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Aura's With Headaches


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Hi Everyone,

For the past few weeks I have been having severe headaches, which I'm guessing are migraines. I see a headache specialist in a few weeks. Sometimes before my headaches I get a phantom smell of nail polish remover..I am the only person who smells it. Do you think that could be an aura? Everytime I look up auras with headaches it only mentions visual auras... :P I have a brain MRI over the summer which came back normal. Also, Tylenol isn't helping with the pain, is there anything that can help until I get to the headache specialist?



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Hi Jacquie,

visual auras are the most common aura for migrane but are not the only sort. Some people experience a particular smell or taste - often something metallic or chemical in nature.

The aura can be quite useful once you have a confirmed diagnosis of migrane, as you may be given medication to abort a migrane attack and taking it when you get the aura and before the pain starts can be very helpful.

Classically the normal pain medications such as tylenol / paracetamol and ibuprofen don't help the pain of migrane, but they do for some people so are worth trying. If migranes are confirmed you may be offered a medication to take at the start of an attack to abort the migrane, or if you have very frequent migranes you may be offered a preventative medication to reduce the frequency of the migrane episodes.

Good luck for your specialist appointment,


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I agree with what Flop said, and as someone who gets a visual aura before my migraine pain starts, I can truthfully say I love my visual aura! If I take my Midrin right when my vision gets blurry, I can usually abort the migraine to the extent that I can keep on working. The trick is I've only got a couple minutes. Otherwise, I get the full migraine experience (severe pain, puking, etc.)

You should be OK trying the over-the-counter migraine meds. They typically contain a pain reliever and caffeine (which is also what Midrin contains, along with some sort of muscle-relaxant.) Or you can try to drink a caffeinated beverage when you start feeling one come on. The caffeine works as a vasoconstrictor -- it helps close up the dilated vessels that are a hallmark of migraines.

Good luck! Migraines stink!


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ICE on the back of the skull where it meets your neck...that usually has some kind of counteracting effect. I have used tht before. And other than that tylenol or motrin.

I try and eat a chocolate bar(een though Is tay away from caffeine at all costs but when it gets that bad...

Good luck with the specialist Jacquie....:P


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