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Posts posted by DSM3KIDZ

  1. I have been taking Petadolex per my dr. instructions for almost 2 months and have been having amazing results (knock on wood) I was getting migraine every 2-3 days and toward the end I was getting ones that were lasting 10 days :) .

    I started Petadolex and only had 1 migraine in 20 days and the severity was less and it only lasted 3 days. I really hope this continues. This is a form of natural butterbur and you buy it at a health food store. I take it 3x a day. It's pretty pricey but worth it. It's 50 dollars for almost a month.

    Well I just wanted to pass this along for those who have migraines. The only side effects I get from it is alittle increase in nausea which I have anyways.


  2. I had to stop my Zoloft due to migraines and I need Wellbutrin not for depression but for some reason it really helps my gastroparesis. anyways I need something seperate for anxiety. I was researching and wanting to try Buspar. Does anyone take these two together?

    I want an alternative to Wellbutrin and Benzo's

    Any suggestions are welcome as I see the auto specialist tomorrow.

    Thank You


  3. My nausea was horrendous for 2-1/2 24-7 yrs when I first got sick. Well since starting Wellbutrin 7 months ago it has been more stabilized but now it's back and I feel doomed :o I can't go through that again.

    I pray this is just a limited phase and things will even out soon. I guess my reason for posting is to ask for good vibes from everyone in that this too shall pass. I am scared to live like this on a daily basis again.

    Thanks everyone


  4. I feel the same way about posting. I never have advise to give except Hang in there, I feel bad but I just don't know much about this illness. It's all too confusing to me.

    I do know about anxiety alittle because I started getting anxious feeling last winter. I never had a panic attack but feel very paniky. Xanax helps me alot. I take it like 3x a week which is alot but is only my current option right now. Klonipin does nothing to help me settle down.

    I really feel for you because the anxiety prevents me from doing all that I want to do and the illness is restricting enough. I hope this phases out soon.

    Why were you in the er? I hope your alright.


  5. I am going insaine.........7 days and I still have a migraine. Went to ER with minimal relief. Maybe it's time to try Topamax again. Who knows maybe I can tolerate the side effects this time. I'm nervous to start it again but my docs are not helping.

    Isn't it unsafe to have a migraine 5/6-10 pain scale for more than 72 hrs with no pain relief?


  6. Do you wear compression hose?

    My doc prescribed Wellbutrin Xl 150mg about 10 months ago for depression and it was also suppose to help with autonomic issues. well since taking it I barely feel nauseated. If you look at my old posts, that's all I used to talk about was the nausea.

    I do get it on occasion but for only short periods.

    Have you ever tried Wellburtin?


  7. I do not experience this but in my GP website they talk alot abouy hr's and stuff upon eating and they call it "dumping syndrome" I don't know if the hands and feet turn purple, by try looking it up on line and see if it has anything to do with what your feeling.

    I just thought I'd suggest it but too tired to resesrch it to see if it fits.

    Good Luck


  8. Thanks everyone for all your advise, I had such a GREAT time with the family. I had soooo much energy and was able to walk through all the parks, stand in all the lines and even slept great. It felt like I didn't even have an illness........................it was a wonderful break. I know the nice weather helped with the mood.

    I feel so blessed that I was able to enjoy myself and have that special time with my family.

    I know I'm not always going to feel that good physically but it definitely upped my confidence in what I'm able to do and will start expanding my life more.


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