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Everything posted by tinkerbella

  1. I haven't been around for the past few days as I saw sitting on my bed after hanging some ornament on my angel tree with lights next to my bed. I had tried to plug it in and got dizzy and next thing I knew I took a dive to the floor into a area about 1' x 1' wide. I don't really know what happened other than I knocked over roses with water in them and I was lying on an electric cord that held 6 plugs. My heart was tachying away and I could not breathe.... Normally I would have been alone, but a friend had been there as we were having send out after a day together. I have a huge heavy trundle bed up high, a big no, no.... I was stuck with my legs up in the air and couldn't get out... I don't know why my friend thound he could pull me up by my legs? The pain was really bad and the bed had to bed all pulled apart to get me out. I was afraid we were going to call 911. I got out and was so embarressed took my pain meds and had dinner and went to bed. Slept like a baby that night and the next day could not even be touched or put a hat on.... I arrived at the er not even knowing if I took my meds at the morning with a bp of 178/101 and hr going crazy. ? They wanted to know why I didn't come right away and how dangerous this was. I couldn't even be hugged as the pain was so bad. Long story short, I have a bad head injury, making my pots even worse. My nurse who checked in on me yesterday said I can't have my princess bed anymore and made some kind of note that I need a hospial bed. I couldn't even tell her my daughter's phone # which I call everyday. They also think I got whiplash from the fall also. How do you tell if you are getting worse when you are sick all the time? Symptoms are all the pots signs except bleeding from the nose and ears... I think today's hydration will be a nice check in for me and I really can use more fluids, even though they gave me 1 bag as I'm sooooooooo dry... I've really missed all the action around here but having been so out of it.... They really encouraged whenever I hit the floor to come and check it out!!!! As with Pots it's hard to tell what's wrong and what's not.... take care all, xxx's A very, very sore and forgetful Bellamia~
  2. Just wanted to bring up this post as these products are great and worth a try. I've tried out several and think they are great! Hydrating drink, breakfast drinks, and vitamins plus more.... I need to reorder as my vitamins just ran out. Everyone had been talking about portable drinks and these come in little packs to go if you want... Bellamia~
  3. Steriods have bloated me up...I can't believe I wrote I was adorable. LOL! I MUST HAVE BEEN RUNNING ON LOW BP, it makes me babble like a brooke. I JUST wear larger shirts and people say have you lost weight. LOL! MY mom told me a lady never tells her age or weight. KEEP THEM guessing sweetheart so I'm not telling anymore... bellamia~ just funning with you all, but she did say that...
  4. THANKFUL, Thanks for the update I'll say another prayer for you and your hubby. There's a new Harvest Moon coming up on the 14th a good time to start new things.. I wish all the time that I could make others happy and take away their sadness. I hope for tonight you and your hubby can have a really nice night out together. Many don't have someone to even just hug them. We all need HUGS. May we hear good news one day from you. Keep us posted. I just wanted to tell you I had a terrible time on lyrica. It made me fall down like a drunk. the neuro I was seeing was mad that I would not take it. So I left him. this was before I knew I had pots. he at least found I had perpherial neurapathy, which got the ball rolling. Same type of effects with neuontin also. I'm sure you have checked it all out, but I just wanted to mention it in case anyone else was thinking of it also. I can't find the link I was on this morning but there's a link to fibro and eds from taking lyrica and it was warning people about it.If I find it I'll post it. I know we all react differently but this sounded like something new. take care sweetheart~ xxx's bellamia~
  5. this post is just too funny!!! I better behave myself too , lately I'm a little snippy on this florinef, a cortisol stim test, and a cortisone shot in the butt. Dr said I'm all hormonal again and potentially could get pregnant now. LOL! Oh, it hurts my head to even laugh anymore. Erik, you are very funny and I've been googling this subject all day because I really don't quite understand how it all works to begin with. I always know a lier as they never look me in the eye...I always make the lier, confess as most liers are really forgetful and can't remember their trail of lies. bellamia~
  6. Real love can't be stopped... It starts with an attraction and it can't be stopped... I believe that honesty is the best policy right up front. I don't fake it anymore. I am who I am and I'm still full of love and fun, though I have my limits now. I have learned though past relationsships that I will not be codependent for anyone ever, ever again. This time around in life I'm taking care of me. I've learned that I want unconditonal love. I tell everyone right up front becasue they are going to see it happen and I don't want them calling 911 because of what will be happening to me. The only hard part is being in a wheel chair or walking with a crutch/cane you can become a victim to some wirdos out there. Please be careful, and walk with your keys between your fingers. They see a pretty face and say they want to help you. Stay away from them in areas alone. There is safety in numbers. Most stores have workers who will help you to your car which is safer than a stranger trying to hit on you as soon as you hit the car. Meeting new people when you are disabled is difficult especially if you are mostly house boound. Many dating sites are bogas and send fake emails back to you. Church would be a good place, but I want to go to sleep and lay down. I do have a few people interested but I need to meet someone that we really are right for each other. This is the time of life that I'm looking for someone to enjoy what is to be and come grow old with me for the best is yet to come if it is true unconditional love. I pray that he is out there and must like my dog and family and grand babies... I hope and pray we all find someone to spend the rest of our lives with because it's so lonely living alone... I could have stayed in dysfunction and been with someone, but I'm a much better person for having the courage to be me again. I was tired of taking care of someone else when I needed care, worring about someone else and walking on eggshells all the time. I've got to be me and I've got to find him. I know he's out there some where. bellamia~
