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What Do You Do When You Walk On The Street And Get Very Potsy Feeling


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if i am close to home to try to stay walking and get home quickly.. or as quickly as my body will allow.. and if i'm not i will sit right down .. dont care if it on the sidewalk or in the dirt... b/c sometimes.. you just have too.. and yes carrying water is a must...

if i get to the point that i cant go on i call for a ride or call a cab or something..and i sit and find that i rock back and forth.. for some reason it helps keep me from going totally under..

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I try not to panic as I fear fainting on the street. Then, I slow down but keep walking. I count my steps to try and focus on something else. If I keep feeling faint, then I rest wherever i am. I always fuel up before walking, take a drink and eat an apple, or carrot etc so my blood sugar is up and take my walkman so I keep distracted as I usually feel like I am going to faint when I walk, but I pretty much don't. When the road seems to roll up and down like a wave I know I am in trouble and head home.

Recently, my husband and I were shopping in a ritzy store

and there was not one chair in the whole store. So I sat down on the floor of the change room, just about passed out and the shop assistants couldn't care less! I looked like a drunk! :( Eventually, I had some food, drink and felt better and wobbled off to the car.

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Mostly I try to keep walking, but recently found out it's not such a good idea when your vision starts to contract. I was in a store and didn't see the shelf near the floor. Luckily I was able to regain my balance before I knocked anything over, or hurt myself (too much).

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I try not to make any quik movements, as this makes everything worse. Water and breathing helps.(I tend to hold my breath when not feeling well)

If I can I will hold onto something for balance.


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Keep walking,or stand and kneel cross legs over each other and flex thigh muscles.and if worse comes to worse I will lay down wherever I am and put feet above head...remember guys stores that usually make us tremendously symptomatic have a patio section(walmart) or a beanbag/chair section. I just take advantage of those.


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