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Posts posted by gertie

  1. Has anyone had any problems while having your teeth cleaned? It's stressful for me but have managed to keep my appt's over the years, mostly because I'm a fanatic about clean teeth. The hygienist used what I understood her to say was an ultrasonic scaler because it saves her a lot of time. I have had it used before in previous cleaning for short spurts on places hard to clean but this time she used it for the entire time.

    I thought my heart was going to beat/flop out of my chest. It was so erratic I didn't think I would make it through the procedure & the noise trauma to my ears was horrible. I started feeling nauseous before the procedure was over but managed to finish. At the time I didn't connect my heart rate to the ultrasonic device but now I wonder if that was the problem. My HR is never normal, always skipping & adding beats but this was misery. It took me a min to get out of the chair when it was over. I was so shaky I could not write a check at checkout. Sorry this is so long. thanks for your input.

  2. Is he using "no voc paint"? If so, if there is a smell it will be gone in a couple of hours after opening windows & airing. If it's regular paint it will be a long time before scent is gone. Fumes from paint make me very ill. Dizziness, headache, breathing problems, fainting, seizures are problems I have but it may not bother you as bad. Do you have a room with an open window where you could get fresh air without being in the outside cold?

    I am hyper sensitive to all chemicals & odors, paint being one of the worst. It is full of chemicals & usually has warning on the paint can not to breathe fumes. Be sure you wear a heavy mask until odor is gone.

  3. Blue,

    Ditto what Katybug said. I have migraines also and Meniere's which has destroyed my hearing & balance. I don't know why but I seem to think more clearly when I have a migraine. Maybe because more blood to the brain? I was trying to read this a.m. & had to keep reading the same paragraphs over & over because I could not concentrate. I wonder sometimes if I have adult ADHD. I have so many things on my mind at once I can't seem to grasp any one thing. The only thing that slows my brain down is the Neurontion I take for migraines but it seems to make my memory worse but I feel calmer. I am really worried about Alzheimers now that I am a senior. I hope you find help.

  4. I think you're being very brave. I've had syncope for many years & I admit when I feel it coming on I panic. With the partial seizures, so far, I've still stayed conscious but I can't think or carry on a sensible conversation for a few min. Migraines can also have some strange auras.

    Have you ever tried (low dose) Neurontin or that type of drugs for migraine prevention? It helped me a lot when I was having them every day. Hope you're better soon!

  5. Becia, You must have been very scared. I have partial seizures & migraines. Certain meds will cause me to have partial seizure especially hormones or any kind & antibiotics. I've also found that almost anything can cause a seizure even herbal oils, supplements& chemicals. I've even had mine triggered by food. All this plus syncope & much more started with dysautonomia. If it was the tramadol & they change your med, hopefully you will never have another seizure. Best of luck!

  6. Do any of you shake uncontrollably, teeth chattering, as if you were freezing cold? I have what I call internal shakes often but my hands & arms will not be shaking. With this I'm actually shaking. I've done this ever since having Dys. I wake up in the night occ feeling slightly nauseous, anxiety starts, & then the shaking. I have also done this when I get really stressed. It usually last about an hour before I can get it under control. thanks.

  7. I haven't raised the head of my bed yet. I use several pillows to prop my head. I do get tired of trying to sleep in that position but it seems to help. When I have to get up during the night I sit up a few min before starting for the bathroom. I also leave small light burning to help keep me oriented. I also have Meniere's disease & have no balance without a light to keep me focused.

  8. I had bad reaction to flu vaccine and was so weak I could not turn over in bed for days. I don't remember losing the use of my arm but I actually felt almost paralyzed at times. I could not hold my head up to eat. It lasted about 2 weeks. I never fully recovered & I had always taken the flu vaccine. I had been able to take antibiotics & medications that I needed until that happened. Now I'm allergic to basically everything. That is the same time I started having autoimmune problems & dysautonomia. I will never take another vaccine.

  9. I have had cramps start when I was outside in the heat but I never considered the heat a trigger, but I'm sure it's possible. I also have nausea, constipation, bloating, gas, sickening colon cramps with syncope. Just about everything I eat causes a bad reaction of some kind. I never eat when I'm away from home for fear of an attack & passing out in a public bathroom.

  10. I do have hypoglycemia & any medical testing that requires fasting for more than 3 or 4 hours is out for me. I tried doing the fast for a colonoscopy 3 times & always passed out before I really got started. Any illness when you're too sick to eat is traumatic & can be life threatening.

    I also get shakey a lot from adrenal exhaustion & Hashimotos thyroid. Have you been checked for either?

  11. Thanks everyone for your replies. I made it through without any major incidents. I did use foam ear plugs but the music was still too loud. It's impossible to avoid perfume so I'm paying the price today. I stayed away from the crowd without looking to anti social. I try to go by the saying, "fake it until you make it".

    I'm sorry so many of you have to miss out on what I call a normal life. Things that we should enjoy become a terrible burden for us.

  12. How do you handle social situations? The last time I went to a funeral after about an hour I began to feel like if I stood up I would pass out. I also have inner problems & all the noise of people talking makes it worse. All the perfumes make me ill so always a migraine after it's over. Even after a shower I can still smell the odors. I feel like I'm on autonomic nervous system overload or something. I was sick for several days after.

    I have another funeral I'm to attend today & I dread it, not sure if I'm going. My DH just doesn't get it.

    I used to be a very sociable person but not anymore. Thanks.

  13. I mean just doing household chores. There is no way I have the energy to exercise. There is no set time, but the longer I'm up the worse I get. It seems to be worse if I'm standing for a long time. I feel faint if I stand in one place for any length of time but do better if I'm moving about. Sometimes I notice I feel this way if not exerting myself. I have hypoglycemia also but I try to watch & not skip meals. thanks for your reply.

  14. Thanks for your reply. I do have POTS but I'm cautious of electrolyte drinks because of sodium content. I also have Meniere's & have to watch my salt intake. I do crave sweets but try to not over indulge. Seems if I find something that will help one symptom it aggravates another illness.

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