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Everything posted by baby_boy

  1. Hi all may i take a few moments to thank you all, your support has been wonderful! My timetable is: Monday: English Litrature (4 HOURS) Tuesday: History (4 HOURS) Wednesday: DAY OFF! Thursday: English (4 HOURS) Firday: Maths (4 HOURS) Plus i gotta doa tutorial and an Hour I.T lesson, dunno when that is though. If non of you already guessed, im trainning to be an English teacher, just as well becuase i hate Maths! but its compulsery. Im expected to pass 4 out 6 assignments at a level 3 in maths, thats an A-LEVEL standard! Thats gonna be the hardest part of it all, studying and making sure i get the points i need for university.
  2. Hi thanks for that Yes im going full time. My next day is thursday. My english lesson is on the A Block, low floor, i just hope the rest of my lessons are. Im doing 4 hours a day, so its not that much really. Well colledge has been well, ive had the odd chest pain, since being home, and the anixety has been present ever since ive been on this PC. I actually think its doing more harm them good. I also noticed since i been back water hasnt been regular. Talking of that ill go get a glass. I hope you day at colledge goes down well. How come you need a walking stick?
  3. Today has felt like the best day of my life. I started colledge yesterday, but didnt turn up due to a massive anxiety episode that left me scared and upset, so i called in sick. Today i went to colledge and faced all my fears, at first it was hard, then i said to myself: 'Your hear now, if you collapse on the floor theres help around, stop looking for escape doors and just sit down a shut up, this is your future, dont let you mind mess it up' I actually said something like that in my head. I calmed down, sipped regular ammounts of water and got on with it. The anxiety levels automaticlly dropped, and everything felt normal, i could speak aloud infront of people, i could walk down small corridors and not get scared. I had the od skipped/extra heart beat that sent the odd cough through the quite room, but apart from that i felt and feel great. Its been about a year since i left the house alone, for me this is a major step and im actually excited and proud. I now walk a mile to the buss stop to save on catching 2 busses and save money, instead of walking to the bustop outside my house (if i catch that id need to get 2 buses and costs money ) a litle bit of self strenght can go far!!
  4. I found this info: Racing heart, slow heart beat, palpitations Anxiety releases adrenaline into the blood stream making the heart race and feel as if it is missing beats, (palpitations). This is perfectly natural and will not and cannot harm you in any way. Later I will discuss methods you can use to help stop these feelings. A slow heart beat is also a common feature of anxiety, again it does not mean that your heart will stop beating, it may feel odd and alarming but again do not give it any credibility and it will go away I can find no info on what i experienced the only thing i found was that above comment, i wasnt searching for anxiety, but thats all i could find. Today i came out the flat, went in the lift and needed to get out, i felt dizzy and horrible! I then walked the bus stop to go colledge and felt very sick and in an anxious mood. The bus came and i just couldnt get on it, i ended up turning round and going home. I feel like a faliure, im so upset, ive let everyone one down. I foned the colledge and i gotta go tomorrow now for my timetable, but im really scared and no1 will help me. My family thinks its all in my head, even if it is its still a problem and ruining my life. Ive had all this for 3 years nearly and its awful.
  5. I was lying in bed writing some poetry yesterday, about 1am, i had some spyware scanner running on my PC and left my speakers on. Next thing i know there was a lound alarm sound from my PC from the spyware scanner. I jumped out of my skin. The first reaction i did was head for my pules (Dont ask why lol). I noticed instead of speeding up my HR dropped to like 40, then after 20 seconds of so went fast then went normal. At the time i was lying down, my HR ususally drops to its 50-60's when lying. But i was puzzled to why my HR slowed down then sped up. I know its happened befor, its just this time i checked my pulse. I get the impression my brain is sending the wrong signals out. I felt no pain of nothing, so i didnt worry about it. Ayone exlain or had this befor?
  6. Thanks mighty. 90% of the time i feel awful after eating. I dont know how to test my BP as i have no BP Monitor. But yes that would certialy sum things up. My stomach feel bad atm. I hate, this, why cant my body proform normal, it really gets me down sometimes. I hate these mad feelings.
  7. Hi all. Today i felt well. I ate my bowl of spagetti bolognese, pasta and mince meat, i started feeling funny. I had pains in my side, then had an bout of tachycardia. Now i feel tierd, drained from energy, dry mouth and anxiety. Ive read that carbs are bad and its not the first time this has happened, i was thinking the pasta is the culprit, although i didnt eat much of it.
