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Posts posted by DSM3KIDZ

  1. I just try to stay occupied and take it one day at a time. Also my doctor said something to the extent of not expecting this illness to progress and that it only happens in a few cases. I don't know how valid that is but it helps ease my mind which he was probally trying to do. Also I have seen some improvement minor but it counts over the 3yrs I've been sick so I hope it only improves more.


  2. Count me in as a worrier. My husband just ordered me some program from the stress and anxiety center to help with depression and anxiety. I think it's like cognitive behavioral therapy but I can do it in the comfort of my own home. I think it's like a ten week thing. It was very expensive but I aprresciate my husband's efforts. he's such a thoughful person.


  3. I take Wellbutrin 150 XL and it completely takes my constant nausea away. I don't think it helps with anything else though. But I was searching for an effective nausea med for 2 yrs so I will not quit it no matter what. I hope it helps you. I know at first it made my anxiety alittle worse but once I adjusted to it I was fine. Good luck and it's worth a try.


  4. Wow, you are going thhrough so much right now. I have 3 kids and am very blessed for that but my heart wants more. I always wanted a real big family with 4/5 kids. I had my kids all before the illness struck and was very heart broken these past 3 years that I couldn't see me being healthy enough to go through a pregnancy and even have the energy for another child. But somewhere along the time I got content with the situation and realized that if I have good days that I would give the 3 kids I have all my heart could give and focus on them and not on what I can no longer have. Yeah I could get preganant, their are no doctors telling me other wise but I would be so scared of getting sicker and having the three angels i already have having to suffer even more than they already do when I have days where I can barely function.

    You have to try to keep your health stable for your beautiful daughter. What about future adoption. If my health ever gets stable that's what I would like to do.

    I don't have any answers for you but I think I know what your feeling and you never know what the future holds maybe you will get healthy enough to conceive again or maybe you'll find contentment in being a mother to one child.

    If the chocolate makes you feel better than enjoy, there are alot worse habits you could have.

    How old is your daughter now?


  5. I am going through the same sx right now, not usually something I deal with too much but man is it kicking my butt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know what you mean about the mother thing, I've been really down about not being able to complete daily tasks. My husband is like the wife and it breaks my heart because I want to take care of him not have him doing everything while I lay on the couch, crawling around getting things for my kids.

    let me know if the fluids help or the B12. I need all the help I can get right now.

    Sorry for the venting, I hope you get better soon


  6. I know how it is to feel close to a doctor. I love my neurologist I actually have to stop myself from hugging him when I leave an appointment. It's a weird feeling since this is the first doc I have a connection with.

    Sorry about the social life but trust me I understand and I know it *****. I really wish things were different for all of us but at least we have eachother.

    I hope you find a new doc that your comfortable with.


  7. I am sooo glad you found something that seems to be working. Who knows why some meds work. Like I said in the past Wellbutrin has helped me 80% with my gastroparesis and I have no idea why but when I stopped it, after 2wks the nausea was back with a vengence.

    Hope it continues to give you positive results


  8. I really wish you the best and I also want you to know that your not alone, since this illness i have alot of fear and anxiety about taking my kids places because I'm going to be dizzy and nauseated and of course driving but I think that one is legit since sometime i shouldn't drive and don't.

    Remember anxiety is on the sx list for POTS.

    I think the med takes about 6wks if I remember correctly. Hang in there with it which is a hard thing to do when you don't see results right away but SSRI's have helped many many people with POTS and anxiety/depression issues.

    Good luck and try to think positive


  9. I'm not familiar with what your going through I just wanted to say I hope you figure this out and feel better soon. I haven't seen you on here for along time. PM me with an update when you feel up to it.

    I've had some improvements and some set backs so all in all life is still the same.............alittle better I guess.

    Hang in there


  10. I was also able to tolerate this med and am probally going to be restarting it after my Buspar trial is over since that hasn't been effective for my anxiety. I was only on 25mg but need to up it becuase it was only slightly effective at that dose.

    Good luck, I've tried many and this was definitely the best as far as side effects go.


  11. Metoprolol caused me horrible depression and fatigue. I now take Bisoprolol which is in the same family as Metoprolol but gives me zero side effects. I hope you find something that works for you soon. I read your other post re: church and it brought tears to my eyes. I just wish I could tell you things will get bettter but with this illness it's soooo unknown.

    I'm here for you though. I know we haven't connected in awhile but how about you send me a pm when your feeling up to it, I need the support as much as you.

    Hang in there and keep your eyes focused on the Lord and you'll find contentment


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