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Chest Pain

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The past few days have been quite rough for me, the usual blacking out can't breathe potsy episodes. But last night came as a shocker to me and I'm looking for reassurance that it's normal.

I woke up around 3 am with a sort of dull chest pain in the left side. Now I've had chest pain before and it never was much of anything, maybe my GERD...This continued for another hour but as time went on, when the pain would come back I would get some sort of heat flash. When I would try and get up my heart would take off like it was in a marothon. I eventually made it over to my moms room and thats when the tremors started. After another hour had passed, it was like my body began to calm down and the pain subsided. I still have some discomfort, but nothing like last night. May I mention, this was not a panic attack as many would look upon and say...definately brought on some anxiety, lol. I was thinking I was having a heart attack or something. It was terrifying! :0

Does this sound familiar to anyone? I really need some imput on this one to put my mind and nerves at ease.

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I have had very similar experiences, waking up early morning with symptoms such as you desribe. I always debate hospital ER visit or not- hard to know at times. I would say this would be worth calling your physician about. When in doubt on chest pain, as you described I would call for medical advice. My physician's office doesn't mess around with chest pain, not sure of your full circumstance. Have you had cardio eval?

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Yeah, I always debate an er visit. I can't stand going there because I know that I'm not going to get the right treatment, and they don't understand my condition.

The only thing about calling my doctor, is that, the office is closed. Since I haven't had chest pain since the incident last night, I might wait until Monday. Now if it happens again, be sure I will call someone for medical advice. I do remember having a few episodes like this, especially around that time of the month, and it went away just as it came about.

I've had a cardio evaluation, everythings working correctly that I know of. My only thing problem is my inappropriate sinus tachy which eventually led to my pots diagnosis. Other than that, I passed my stress test with flying colors which is wonderful because I'm only 20 yrs old. Too young for heart probs...

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Once in a while I get bad chest pain on the left side that radiates in my left or right arm...depends on the day! Sometimes the Beta Blocker helped and other times it didn't. I'm not on my BB right now so it most likely will start popping up again.

Let your doctor know first thing Monday and see what they say. I never have had a stress test, but I have had echocardiogram, holter monitors, EKG's, etc..

Good Luck, hope you have a pain-free weekend! :)


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Yes, I get it alot. I get the chest pain, and it even goes done mt left arm, and up to my jaw. The thing is you want to get it checked out and talk to your doctor. The times I have gone to the ER I have found my heart is in PVC, or PAC, or SVT. THe thing is most times I get fluids and oxygen and it goes away, somtimes I have gotten meds too. Anymore I just wait it out as I have oxygen at home which helps. But most of all I know what it is and have talk with the doctors.

The big thing is you need to find what is casusing your chest pain and go from there. You need to find out, that way if it is minor you can reminder yourself, and try to get thought it, or if it is a big problem you know to go to the hopsital right away. So please go to a doctor and get checked out, and let us know how it goes!

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