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Denied- Ssdi


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Well I got the letter today that I am denied for SSDI. I am so upset, I am hurt, my husband is very upset and I think is going to really lose it. I wish the goverment could see how badly this effect people like me.

This is how I found out I stopped at the post office on the way to the doctor appoitment. I open the letter in the office. I am gald I was the only one in the waiting room. I kept it together untill I got back in the room I just starting crying. I waited 6 months to read the words DENIED. I let my doctor read it and he is so upset, hes going to make a few calls and even said we would wirte a letter or what ever I need. The thing that makes me the most made is there a plcae where the have the name of the doctor, or where the medical recovers come from and when. They did not have MAYO, Cleveland, or U od I listed, the didn't use any of that info. They are all the ones that said I had POTS. I called the Sentors office here, and they said to add that info to the appeal information, but now that at lease another 3-4 month. I feel bad saying this, but I need some money coming in. My husband is already working 80 hours a week ( 2 jobs) to make up for me not working, it not hos fault I am sick, and now I am not sick enough for SSDI!!!!

The letter said due to my age, education, and that I am not sick enough I should be able to find a job that I can work. ( Like who is going to hire me..... I am an a wheelchair most of the time. I get pain shots weekly, so I am high half the time, I pass out, I can't take heat, and I need at least one nap a day....) but will you please hire me any ways???

Sorry for venting I am just really upest right now!!!!

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My heart goes out to you. As if being sick isn't enough, dealing with a social security denial is enough to put most of us over the limit. I have had to hire an attorney in the past to help with LTD claims. I know it is not fun. I am glad you have a supportive MD. That will help your case when you feel up for the fight.


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I hear your frustration and sadness. I spent the day filling out my SSDI appeal paperwork. I was also denied and it is interesting that the experience was similar. They did not have the past three or four months of paperwork, and their statement about age,education,etc., the same. I think that must be a standard line!!

Stated I was "severely impaired" and realize I" can not perform work as I have in past, but there is other work available in general economy that I can perform"-

stated I could sit for 6hrs, and stand 2 hrs. --- not sure who decided that, surely not my physician who I have worked with for 20 YEARS!!!!!!! If I could do that I would have been back to work a year ago!!!

My former position was mostly desk and computer work, with pt. visits as well-so if one can't do such limited physical activity, what would they suggest???? I do not have the computer skills for in home work, which is about the only thing I could consider at this point. Something from home, when feeling up to it-varies minute to minute. Would not be able to do scheduled work.

I see that they didn't even use the info I faxed them two days before I received letter at their request------

Well, I am venting with you and have put off the paperwork for appeal for weeks, because it is such a drain.

I am aware that this is quite common with applications and both of my physicians agree that I should have been approved.

We have to somehow get the strength to fight it. My husband also works many jobs and has the added stress of caring for a loved one-then the financial stress this puts on families. I am fortunate that I have disability through work at this point. I was wondering if you would be eligible for any state assistance, dift. from Soc. Sec. I am not sure what your state offers for programs. Applying for assist. is not what any of us want to do, but must do to survive. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!! :(

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I'm so sorry you have to go through this. It's just sad that those who are actually sick are being denied. I just wanted to write because I understand the frustration of being denied.

I just filled out my paperwork today for an appeal. I was denied .... it was my first time applying.

I hope the appeal process goes smoothly and just want you to know that you're not alone in this struggle. My husband also works way too much (about 4 jobs) in order to keep our household going as well.

Hang in here,


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I was also denied after 8 months of waiting for a decision. I sent the appeal papers in a while back and hadn't heard anything, so I called and they couldn't locate it ( I dropped the appeal off in person!). Finally they found it and said that it "hadn't been entered into the system." At that point they had had it over a month, so when does it get into the system??

I now have a lawyer, because honestly dealing with all the paper work in addition to everything was just too much for me. I sent my lawyer an email with updated doc apptmt dates, etc and he is going to get the records. My dr. filled out a report saying that I could not sit or stand for over 2 hours w/o laying down for 20 minute intervals and I got the line that I am severely impaired but they said I could find other work. My lawyer got a good laugh when he saw all this. He looked over my med. reports and said I should be fine, it is just going to take some time.

Anyhow, I share all your frustrations. Goodluck to all of us! :(


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Guest Julia59

I know how you feel. I was denied twice already-----despite the fact that I had two functional capacity reports filled out that said I can't work by two expert Docs. I went to their SSDI "appointed" Doc---and he lied and slandered me throughout his report, and that was the report they went by----some fly by night Doc that couldn't get a decent job, so he was hired by the state to get people denied their SSDI.