  7. I SPY WITH MY BLURRY EYES..... Bellamia~
  8. thankful, I wanted to cry when I read what you read, as it hits home to me. I think you are hit with a double whammy right now of the down in the dumps of depression of not getting pregnant and dealing with pots. I also wasn't able to have kids for 6 years after having an ectopic pregnancy that almost took my life also. They think I also had pots all along so I was double depressed. Just dealing with the stress of tring to have a baby is depressing, then add a limited time frame only makes it even more stressful and knowing you have pots makes it like you want to stay in bed and pull the covers over your head all day. I hated people who kept asking me when were we going to have a baby? I hated pregnant woman, baby departments of stores, I thought people should have been more sensitive to what I had gone through. I had my ectopic around Christmas time and even the cleaning person asked me what did I have for a baby and I kept hearing all the babies crying on the floor. I went home on Christmas day and cried every year after, till finally I was prayed over and surgical interventions were tried over and over. I finally had 3 babies very close together and the last one came just after midnight having been in labor on Christmas day. I got my GIFTS, Blessings from each and every one. My life has been richer with them, I cherished them so much more in my mind because of how hard I had to work for them. I taught them and they taught me things I would have never believed. I only regret that my marriage didn't withstand my illness for my children's sake. But, the GIFTS of my precious grand babies are the wind beneath my wings right now. One day I hope to find the real deal as my little 5 year old puts it. I Love every moment with my family. Today someone bought me a bunch of sunflowers as I was about to leave the hospital and someone else bought me a new day planner as they noticed my tiny little book that I write in is so full. The flowers are right beside my bed giving me so much joy and it's reminds me that I read somewhere that we should treat ourselves to a bouquet of fresh flowers a week. All summer long I gave away bouquets to everyone from my garden, It felt so nice getting these today. Actually this is my 3rd bouquet this past 6 months. I never got flowers before from people. I always convinced others I wasn't worth the money the flowers cost, now I know I am! Anyway, on all those occasions they lifted my spirits, I always take photos of them and make cards out of them to remember them by. Thankful, you are such a sweet and kind person here on the forum always helping others. I often think we have to feel a little lost in life to find out who we really are and what direction we need to go. It is then when I do my best writing, soul searching and touch deep feelings I have hidden deep in my heart. Once released, I feel much better and know where my body compass is headed. I hope and pray you feel better soon. I think by now you can see that we've all felt a bit lost from time to time, but we are all here for each other to catch one another if we happen to fall. Blessings and Love, Bellamia~
  9. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, I'M loving all of these photos Maxine!!! BELLAMIA~
  10. maxine, i love the pics..... i would love to learn how to do that. can you upload from your computer to here? it's nice seeing what makes us happy. thanks for sharing... Bellamia~
  11. MaryMalta, You always make my day as you are a delightful person also!!! Thanks for your kind words I hope and pray all our sufferings go away. I know there is a reason we are all here and a reason we have all been touching each others lives. Without Pots all of us would have never met. I try to pull all of the good things of of all of this and remember that I'm not alone with sweet people like you Mary. Thanks again for your continued support. xxx's Bellamia~
  12. Thankful, thanks for your reply, I have three GREAT doctors A PC, Cardio, and a POTS neuro and I saw this doctor once before. Now they think I'm interesting now when my cardio told me he thought they would want to write a medical journal on me when he 1st sent me there. (well if they read my chart last time they would have know that) Down part there is you only see the real doc for 5 mins. It's like playing telephone tag...to get answers. Now I can't get that song, "Jump Around," out of my head. I'll ask my cardio as he's really the one I go by... I just wonder what other have done also. Thanks. Bellamia~
  13. Maxine, That is great news!!!! We need more good new around here... Jana, I had diastolic dysfunction in a 3rd echo then a year it was gone. Why? I don't know why, but they made such a big fuss about it when they found it. My doctor said I had a stiff heart. I think prayers helped and will say some for you. xxx's Bellamia~
  14. Thanks jana, I was trying to see the local tech high school where I taught nights might be able to do the job as funds are low and this year they aren't building a house. I haven't heard back yet. I gave my name and # out this morning to the cab driver who has friends who do that kind of work also. So, I need to get the ball rolling as one guy told me it would be 1200 dollars easy yesterday. gulp.... I only have 2 stairs... it's a heavy chair. Everything has it's way of working out... I'm just tired, but smiling too sweetheart!
