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Everything posted by MikeO

  1. Food has always bothered me. Took a while but we did figure out that i get post-prandial hypotension not always too bad my BG might drop 20-25 points but i feel it . add diabetes to the mix and food is not very attractive to me. I have tried a number of strategies but always revert back to just one meal a day and limit carbs to 20 grams or less per meal. so far i have felt better (not perfect) but better. The post-prandial hypotension and blood sugar spikes are very reproducible.
  2. Might be right. i tend to drink more fluids later in the day or evening.
  3. I have had bad days and then rallied in the evening. does not happen to often which for me is good.
  4. Sorry I was thinking more in terms of glucose with Metformin, helps the amount of glucose that our bodies absorb from the foods we eat. Your post did jog my memory as to why i had a discussion around Acarbose with my Doc to begin with. Was for a possible treatment for my postprandial hypotension. I did defer the offer at the time (bad timing anyways) and choose to control it thru diet changes. Sure this was the right choice seeing we figured out that i have diabetes. Please keep us posted as to how this works for you. Good Luck and best wishes!
  5. Well pretty sure Metformin does not lower blood sugar (will not cause hypo) but does work on the absorption of carbs thru the GI as well. (blocker) Could be wrong but just throwing caution to the wind for you.
  6. I was just thinking the same. Sure one off my providers used the term that was not friendly (prodromal symptoms) big word but can be taken a few ways. I get so mad. My DM Trainer at least Gets me. She did note i have been asking appropriate questions and have engaged in conversation. She also gets my orthostatic hypotension and a link to (Bad Carbs) or food. She is such a mom @Jyoti i have been so documented test wise there should be no questions. Yet i continue to have the battles with providers. Not sure what modern medicine teaches now days but i get a feeling most of this is a generalized response to the provider has no idea as to what is going on. All i can say is testing is crucial but yet i get push back on that as well. You Rock!
  7. My Dr brought this drug up last year. He did mention the side effects. Not sure what exactly what the intent of the trial is but Metformin ER is rumoured to be tolerated a bit better.
  8. For me the answer is no just for the fact that there is data to the contrary. Still does not mean i don't have battles yet with my care providers.
  9. Well got a response from the survey. Dear Participant, Thank you for consenting to being a part of our research study on shortness of breath in dysautonomia. Your responses have been received and will be used anonymously to conduct our study. We will post updates on the first data analysis later this year. Thank you again for your contribution to this study. Warm regards,
  10. Been here as well. One step at a time right?
  11. Malaise is a big word for me Haha...Does take me a few minutes to recover. Hope that helps!
  12. All i was told is to stick to your guns. The doc that does the autonomic testing is Dr. Santos froedtert. He is well received. I was referred to UW Madison but that ended up nowhere Please post back how you made out. Big Hugs!
  13. Glad you posted again on this old thread. I have found that i am less symptomatic as i have been getting my T2D under control. Found a study done in 2022 as well. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.121.17852#:~:text=Postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is,is the precise underlying mechanism.
  14. Found one other finding suggesting insulin resistance in POTS folks. Curious to see if any trials will be done with some of the lastest diabetes drugs. These findings suggest that patients with POTS may have some degree of insulin resistance, that they release greater amounts of GIP after glucose ingestion, and that this greater GIP release may contribute to the exacerbation of orthostatic symptoms via splanchnic vasodilation https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10286-022-00863-4#:~:text=These findings suggest that patients,orthostatic symptoms via splanchnic vasodilation.
  15. I also see a range in my O2 sats. 95 is my norm but can dip 92 or even be 98 on the high. nurses tell me temp does com into play.
  16. well did a post on reddit. seemed to spark a nerve.
  17. Thanks, all i can say is us (dysautonomia) folks are stronger than most. Big hug!
  18. Thanks! @Sushi @JyotiExercise seems to fix a lot of stuff. Still a bit of a dilemma when i am high (253) at 8 PM and my guidelines are not to go to bed with a BG out of the 80-140 range. Sure a 30 min workout is going to keep me up for a while. Diabetes is such a pain
  19. My bad flair ups are april - june and late fall. they are almost like clock work
  20. Just wanted to share the effect 30 mins of exercise has on BG levels. Started diabetes boot camp yesterday. Part of the program includes 30 mins of exercise. So started the session off at 229 and post session came down to 137. The trainer also mentioned that the exercise benefit would last a number of hours and it did. later in the day i was only 133.
  21. Hi @Jyotiyes this has been on my mind. for now i am just not in a good place. I need a break from not feeling well. I know a scoop of ice cream will help (comfort food) Lol. I will keep pushing.
  22. @Jyoti@Pistol I am soo frustrated right now. Getting tossed around the healthcare system (like pass around penny) lately is a bit more than i can handle. Even with my diabetes my PCP wanted me to be seen in Madison by a endo (sure for good reason He does not understand what i am presenting) then i spent two months trying to get a audience just to be referred back to my PCP. Same thing happened when i was referred to froedtert in Milwaukee (the other big university/health care provider in WI) just to be referred back to the faint clinic in Madison. Total (((grr))). I did just get a message from a wi dysautonomia facebook person that got some help from just recently from froedtert it did take her a different round about way to get help. I will try again.
  23. I know my PCP is trained (NP's not so sure about) but does not do any testing in office (poor mans tilt test) and will refer out to have a TTT test done. Unfortunately in my neck of the wood if you test positive nothing else will happen testing wise and is the end of care for it. You will get the usual generalized recommendations (drink more fluids, squeeze your butt before standing, compression socks etc...) usually no med changes and the good luck and be prepared if you pass out in public someone might call 911. Then the buck starts to get passed when you start looking for answers.
  24. so does this happen upon standing?
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