I'm not able to work. But I'll tell you what, I can lie in bed and call the right people to fix that Doc, and his cohorts. I involved the senators, congresswoman, and my attorney. I also wrote a letter of complaint to SSDI, and they did reply by saying the matter would be looked into---but I doubt it. It's a big dirty system................... :blink:

It seems that somehow they lose valuable medical information that is important to your case-----it's rather convenient, don't ya think...............

I just advise you to make sure the medical records get there by following up yourself-----sometimes the attorneys don't even get the job done. Take down the name of the person you talk to from SSDI when you call to insure your records are received. Get a functional capacity report filled out also by your physicians------letting SSDI know what you CAN'T do. Have them list symptoms that are disabling---like uncontrolled arrhythmias---------------tachycardia is considered one of them.

My husband also works a lot of overtime---and in the winter, he works two jobs-----he's a letter carrier, but he also has a bachelors degree in accounting---so he does taxes in the winter now. However, I feel fortunate we have an income----other then the one I lost five years ago. I worry so much about those who are on their own---no income coming in-----what in the heck do they do when SSDI shoves them around for 4 years....................???????? :(

I'm mad for you----and sad, and I don't blame you for being so upset. Unfortunately most people get denied the first time---and also on the reconsideration fase.

Hang in there------get on them-----K.........

Julie :0)

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Yeah, I agree with what Julia said. Alot of ppl get denied during the first application and also the appeal. It's like they want you to just give up. No way, not me. Don't the get the fact that if we could work, we gladly would?!

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Guest sonotech

I know how bad that must hurt to see that you were "denied" after all this time. I am still in the SSDI process myself and am trying not to get my hopes up. I have myself "braced" for a denial letter, but even then I know it is going to hurt to see those words.

What are they thinking??? I am sure you are like me, and the rest on this forum. I know I TRIED to work with this illness for many years, but of course I got sicker, and it is REALLY HARD to keep a job when you must CONSTANTLY call in sick, show up late, and start making up excuses just to try and KEEP your job.

I know that I finally lost 3 jobs within 1year due to illness and how doe they consider us "employable" when we can't keep a job and we are so "unpredictable" with our attendance.

I don't care WHAT kind of job you have, even McDonalds wouldn't put up with low employee attendance and chronic "calling in sick".

The system is just RIDICULOUS!!!!!

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What I find interesting is that many people with mental illness have SSDI benefits but they are able to do more things than we can on a daily basis, but yet we are not considered sick enough for benefits. It just really doesn't make any sense. I guess we should stop being fighters with our illness, go nuts, and than after spending time in an insane asilym, maybe we'd get some benefits from SSDI!!!

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you NEED to vent about this, as a denial is hitting you right in the face. i know the feeling and a lot of us do. i hope you can get yourself a very good lawyer (maybe it's already suggested, i wasn't able to read everything) who can help you with this. let everybody out there (doctors i mean) write a letter in which they explain your situation and we all will be hoping that you will get ssdi in the end. i know it is a long and very difficult way which brings a lot of tears and anger but when you finally win, it will be worth it (although i remember that i didn't feel like "wininning", more like loosing the ability to work).

i'll be thinking of you,

corina :)

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For me personally, it's ridiculous that I am fighting for SSDI knowing that I'm not even going to be making alot of money to live off of. I can't work so obv. I have to do it, but geez, don't they get that we do actually need it.

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my god.. I am very sorry that you got the dreaded dneied letter in the mail... I'm sending you lots og hugs right now.... ( i know doesnt do much for the immediate problem.... but I SOOOOOO understand what you are going thru..

I was On SSI-- from shortly after birth until I was 18 yrs old.. and at 18- the big magic age.. they decided that I was now "WELL" enough to work.. mind you I had pots then too.. didnt know it though.. kept getting told that i was a looney bird and it was all in my head and stress... well long story short... the SSI office really p**sed me off.. so I said screw it I will go work.. despite the fact that I' was sick every other day with some odd ball thing... So I did that for 2 years.. often working 2-3 jobs at a time.... I worked a little bit when i was 16-17-18 ( i had too as I was liveing on my own since 15..) but at 20 I had to stop working all together.. and applied for SSDI this time..

I too got denied the first time.. aftre waiting about 5 months to hear something.. I too cried... and wondered waht i was going to do.. another long story short.. I some how made it my dear.. and i did get approved some 2 yrs later... i fought the appeal..with little help actually from a lawyer...i gathered what documantation that i could and took it with me to the hearing.. and i heard back in less then 2 weeks.. asying that i'd been awarded full benefits.. and ironically enough that i had worked/ put in enough to the "system" by working all those jobs for 2 years!!!!!!!!! to qualify for SSDI..

but i'm rambling...i just wanted you to know that I'm thinking...and i'm sorry about the denial leteer and i hope that your appeal goes quickly.. i dont know how they can say that we "you" can work after looking at waht we go thru!.my goodness.. its obserd!! How do these people sleep at night knowing what they are doing to folks.. ( the ssi people).. geeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!



