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Very Symptomatic

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Hi guys,

So I tried to do a good dead and I made my mom and our elderly neighbor dinner and I feel like I'm going to pass out, even thought I sat down and layed down for a while. I, of course, have the SOB as well... I don't understand yesterday I was able (just barely) to walk around for a half hour, now I don't even think I can make it to the couch. What is going on here???

...And of course my friends and I had plans to go see a movie tonight....not happening now.


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So sorry you are having a hard day. I have had times in the past when I would have a downward spiral of symptoms over a period of a week or month. I have had those symptoms too--SOB, weakness, feeling like I am going to pass out. It is SO hard and frustrating. Keep yourself hydrated! Hope you are on an upward swing in the coming days.

If these symptoms are not typical for you, can you give your doctor a call?

Take care, Katherine

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Guest tearose

There is sunshine behind those clouds!

Hang in there!

Hope you can find something fun to do today.

Wiggle those toes once in a while for exercise... :D

take care, tearose

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It is rare to have a day where I can stand long enough to make dinner.

Nadine, have you thought about getting a stool for your kitchen? I have a swivelling bar stool that I keep in my kitchen and sitting in it allows me to do dishes and cook small meals when I feel good. If I didn't have it, I'd never be able to do anything for myself food wise.

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I'm just curious if you are on Meclizine or anything like that for the dizziness. When I had vestibular probs. my doc prescribed those.


Does sitting on barstools bother you?? I don't know if it's because of the legs dangling, but it makes me very symptomatic.


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I'm just curious if you are on Meclizine or anything like that for the dizziness. When I had vestibular probs. my doc prescribed those.


Does sitting on barstools bother you?? I don't know if it's because of the legs dangling, but it makes me very symptomatic.


I tried Meclizine with numerous other meds and passed out with most of them. I was hospitalized twice because things were so bad. Just extremely sensitive to meds at such low doses, that amaze the physicians. I haven't tried the stool, so I don't know if it would bother me or not. I was unsuccessful with my very and I mean very limited PT for balance. I felt worse for days, so they discharged me. I just keep trying. The vertigo itself is better than it was, but balance still off and varies.

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Have you had any vestibular rehab.? My ENT had me do that for a few weeks and it helped out quite a bit. The other med I was on was the Scopolamine Patch (sp?).


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Hi Jacquie-

yup tried that. Was in rehab for a couple months with vestibular specialist, some help-limited. I still try to do some of the exercises. I at least can move my head now, but the walking is still an ongoing issue. I did the specialists, etc. Seems like more than one thing going on in my body for sure-

Hope you get another movie night soon.

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Thanks, I guess they didn't end up seeing a movie last night after all. Anyhow, my vestibular hypofunction lasted a few months...but it seemed so much longer. I can relate to some of the issues your having. No fun.

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