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Everything posted by ken870

  1. my ttt went bad today and there was one thing they did not understand they said my heart rate lying down flat on my back was 125 and they stood me up it went to 200.
  2. if you have a postive tilt table test for pots what do they do next give you medicine or tell you to have more tests.
  3. again how do they tell on the tilt table test that you have blood pooling in stomach and legs.
  4. i wonder too if it could be from lack of blood flow but i have never really been told what it is and they have bothered me for six years now.
  5. i will be having a ttt done monday how do they tell if your blood is pooling by the tilt table test.
  6. where can you buy compression shorts.
  7. yes i have been told it comes from blood pooling what have you been told about your stomach and what drugs are you taking for it.
  8. hopfulcase2,what do you take for your stomach swelling.
  9. why is it a lot of doctors do not know anything about pots and i even called the american heart association and they said they did not know anything about pots.
  10. what day will the show be on television and what channel will it be on.
  11. i was wondering if anybody else with pots has this symptom of knots on scalp or forehead.
  12. i will soon be getting a tilt table test and i was wondering how will they tell if its pots by the tilt table test.
  13. does anybody know how to treat the blood pooling in stomachand do you have anybody that has knots that come up on their heads.
  14. yes i was wondering if anybody else has severe pooling in stomach feet and legs also does your stomach swell from blood pooling.
  15. morgan i know just what your son is going through i have been sick for six years now and finally i seem to be getting help with my neuropathy and pots also i will be getting a tilt table test thursday and how will they diagnose me with the tilt table.
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