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Sorry it's taken so long for me to even reply back to you all. I been got though all the feelings right now. I started working on the appeal. I a so mad I find it very hard to complete the paper work. I am not going to let them get them best of me, its just so hard. I feel like life just keep on dumping on me and I can't get a break. Here I am sick, I need help, my doctors say I can't work and will not clear me to work. SSDI says I can work, and when I called Iowa work force today, they said there is now way I am empolyable, but to go ahead and make an appoitment. My mom is foght cancer which I found out today is aggresive and she is going to be classafied in a high grade then we thought. My husband is working to the point of breaking, I have all this on my plate and I feel like I am going to break, to top it all off I just need to talk to some one and my theapist is out of town for two weeks (my luck!)

I will beat it though, I am a fighter and I amnot going to give up. I just really need a break!!!!

Thanks for listing!!!


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If you need someone to talk to feel free to talk to me....I hope things start to get better for you and your mom. Hang in there!

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I am so sorry that you have so much you are going through right now, especially with the illness your mom is now facing. Somehow, I believe you will find the strength to get you through these most trying times.

Do you have a close friend, family member (other than mom) or church that can provide you with added emotional support?

Thinking of you --------

Arms are reaching to send you a hug

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I have a great idea. Why don't you contact the SSI office, asd tell them you would be happy to work in their office. Would tell them that now that you are aware of your life thank you thank you SSI. That you would like to share!!! Miriam :o

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I don't think that would work.... because, obviously - we DO more work that most of them do!

Hubby was approved in August 2004 for his SSDI. The Lawyer sent us to a collection agency when they didn't have their money by December - because we had not seen a single penny from them despite multiple phone calls. I finally got a congressman in ANOTHER state to inquire. It seems that the person assigned to handle his case had quit-been fired-retired... who knows what? But anyway it was assigned to someone who DID NOT EXIST! Finalli in February 2005 we got a check. No apology - nothing from the attorney - who COULD have handled this for us.

Nope, WE are too efficent to work for them!

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You know it's true. I really am not sure what they do. The push the papers around for a few months, when all along they knew they where going to not approve the claim, while the take more time away from people who need the support. I upseting that it's so hard in yet there are so moany people on SSDI just doing there thing and don't need it. I am sure there is somthing mental going on but could they work, we are the ones passing out, so weak that can barly do anything, we are the one stuck in a hosue losing every little piece of oursleves we have left. The only thing I have left to make me feel that I am somthing is to contribut to may family someway, I thought is ssdi went thought at least I am support our family some, I would feel alittle more normal, but no it doesn't happen.

What I would like to know is how to the people work there? Really could you live with what you are doing. The sad part is they go to work everyday and do it day after day, the turth to the matter is the don't think twice about what the person is going though as the look at the claim, what the preson life has become there one job it to find anything to not approve the claim! What a job!

Sorry you can tell I am still a little upset. But I do feel better after I vent. The truth is I am going to fight this to my very last day. I am not going to give up. SSDI is there for people like us. We worked for it, every check we where ever paid the took there money for SSDI now it time they give it back when needed!

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Hey there,

I am fighting along with you and don't plan to give up until I win. It's one thing to worry about being sick, but then not being able to pay the bills is another problem. I have family stuff going on as well and it sure as heck doesnt help with my health. My therapist told me yesterday she got a request for info from SSDI, she said she has to fill out the paperwork. I don't know if what she puts will even make a difference, but she does know there is no way I can work f/t or p/t.

Anyhow, hang in there....I know it's hard though.


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With you being young, a letter written from your doctor on his letterhead stating tht gainful employment is not possible, can help you move through the appeals system faster- possibly. So, DEFINITELY have your doctor write a letter and request a RECORDS BASED decision- you may not even have to go to court. This is what my attorney told me when I went through this last year. I did have to go to court but the hearing took less than ten minutes and I was approved on the spot.

Good luck and don't give up hope.


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I know what you mean they told me the same thing i am a Machinist i cant even watch a machine run let alone be safe enough to operate it and in a wheel chair i am done now lets say i do go back to school for another job what can i do in a wheelchair who is going to drive me to work every day and what can i do my mom already quit her job to take me to doctors appt and watch me i cant leave the house without anyone i need someone with me that knows about POTS and they want me to get a job and on top of the POTS i am a severe diabetic but according to SSI i can still work

DOING WHAT i am sure they wont even hire me i am half tempted to apply at the social sucurity office and let them refuse to hire me

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