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Vacuuming And Pots...does Anyone Have A Roomba?


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I haven't been able to vacuum now since my POTS onset (4 1/2 years). My husband vacuums when he gets time (not often - maybe once/month??). I've been thinking about saving up for a Roomba (robotic vacuum).


Does anyone have one? Experiences?

Thanks for your input! :P


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I have a Scooba (the robot mopper machine), but not the Roomba. I have two friends who have Roombas and they love them.

I definitely like my Scooba...mopping is definitely a chore that makes me very symptomatic. I just use vinegar and water in my Scooba (as I'm sensitive to chemicals in most cleaning agents) and it does a great job. It does take about 45 minutes per room though, so I have to do it on a day that I'll be in the house to check on it every now and then, as it can get stuck once in a while, but not often.

Over all I'm happy with the Scooba. The Roomba might be next on my list. I'm such a picky vacuumer though, I like to get under couches and in every nook and cranny, so I don't think the Roomba could live up to my high standards! HA HA! :)

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These are the 2 household chores I have the hardest time with. That and laundry.

I would be afraid of things getting vacuumed up that weren't supposed to be?

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"Dawg Tired"....you've sold me! =)

The great news is that we are going to buy one!

Any suggestions as to where to get a Roomba? I've looked on Amazon.com but it's a bit confusing because they have all of the models - it's hard to tell which ones are the latest models.

Any suggestions?


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You can also find the best prices by using a price search engine, such as froogle (part of google). http://froogle.google.com

other pricesearchers include:




Can you tell I'm an online shopper? I HATE the mall... probably because it's made me symptomatic for as long as I can recall.


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