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Hi guys,

Sick of carrying this extra weight I decided (against better judgement) to try using a treadmill for 10 minutes going 1.5 mph...well after 10 minutes I got off and felt sooo dizzy I don't even know how I managed to stand up...Did this ever happen to anyone else?? What causes this?

Thanks! :)

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I had this same problem and still do at times. I have found that I just have to keep plugging away at it even if it means that I only do 5 minutes, usually I can do a bit more the next day. The best advise my doc gave me was listen to your body, it will tell you when to stop, don't push too far, but be sure you do keep trying. When I was in the hospital the PT I met with ave me excersies I can do with my legs that I will do on the days I can't even crawl to the treadmill, just to be sure I am doing something with my legs/body.

I have been following my docs advise for the past four months and I have been able to work my way up to 20 minutes most times, but on bad days (like the past week) I go back to between 5 and 10. So, you are not alone, many POTsy patients have this happen, but in my experience and doctors suggestions, I say just keep plugging away at it, doing only what you can each day.


Oh! My doc also suggested I get a heart rate monitor to wear when I am walking and told me to not let my HR go above 120

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Yep, I get super dizzy, weak, etc. if I push it too far physically. Somedays that means I have to lie down all day. Other days I can walk around the house a bit. I've just had to learn to listen to my body and slow down or stop when I feel my symptoms getting worse.

I hope you can find an exercise routine that works for you. Don't give up!


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Hi Jacquie. Exercise seems to have a bad effect on me too. I know it's supposed to be good but it's hard to exercise when we end up feeling worse. I wonder if you get dizzy on the treadmill because of the upright position? I've noticed in the past that my heart races faster when I use a treadmill but not when I use a stationary bike (the one where your legs are out in front of you). I've found the best exercise for me is water therapy. My doctor had sent me for water therapy for my foot pain and the therapist had me doing aerobic activity in the water - walking, treading water, "bicycling" - and I had no problems at all. I'm actually planning on returing to water therapy in the near future. Dr. Grubb wants me to try and strengthen my legs to keep blood from pooling and water therapy is one of the few things I can do without increasing my symptoms.


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HI! I have the exact same problem and it is horrible. I've been bad and havn't been walking like I should, but I intend to start up this spring!

Anyways, the mst I've ever walked for is 10 minutes everyday a few years ago. The only way I got to this was starting out samll, major baby step, like start out with less than a minute and over the weeks gradually work up. the progress is painfully slow and fristrating, but it will be easier on your body!

The problem I'm having right now is that florinef makes you gain weight and I would like to get rid of a couple of pounds. No more then 5, but idk how? b/c I can't do that much intense exercise :) Any ideas?

<3 Madeline

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Oh he-l-l-o!

I've been having a torrid affair with exercise for two years. We get together and break up constantly- always driving me to sniffle to my friends as if they are wierd exercise brain therapists and then I head for the ice cream. Then exercise finds me in a crowd and we start up again.

It was getting so bad at one point that two of my doctors said "oh.just.stop!" For doctors to tell you to not exercise- that is pretty bad.

The thing is- I am overweight and for all of my 20s and early 30s I was going to school, working 2+ jobs and burning the candle at both ends. Now that I realize how I've beat up my body by not exercising I want to burn it all off. One sore point is when I say that I have chronic nausea and I get the once over as if that person is thinking that I must be kidding if I have this weight on me. (the BRAT diet is NOT slimming!)

So, in order to break the cycle of binge exercising and then the inevitable misery and flat in bed day- I've tried building up gradually. It is really hard. Dr. Low suggested that I just do 5 min a day for a month and then increase etc. I think that has, by far, been the most helpful. He also said to stay away from arm work and just do leg strengthing stuff. (he didn't use the word "stuff" though). I have stretchy bands. Maybe this would help.

I'm by no means an expert, but this has worked for me so far. I'm up to intermittent 40 min/day and have been out of the IV center for a month.

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