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Burps Get Stuck?


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Hi All,

Like so many here, I'm still struggling to get a definitive DX. Lately, I've been having trouble with throat tightness...to the point where I am unable to burp. My throat is so swolen, I struggle to actually get my burps out. When I do, it feels better. Coordinating burps and breathing gets hard when this happens. And, of course, this only happens when my autonomic Sx's are whacky.

I just wondered if there were any "Me Too's" re. the stuck burps and throat tightness. I'm trying to figure out what part of this is autonomic and what part is mast cell related. The two are inextricably wound together so this is tough to figure out.

I do get anaphylaxis and suspect that this is what's happening here. I sometimes go weeks at a time with a sort of low grade anaphylaxis symptoms. When it's really bad, the throat tighness is followed by chest tightness, tachycardia, lightheadedness, High BP, follwed by low BP, (& when it's awful) a buzzing in my ears before I lose consciousness. My epi-pen stops things for a while and benadryl helps. And, my BP (even when I'm not having Sx's) is always crazy low- 90/60 and 70/40 when supine.)

I take lots of antihistamines daily and go months/years without bad Sx's. They're back %$#@!!! My allergist has me seeing a mastocytosis doc at the Georgia Medical College later this month. I'll let you know how it goes.


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Have you tried H2 blockers, like Zantac or Pepcid? They work as well as Benadryl, without the sleepiness and other side effects, for allergy control.

As far as burps getting stuck, it happens to me all the time. Only it's down in my belly, then I will eructate like a volcano or something. It's very uncomfortable. I haven't heard of low grade anaphylaxis, so can't help you there, other than histamine blockers. morgan

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Thanks Morgan & Pat. Yep. I take 300mg of ranitidine (zantac) daily. This isn't a reflux thing, but H2 blockers also help with the mast cell issues (believe it or not.) I also take zyrtec, singulair, benadryl and phenergan- all antihistamines. They usually control the hives/anaphylaxis....but not lately.

My throat just tightens up (like I'm being choked.) My voice even gets hoarse. And, my burps get stuck in my tum. Very disconcerting- to say the least. I'd love to hearfrom anyone who has the same problem.


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Yeah, Julie, the H2 blockers are now widely used for people with chronic hives and allergies. They've gone to pretty much using the proton pump inhibitors for reflux (prevacid, protonix, etc) and now are using the older reflux meds for allergy stuff. My sister takes Zantac for the same thing.

I have found that drinking club soda, not to be mistaken with tonic water, which my husband has :P will help get the burps out even better than gas x or phazyme. Those drugs, for some reason make my reflux even worse. The club soda doesn't seem to bother me and I don't have to drink much. We even found a salt free brand at Albertson's. However, almost everyone else here eats salt like there's no tomorrow.

It helps me probably more than anything. I have pretty bad strictures really high up in my esophagus, so guess we have similar symptoms, but for different problems. My throat closes up, but it's spasms and strictures. It's horrible and scary. I'm sorry you are having this problem, sweetie. morgan

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Yes I have this problem . My throat is a little tight but not too tight - I'm not sure it's the same as you, b/c I don't get that choking feeling or anything. I do feel pressure and sometimes pain. Can be scary, b/c it's near the heart area and it seems to flare up whenever my POTS symptoms are acting up. I take Gas-X and it helps some, but mostly I just live with it. :P


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