  8. Leg Pain - Yes i get it sometimes, latley ive noticed it more. The other week i had a pain in my knee and bruisng around my knee, felt like a constant sharp pain. This lasted a few days and went, i didnt bang my knee or anything. Abdominal Pains - I can eat huge meals and not go the toilet for days. I get VERY! bad wind morning times and late night. I awoke last night and my stomach felt like it had a balloon in it, gas came from both ends (sorry to be bold) and it went. I noticed in colledge last week my stomach was growling like an angry tiger! I have many of these pains and there awful. Hope u get help soon.
  9. Hey Persephone, Sorry bout the long reply. Yeah im finally on it, start monday. Im determined to do it! Went out today and got some colledge stuff. Im in need of a laptop, might swap my PC for one, that way i can do stuff whilst in bed or sitting comfortably in a chair, rather then on this PC Chair. I havnt spoken to you for some time. If you can log into MSN and have a chat. Regards and wish you well.
  10. Hi Could you recommend some books on POTS and Anxiety. Im looking to buy a few books and im off to the book store tomorrow, any reccomendations?
  11. Hi all. Im excited, im going back to school to study teaching. Im 20 years old and im stuck in the the house 24/7 , i fear work, i fear life. I was thinking a few weeks back, what job can i do that would not stress me out, pay a good income and do things for other people, and i thought BINGO! teaching. When i was 15 i looked up to my english teacher, i really like him and liked the way he taught people, he wasnt mean and angry, he was that kind he gave people lunch money if they had non, i always wanted to be like him. I LOVE english litrature, and scince i was 15 teaching has been something ive always considered. I got of my bum on monday and went to the open day......on my own.......on the bus, that was a great achivment at that. They enrolled me on the 6 year course!!!!! i was like WOWOWOWOWOW! Im going to struggle on days, the days when i wake up and can hardley moove myself, but i got a feeling this is going to greatly boost my self esteem. The only thing i fear is the sudden burst of storms whilst in colledge. As many of you know, you can be fine 1 second, the next your all over the place. I think for this im going to need ALOT of water. Id love to hear some testomonies of your colledge days, do you attend now and how you coping?
  12. I have a High BP and High HR when i stand. I have a mixture between low HR and High HR when standing. Although latley i notice it alot less, on some days when im really bad stading is a problem.
  13. Melly: I totally understand what your saying. The medical world is like a big hole in the science field. I think doctors need to take Anxiety seriously, i belive in my opinion in later life it will cause big implications. If stress can cause a Heart Attack, then im posative the stress from Anxiety can do the same thing. The dangerous stress is when you overwork your body whilst doing nothing, example, when you sit down and get stressed with a PC and start getting mad. Anxiety comes on for no reason, Raises the HR and BP so high sometimes we think we are gonna die, it also releases alot of adrenaline, and makes your body overwork, so 5 episodes a week cant be good. My theroy prolly holds no sense at all, but im just adding 2 and 2 together.............prolly ='s 6, lol.
  14. Yep i have it ALL the time with my doc. One time i was walking down the road and my HR rose to 190 for no reason, i had hot rushes through my body, felt spaced out, my hands went tingley, Tachy. kicked in ect ect. I went the doctors and he told me its normal, he said from you records i can see you worry alot, he said i dont need any pills, just need to calm down and gave me some achne pills. I was like What the %^~# is going on. I went to every doctor in that surgery and all claim i have severe anxiety and still give me no pills to take. Im sick of these so called specialists that guess your diagnosis.
  15. Ive had no food this morning except a pack of crisps, but ive had no symptoms, the odd Brachy/tachy but apart from that i feel fine. Im gonna experiment today, im gonna have little snacks instead of huge meals that fill me up. Im also gonna drink plenty of fluids and see if it has a change. Its probably only me but anyone else get this. Total madness i tell ya.
