me with Dyspepsia. Just curious to see if anyone else has this?! I really thought I was going to have an ulcer because my stomach has been feeling so bad lately...I was reading up about Dyspepsia and there isn't really any one treatment thats very helpful. My GI doc wants me to continue taking the Zoloft my cardio prescribed, because that has helped some people. Just curious to see how others have made out.



    Also, I hope everyone is doing well, I have alot of catching up on the board to do!

  9. Hi Mary,

    I must say that I disagree with what your doctor says. Although I don't know your exact situation how can your doctor possibly think that a person dealing with symptoms everyday can "forget" about having an illness. I think having supporting people who understand what you are going through is key to managing, or at least for me personally that helps a great deal. I support whatever your decision is, but make sure it is your own decision not someone else's. Goodluck!


  10. Hi guys,

    In my last post I mentioned that I had 2 doctor's apptmts this week...So here's what went down!

    I saw my cardio Thurs. he switched me from Zoloft to Paxil to see if this helps with the POTS and also to see if it cuts down on my headaches, since Zoloft's side effects included headaches. Anyone else on Paxil, and also could you tell me your experiences on it. I still have to go in for the long term monitoring to see whats gonig on with my crazy heart rates and rhythms, etc. I dread going in to do it, but I know it has to be done. I know no one looks forward into staying at the hospital for a few days to a week. So that is on my list of things to do next!

    Today I saw my GI doc and they finally talked me into having an upper endoscopy, has anyone had this done? What were your experiences?? They also gave me some meds to take for the nausea, I think it's called Phenergen. Today while I was there I actually had on of my attack things I've been having. My head felt numb, dizzy/lightheaded, and I turned all pale. Within 2 seconds my heart rate shot up. This all happened after I had a mild stomache pain and stretched my body. So atleast this crazy thing happened at the docs/hospital...Anyhow, just thought I'd give you guys an update, hopefully I am able to post more soon!


  11. Hi guys,

    I want to apologize for not posting the last few weeks. I have been feeling worse BP and Migraine wise. The meds I am currently on are Zoloft (stopped taking the other day due to severe nausea, doc wants me to restart it), Yaz, and Aciphex. The Aciphex has helped my stomach immensley but my headaches are soo horrible lately I have no idea what to do. I wake up with a rapid heartrate and everyday I am having these headaches. I really don't know what to do anymore B) Things are really starting to damper my mood..Anyhow, I was just seeing if anyone has any information or advice. I do go see my EP/Cardio and stomache doctor Thurs and Fri, but what the heck do I do until then?! Thanks for your time.


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