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Pots And Asthma


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I have had Asthma for about 9 years and have rarley needed to use albuterol, however since my POTS diagnosis, my Astma symptoms have been worse. I feel like someone is sitting on my chest, and my voice is horse most of the time. I went to urgent care and they took a chest x-ray to rule out anything unusual. I think it is my asthma, however I am afraid to use my albuterol inhaler because it triggered tachycardia on the best of days. Now that my tachycardia is more presistent, I am afraid to make my POTS worse.

Has anyone with Asthma and POTS been told not to take albuterol? My only other option is more steroids.

Thanks for your ideas?


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Yeah. I've take it every once in awhile. I've had breathing treatments actually because of POTS nausea makes me throw up sometimes and that it my worst trigger. I think my HR went way up with the breathing treatments, it feels a little fluttery with the albuterol- but OK. I have it actively prescribed, but the florinef has really taken my daily asthma away. Like, really away!

I would check with your Doc, but as someone with both Asthma and Pots- Albuterol has been a no biggie for me.

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When given the choice between breathing and not, I choose breathing even if it provokes tachy for me. My inhaler tends to give me about a fifteen minute blast of tachy, but I just ride it out.

What has helped me tremendously is my regimen of advair and singulair every day, as well as zyrtec, and lastly, benedryl for night time. I can't tell you HOW MUCH the singulair has done to help me. It prevents the inflamation that tends to set off my attacks.

On a really bad day, I have to break out the big mamajama nebulizer and just deal with an hour of my heart racing in trade for deep breaths.


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I have asthma, and I can take albuterol, but I hate it because of the jittery/tachy feeling. However, after I was diagnosed with POTS, my doctor prescribed Xopenex (not sure about that spelling). It is the same thing as abuterol, but sort of the opposite. My doctor explained to me that all drugs have a left hand side and a right hand side. He said that Xopenex is the "left hand side" of Albuterol. I know I'm not explaining this well, but anyway, Xopenex has the same effects as Albuterol, but without the jitteriness and tachycardia feeling. He was right. I don't use Albuterol anymore and I don't have to weigh the unpleasant asthma symptoms versus having a bout of uncontrolled tachycardia. You might want to ask you doctor or pharmacist about it.

Sorry for the lame explanation!


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I am begining to sound like a broken record on the topic of allergies and POTS but, here goes:

Anyone with POTS should have their allergies under control, thus limiting or even eliminating the need for "rescue" inhalers. There are many effective allergy-asthma treatments that are preventative in nature and do not cause tacycardia, or at least they are less offensive than Albuterol. An allergist can sort these out with you.

Nina's regimen is one example and you can see my regimen in my signature below. A good "base" program taken every day, year round can go a long way to prevent symptoms from getting out of control. It can be done and it is worth it. You have my sympathy--asthma is not fun.

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I was on albuterol inhaler for quite some time.. they misdiagnosed me with having astma.. when infact i have a lung disease... BUT.. yes the inhaler does cause your heart to increaase... but it pumping the body up so you can breath...

Um nebulizers do the same thing to me.. But I'd deal with the discomfort of the neb. so i can breath though..

there is a newer inhaler out _i'm sorry though I cant recall the name-- it was given to me last october when i had a bad bad case of bronchitus.. it does not stimulate the heart like regular inhalers doo..

its a real toss up breath or have tachy.. both are neeeded!! (thoughwe can live with out the tachy!

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I have asthma too and cannot use Albuterol. I used my son's nebulizer once with Xopenex and my heart raced for 12 hours. I use Pulmicort (2 puffs at night) and when I get a cold I add 2 pufs in the morning. I cannot take Singulair because for some weird reason it makes my heart race too. I'm very sensitive to medications. B)

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Albuterol makes me tachy also- I take Clarinex everyday and haven't had asthma. When I DO need the inhaler, I rinse my mouth out vigorously afterwards, and brush my teeth to keep it from being absorbed in through my gums. I find this decreases the tachy.

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I have asthma, and I can take albuterol, but I hate it because of the jittery/tachy feeling. However, after I was diagnosed with POTS, my doctor prescribed Xopenex (not sure about that spelling). It is the same thing as abuterol, but sort of the opposite. My doctor explained to me that all drugs have a left hand side and a right hand side. He said that Xopenex is the "left hand side" of Albuterol. I know I'm not explaining this well, but anyway, Xopenex has the same effects as Albuterol, but without the jitteriness and tachycardia feeling. He was right. I don't use Albuterol anymore and I don't have to weigh the unpleasant asthma symptoms versus having a bout of uncontrolled tachycardia. You might want to ask you doctor or pharmacist about it.

Sorry for the lame explanation!


Thanks for the suggestion Carolyn. I will check into it.


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