  16. I wish you luck Hope it turns out well for you, please let me know the outcome
  17. Ive been out of the house, back and forward all day today, its enrolment day at colledge and i just got in , im doing Teaching. I left the house early, about 9am, since then ive had 2 cups of tea and 2 glasses of water. I arrived home at about 16:15 feeling a bit dry in the mouth. I was at the buss stop and i got a stabbing pain in my right side (opposite to heart), i had it about 5 times so far, scince about 3:30. I was told that dehidration (spelt wrong i know) is a cause of these pains. Im now stocking up on fluids, so i just hope it goes away. Anyone got this befor, new pain i havnt felt. By the way in the UK (Birmingham) its AWFULLY!!!! HOT. The type of hot were your cloths get all sticky. Baby Boy, I fixed the title for you, and other than that your post is untouched
  18. Mighty Mouse, Ive been reading some posts on your wellness and how u got back to work. This has happened to me plenty of times. One occasion back in September i thought 'i feel amazing, time to get back to life' , got a job at Subway, was doing well, woke up one morning with a BANG! Couldnt go to work, i felt ill, tiered, and could barley get about the house, so i stayed of work and in the end gave up. I then got a new job on a PC back in march, but got made redundent, so here i am, on the PC with nothing. On weeks i feel like i can run the olymics, but on others i feel awful. Worst thing with me is i have no DX, so its scarey at times, The NHS in birmingham UK is horrible, docotrs still fob me of, still awaiting tests. Just keep my prayers up and hope i get a DX.................One Day. All i can say, which works for me, is do things that make u feel good, as hard is it can be at times. Watching a film helps me, thanx to the user who recommended that . Dehidrating is a problem for me at the moment, i forget to drink warter throughout the day. Be well and i wish u wellbeing in all modesty.
  19. Hi all. Latley ive been having Palpatations, now they seem normal, like they always do, but each and every time i have them there always scarey. I get a big thud and often when it happens i cant swollow, and i have to grab something, it happens for a minute second., HR then becomes rapid, i feel anxious and scared then returns to normal. All this in a matter of 30 seconds. I get these id say about 5 times a day, i know some of you get them more, but the whole experience is horrible, its like the worst thing you wanna go through, but it happens in a split second, then its gone. Ive look at a few posts on here about your experiences. Id love to view some posts on this subject. Ive read a ew manuals on why this happens, and it seems correct to whatim having, but as i said palps are horrible, dont you agree? I get them around 5 times a day, normal day, maybe about 15 on a BAD day. When do you get them and are they sometimes hard to brush off?
  20. Thanks mighty mouse, ive been meaning to read this.
  21. Yeah i have trouble sleeping, latley ive been sleeping at 3am in the morning. When i do nod off im out for hours. Latley ive noticed i need more sleep, i can sleep from 3am to 12, then wake up, 4 hour later i feel like i need half an hour, although most of the time i let the tierdness beat me. One problem i have is while i sleep i can feel palpatations in my dreams, and often feel like i do when im awake. Over the past to years i just learn to deal with it.
  22. I thought i was the only one on this one. Its horrible, i feel sick when it happens. Does anyone also get sleeping problems?
  23. Hi all. From about april 2003 i noticed when i awake my HR is very fast, when i stand up its even faster, after about 2 mins it cools down to about 110 then settles at about 80-90. I first noticed it when i used to wake up and go to the toilet, then after i while i stopped thinking about it. I awoke this morning and checked my pulse cus i felt paranoid again, and it was high again, about 160. Does anyone have this also, and why does it happen? If you could shed some light please.
  24. Im sitting here listing to the news and all the drama thats happening in the world today, loads of people dieing ect. And i started to think about how my body works and actually began to scare myself. I look at pop stars, idols, TV Stars, Movie stars and always think 'Do they live life without thinking' you automaticlly think that they live there daily lives without getting paranoid, or thinking about there heartrate, or thinking about how much water the should consume, they seem to have no problems. Then i started thinking about potasium levels, heart rate, why does this happen, and why do i get this, and what if this happens, its very scarey. Latley ive been eating a load of crap foods which make me feel crap, i cant go the gym cos my moneys run out and my gym membership. I sit on a PC all day doing nothing. My internet connection is getting cut off cos i cant afford the payment, its going to be me and myself, which actually scares me. Does anyone think like this? Could someone share some experiences that would help me feel better.
  25. Welcome to the board, im also young (20 Years old), but not yet been DXed, although my doc has concerns i have it, or something similar as the symptoms and previous medical history point to it. Cant talk to much, just tyding up and eating Wish you well
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