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Weight Gain


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Hi, I'm just wondering if any of you have had problems with increasing weight?

I always used to be quite slim despite my wide hips, and had a BMI of about 20.

I am 5'7" (170cm) and two years ago weighed 9st 2lb (58kg or 128 lbs).

I have been steadily gaining weight and now weigh 11st 7lb (73kg or 160 lbs) and have a BMI of 25.

I have basically been gaining weight steadily at a rate of 2 lb per month. I now feel fat and fed-up. I haven't changed my diet but I do exercise twice a week.

I know that I should cut the fat and sugar in my diest and increase exercise but this is very difficult to do when working full time and often having to rely on convenience foods or take-aways (I can't cook at all due to increased syncope).

I have been searching my memory and the weight gain seems to have started/increased when I went on to Paroxetine last year. Has anyone else had problems of weight gain on an SSRI?

I don't want to end up even heavier than I am now, but I also don't want to have to come off Paroxetine either. Since taking paroxetine I do seem to be more alert (despite increased sleep problems), less fed-up and less dizzy.


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Unfortunately, paroxetine is supposed to be one of the WORST SSRI's for weight gain. I do gain weight on it, but luckily, not a lot. If I'm not taking it, I get really skinny (severe diarrhea, can't eat, etc.)

I'm trying to just watch what I eat carefully, and my health condition does allow me to work out almost daily, so my weight gain is controlled.

But you are not imagining things! In my case, the weight gain is worth it.


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I take Lexapro, or atleast was taking Lexapro, I went from about 155 lbs./162 lbs. to 192 lbs., but I take a beta blocker too, I'm sure that doesn't help with the weight gain. The weight gain is a little depressing, but I would rather gain a little weight, a feel a little better, than stay at the weight I was and be sick.

Other SSRI's make me sick, and lose weight.

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Technically, ssri's can increase one's appetite - they do not cause weight gain. Isn't that a clever way around that claim?!

Wellbutrin is more stimulating and thus less likely to contribute to weight gain. HOWEVER, it is not an ssri. This med works on different neurotransmitters - dopamine and norepinephrine.

That's my 2 cents worth!

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I had wondered about the florinef - I've been on that for nearly 3 years now at 300 micrograms daily, I guess my weight probably did start to creep up when I was first diagnosed but difficult to separate blame between florinef and being told to quit all exercise by my cardiologist.

I did spend 9 months of both 2005 and 2006 on substantial doses of Prednisolone without having the huge hike in weight that one might expect. My weight gain seemed to start after I quit the prednisolone and then started on paroxetine.

I guess the only answer is it doesn't matter why I'm getting fat, I just need to have a healthier diet and exercise more!

I was really wondering about the paroxetine as a specific culprit as my cardiologist is keen to increase the dose to 40mg daily and I'm wondering if that would exacerbate the weight gain (and the insomnia)?

Fat flabby Flop

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Has anyone had answers on how to combat the weight gain with Florinef? I have gained 10kgs and I am now exercising 3x a week and eating better and the weight is not budging in fact last month i still managed to put on 1.4kgs. Its disgusting and depressing I would like to take a diretic but I hear they make the tachycardia worse so thats not a good solution theres gotta be something we can take to even it out!

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Mattsmum - please don't think about a diuretic, it would completely negate the point of taking the florinef and leave you dehydrated and feeling crappy.

Florinef does cause some weight gain due to fluid retention (that is the whole point of taking it) but there is a limit to the weight gain from purely fluid retention. If excexx weight was all down to fluid you would have really swollen legs and possible become breathless too. Florinef is a steroid and unfortunatly it increases appetite and I think it may change metabolism too so that as well as the intended fluid retention it can cause weight gain through increasing fat stores - you can't get rid of fat with a diuretic.

Sorry if that sounds harsh but a friend of mine nearly died in her teens because of taking diuretics to try to loose weight (given to her by a dodgy slimming clinic - she was fat not fluid overloaded, she ended up on dialysis for acute renal failure and severe dehydration).


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You know I was just wondering if my SSRI was causing my weight trouble also. Judging by the responses it's certainly not helping. :) I lost 25lbs in 2 weeks when I hit rock bottom before being diagnosed (nausea and diarrhea related) If it weren't for the fact that my med keeps me feeling almost normal I'd switch. I'm afraid that I would spiral down again. :(

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it does sound like we're both stuck with the same dilema - SSRI makes you feel better and in control but you end up putting on weight. I hate being fat and not being able to fit into my clothes but I hated how ill I felt before the paroxetine even more. I was soo tired and dizzy that I really couldn't function at all, at least paroxetine makes me feel more alert and has improved my concentration.

I guess that the extreme weight loss you had due to diarrhoea and vomiting was partially fat/muscle loss but that a large part of it was water loss and dehydration from the diarrhoea.


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While I gained more on Florinef, I definitely added another 15 pounds or so since starting Paxil. *sigh*

In my first appointment with the intake nurse in Manchester, we discussed my issues and my medications, and while we briefly discussed my weight, she said that it's to be expected given the medications I'm on. That made me feel a little bit better, compared to some of the doctors who judge at first sight.

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I have gained weight on every SSRI I have been on. When I go off, the weight drops right off as my eating habits are the same whether taking them or not. I like to be thinner, but then I deal with such adrenaline surges and anxiety. I have decided to take them and be overweight. I currently take Celexa, it is the best one I have been on. Effexor also worked well but I really gained the weight with that one. I have tried 5 of them over the past 14 years.


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