  15. Thanks Amy, I really think this fellow Doc saw me as a nice interesting new guinea pig to learn, learn, learn with. My neuro speds a lot of time with me and I really like her. I was just at this other place to use their testing lab as my cardio likes their lab the best in town. But for now I got some sleeping to do and more appointments tomorrow and thursday. then hospital wed and friday for hydration for the day. I did get really good news though, I got approved for help in my home. Now I just need to find someone to build a ramp or contract with someone or the order won't go in for the moterized wheelchair. It's a big one so It won't work with a portable ramp. I'll focus on that next week.
  16. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm very nausaus now that I'm not the driver anymore, add stress. a migraine, light, and I'm sick for days on end. When you can't keep enough fluids down, Then you need some iv fluids as the more dehydrated you become the harder your heart has to work. I hope you get rest and are feeling better soon~
  17. When I get any virus I have to be admitted for fluids last bug was 6 days after being sick at home for 4. I know now to nip it in the bud and go in when I can't keep fluids down...
  18. Today at my ttt test the woman went are your feet and ankles always swollen like this? If I happen to stand more they swell even worse. They look like broken ankles...
  19. Oh yeah I know what you mean... If I go out to eat and get up and stand, I'd better go straight home or I could be in for BIG TROUBLE!!! wHO AM I KIDDING, wHEN I STAND EVERYTHING GETS WORSE. TODAY'S ttt table test proved it.
  20. I had a third tilt table test today at in Boston. I must say this time all the staff were wonderful. Explained everything as we got ready for the test. that's the way I like it. I lasted only 2 mins up at 60 degrees when my heart rate was so high and I couldn't breathe. Soon there were Doctors and people all around me. I have been having a harder an harder time breathing these days when I get so tachy. After about 15 mins I was chest pain free, nausa free and less tachy so we tried to stand on the floor and It was bad all over again. Back came the nicest doctor and he said you certainly have POTS but something else is going on with you. He said I would really like it if you could come back to this clinic as I think we could help you. You need more tests... I then took my nausa meds and drank a gatorade as fast as I could. When they found out I was alone the doctor walked me to the lobey and talked for some time and said that I need to be seen soon and that it's a year to get an appointment. Due to what they saw he would rush me through, as I was a patient before but the staff at the time wasn't warm and fuzzy and the head doc had thown up his arms and didn't know what to do with me. Now, I need to discuss this with my cardio, as maybe we do need a 3rd opinon right now. He also agreed with me about mast cell and checking that out. He seemed surprized that I even knew about that. I have forum lingo and I used it well... I'm very blessed to have acess to wonderful health care. The doctors are so different, I need to go eenie meenie miney moe, where should I really go? To someone who spends all her time with me or someone who the whole world comes to see? Can you jump around? I'm so sick and tired of traveling with a pink wash basin in buses and cabs as I'm so sick all the time now.
  21. YOU ARE TOO FUNNY... MOST PEOPLE PICK THEIR NOSE AT RED LIGHTS and think no one is looking...LOL! No really, I hope everthing will be ok. I have to use flonase or I'd never breathe am and pm. It's a script. Oh wanted to ask where your deviant art page is or how to find it? I want to see you dolls... Take care...
  22. Hi Darcy, I noticed in another post you talked about when you stared florinef. I'm not sure if your still on it, but it can make anything your allergic to worse ... If you just came off it it takes about a week to get out of your system if i understood my doc correctly. I wanted to take a trial off to see if was making me so sick to my yummy and that was going to be our game plan... I decide to wait out to storm. Hope you figure this all out. bellamia~
  23. Elana, THE first time I blacked out after I had been dx with POTS the doctors didn't count it as I was on the toilet and never hit the floor. I had everything go black and grabbed my had and held it down till I came to and I could see again, also I was in the hospital. I was so scared, I was so flushed so the nurses didn't think anything was wrong with me. That alone was scarey and then I WAS TOLD THE NEXT TIME I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO DRIVE FOR 6 MONTHS. Right now I don't drive and haven't since the end of Dec. 08. I wish you the best of luck...ALWAYS IF YOU HIT YOUR HEAD, CHECK IT OUT! TOO many people die from head injuries who get up talk and walk away. Like the movie actress this past year... bellamia~
  24. Hi Darcy, I put this in the wrong post for you. GOING TO FIX IT NOW1 Sorry sweets! Hope you figure this all out. bellamia~
  25. Gayla, AWWWWWWWWWWW SO ADORABLE!!! Your kitty looks as big as my guy. I forgot to tell you he sleeps under my sheets on the Cold Nights and we share body heat as I'm always cold too! THANKS FOR SHARING! BELLAMIA~
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