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No Cysts

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Hi all,

I had my ultrasound today and they didn't find any cysts. However, I'm still not entirely conviced that I don't have PCOS. I just have too many of the symptoms. I have chronic acne that comes and goes despite impeccable facial hygene, I put on weight easily and have to fight daily to keep from getting fat, before I went on birth control I had horribly irregular periods, and I have cramps in my utereran area all of the time, even when I'm not menstruating. I also have skin tags that occasionally pop up.

Could my ultrasound be negative for cysts but I still have PCOS? If that's possible, is there any other way to test for PCOS? I just think it's strange that all of these symptoms would be because of POTS, since none of them are listed as POTS symptoms.



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You need to get tested for testerone/estrogen levels.

And also be aware that there are different thoughts on what comprimises PCOS- I, for example, have tons of ovarian cysts (even had them scraped out via a painful surgery), but have just recently been told that it's NOW considered (as opposed to 3 yrs. ago, when I was dxd) a hormone disorder. Course I think it may just be an excuse for the fact that they didn't know what the heck they were doing, but whatever.

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Hi lauren.. my gyno and endocriniloigst told me recently that you dont necessarily need to have cycsts on your ovaries to have PCOS.. ( despite what some docs might think).. I do have one cyst on my one ovary.. but they dx'd me with if b/c my testosterone levels are high.. and I'm insulin resistant.. and b/c of the high levels of testosterone floating around in me for several years.. I've gotten "furrier" then I'd like..excess hair thing going on.. and just based on them looking at me.. they said i "fit" the body type for PCOS.. b/c all of my weight is in my middle mid section...

my armsa and legs are still skinnny..! I used to be very skinny before my body started going nuts!! not no more.. holy cow!..

but uh. yeah have them runs some labs and specifically ask them to run check the testerone levels.. and other hormone levels.. and to run an AC1.. i think its called that will check your glucose (sugar) levels over all for the past 3 months or so.. and if that is elevated.. ask them for a glucose monitor so you can track you sugar levels and see if they are up down or just right..

but in a nut shell.. pcos is primarily dx'd any more strictly by if there are cysts on your ovaries.. but it is something that they check b/c it can be a key factor .. they look at labs and stuff now as well..

if it turns out that you have pcos.. there are treatment options available to help level things out..

good luck dear

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I am not what they consider a typical PCOS type. I went to an endocrinologist to check if there were any other reasons why my heartrate was high plus I was starting to worry about having a five o'clock shadow soon.. :) as well as hair just where you do not want it to be...sigh.... and acne. Sometimes better sometimes worse.

I had an ultrasound prior to my visit for a different reason and it showed a cyst of some sort on one and a paraovarian on the other. When I got my blood results she told me it was suggestive of pcos though I did not fit the typical profile with my weight.

She did say that some do well on a low carb diet plan. I have not done anything different nor taken any meds. I have to go back every 3mths for blood.

Whether I really have it or not, I am not sure but I do fit many of the symptoms.

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Guest sonotech

Did they perform a "vaginal" ultrasound (internal)? That is the best way to see the ovaries since sometimes cysts are too small to see abdominally (through the top of the belly).

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Hi Sonotech,

Yup, they did a vaginal ultrasound. Apparantly my reproductive organs are perfect (just about the only system in my body that is ;) ) I'm going to ask for the hormone testing though, and if that comes back negative, than I guess I can attribute my symptoms to my dysautonomia.



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